Displaying items by tag: Wildhood movie

Thursday, 07 December 2023 10:57





Canada, 2021, 108 minutes, Colour.

Phillip Lewitski, Joshua Odjik, Jordan Poole, Michael Greyeyes, Savonna Spracklin.

Directed by Bretten Hannam.


Wildhood is a Canadian film, based on the life and experiences of the writer-director. It is a road film, a quest film, a young man in search of the mother who seems to have abandoned him.

The film opens with the rough experience of the teenager, Lincoln, played by Philip Lewitsky. He and his half brother, Jordan Poole, are pursued by the police, Lincoln placed in a cell along with the mysterious First Nation woman who later appears with some explanations, dragged out of jail by his abusive father.

This is the setting for Lincoln and his brother leaving in search of his mother, Lincoln perpetually angry and resentful, yet bonding with his brother.

There are various adventures along the way, the resentful Lincoln and an outburst in a store, being helped out by a young First Nations man, Pasmay who gives the two a lift, talking to Lincoln, persuades him to share the journey to find his mother. There is a lyrical swimming sequence – initial indications of a gay relationship.

Lincoln follows various leads, addresses, clues from unopened letters and cards, visiting the house where his mother spent some time for rehabilitation, the manager not giving any information. There is also a genial First Nation cake-maker who takes them to a club, some more clues from the Drag Queen owner of the club, then an encounter with the old lady who had been in prison.

Lincoln has to face himself and his relationship with Pasmay, the film showing a sexual encounter and experience, then how to deal with finally meeting his mother.

Pasmay is a dancer at Pow Wows, demonstrating his skills, teaching Lincoln how to dance, and a final sequence, in his regalia, acclaimed dancing, then the three central characters dancing together at the end.

  1. The title, childhood, the two brothers, growing up, wild, the road journey, at the destination?
  2. Canadian film, the First Nations story and characters, issues? The character and journey based on the writer-director’s experience?
  3. The Canadian locations, homes on the edge of towns, the range of countryside travelled, jail sequences, houses along the way, the clubs, the meeting place for the mother? The musical score?
  4. Lincoln, his half brother, the stealing of the copper, the chase, arrested, in jail, with the mysterious First Nations woman, his later meeting her, her advice? His father, home life, brutality and violence? The decision to run away?
  5. Lincoln, his age, character, angry, resentful, the brutal father and his response, bonding with his half-brother, the absent mother and his puzzle about her abandoning him? The need to find her?
  6. The bonding between the two brothers, managing along the road, in the store, the checkout, his angry response?
  7. The encounter with Pasmay? The friendly touch, the angry response, the pursuit, calling the police, getting into the vehicle, driving away? Pasmay, the gradual explanation of his background, a dancer, his talent, demonstration, a loner, his family? The gradual revelation about his being excluded, gay orientation, needs?
  8. The effect on Lincoln, angry, walking off, persuaded to come back, continuing the journey? The exhilaration of the swimming sequence? Indication of gay themes emerging?
  9. The talk along the way, mood swings, a car breaking down, on the Road, the cake maker picking them up, conversation, friendly, the scene of delivering the cake, the maker’s nephew and his outburst, Lincoln running away?
  10. The various addresses, confidentiality, the woman at the house where his mother spent some time, the cake-maker and taking him to the club, the proprietor of the club, enigmatic, First Nation, some indications, looking into Lincoln’s eyes? The encounter with the old lady who was in the prison, walking together, her taking him to the destination?
  11. His mother, the initial response to her son, walking, following, the talk, the breaking down of reserve, the explanations, the reconciliation?
  12. The relationship between Lincoln and Pasmay, the swim, the waterfall, the sexual encounter, its effect on each of them? Breaking down barriers?
  13. The finale, Pasmay in regalia, his dancing, and the through them dancing on the beach?
Published in Movie Reviews