Thursday, 05 November 2020 22:21

The Chevalier Family Justice and Peace - intention for the First Friday, November. And today is the feast of our Spanish martyrs from the Civil War.

The Chevalier Family Justice and Peace - intention for the First Friday, November.

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And today is the feast of our Spanish martyrs from the Civil War.

Human rights are based on dignity, equality and mutual respect – regardless of your nationality, your religion or your beliefs.


Your rights are about being treated fairly and treating others fairly, and having the ability to make choices about your own life. These basic human rights are:


  • Universal They belong to all of us – everybody in the world
  • Inalienable They cannot be taken away from us
  • Indivisible and interdependent Governments should not be able to pick and choose which are respected.

      And, complementary to rights are obligations  


Our martyrs were seven young MSCs between the ages of 20 and 28, 3 brothers and 4 priests, who were killed in 1936 simply because they were religious and/or priests, for hatred of the Christian faith. All were working in our formation house in Canet del Mar and went to their death by firing squad as a community, proud to be MSC and boldly witnessing to their faith in Christ.

martyrs canet de mar