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Total Control 3
Australia, 2024, 6 x 60 minutes, Colour.
Deborah Mailman, Rachel Griffiths, Rob Collins, Wayne Blair, Wesley Patten, Huw Higginson, Anthony Hayes, Steph Tisdell, Benedict Hardie, Rosie Lourde, Lisa Hensley, Jozef Beer, Catherine McClements, Fayssal Bazzi, Maya Stange.
Directed by Wayne Blair, Jub Clerc.
The first series of Total Control made such an impact in 2019 that in 2021 the second series went to air on the ABC. Deborah Mailman as Alex Irving, politician, the central character, won many awards. Rachel Griffiths was a strong presence. There were dramatic complications about First Nations people, Alex and her life in Queensland, in Parliament, dependence on Rachel, their clashes. This was developed in the second series, also developing the relationship between Alex and her brother Charlie, Rob Collins, leading to strong tensions. There was also the relationship between Alex and her son, Eddie, Wesley Patten. And there was a great deal of political conflict.
This is taken for granted in the third series, Alex initially seen in Queensland, with her new advisor, very patient and sympathetic Jolie, Steph Tisdell. Alex is campaigning, challenging the government for floods in the North. This sets a pattern for her behaviour throughout this series, as an independent in the House of Representatives, outspoken, always challenging, confronting the new prime minister of a minority government, played by Wayne Blair (who also directed three episodes). She clashes with her brother Charlie, now married, his wife expecting, his working for the prime minister on policy and documents.
And, there is the continuing relationship, friendly and hostile, with Rachel, the latter wanting an alliance of independent members, difficulties in finance, possibilities of corruption, investigative journalist with threats. And there is the continued concern of Alex for her son, his being in Canberra, at a special school, involved in protests against racism, planning to be an exchange student.
There is also the issue of Alex’s health, her incessant work, collapse, surgery, secrecy.
The fifth episode is well worth seeing, parliamentary sitting, Alex warning the prime minister that she would be a threat, proposing amendments, the cause of social justice for the young, trapping the prime minister and his relentless advisor, Sharon, Lisa Hensley, getting the support of the boisterous leader of the opposition, Anthony Hayes, only to outwit him to get support for further amendments which the government is forced to accept.
One of the best of Australian television series.
- The title, Alex, have Total Control of herself?
- The popularity of the series, Australian life, society, First Nations people, politics, corruption, Canberra?
- The value of the miniseries, six hours to develop characters and themes?
- Deborah Mailman as Alex Irving? The three series? The origins, her journey, Queensland, aboriginal, the past, relationship with her mother, crisis and her mother appearing to her, her relationship with Charlie, relationship with her son, Eddie? The opening, the floods in Queensland, the need for aid, government inaction? Her visit, her assistant, representations to the government? Political will? The intervention of the Queensland government, opening the Winton Medical Centre, the irony of her mother and illness, delayed, her death?
- Alex, her age, career, ups and downs, out of the Senate, House of Representatives, relationship with Rachel over the years, relationship with Paul? Paul as Prime Minister, First Nations, minority government, the crossbench, the Greens? Alex and her associations? Her courses, youth justice, the arguments with Paul, the dinner with him and her family, clashes with Charlie? Relationship with the opposition leader, using him, outwitting him? Her reliance on Jolie, price, the bond, the talk, Alex not wanting Jolie to pester her? Her health situation, secretive, the discussions with the doctor, the need for an operation, going to Queensland, the secrecy, collapse, her relationship with Dominic, driver and security, his challenging her – confidant, the later evening, dancing, the kiss? Alex has driven, her moods, strict mother, advised to be free with her son?
- Rachel, the past, her leadership, losing government, the crossbench? Forming the alliance? The think tank? Nick and his influence? Matt, the opposition, her wanting to influence him? Her relationship with Alex, up and down, the visit for to discussions? Lobbying for boats? Rachel and the encounters with Marian, the interview, the material for the article, Rachel wanting the injunction, collaboration with the Greens, the think tank, the finances? Kathleen, the discussion, Helena, wanting to support? Her being the source of Marian’s information? Kathleen hacking Marian? Rachel and the confrontation? Rachel and her voting record? Peter and his advisory role, constant? Alex and her anger with Rachel, Rachel saying she was not above suspicion? Alex justifying herself and abandoning Rachel?
- Paul, Prime Minister, aboriginal background, political savvy, the minority government, personal involvement, strengths and weaknesses? The parliamentary sittings and abuse?) Sharon, tough attitudes, advice, strategies? The relationship with Alex, the conflicts? Alex challenging? Charlie, his job, writing, the deadlines, policies? Charlie and his outburst against Paul, the aftermath? Alex and her visits, the threats, the setting of the house of parliament, her amendments, Paul being trapped?
- The picture of the opposition, the gung ho leader, his abuse of parliamentarians, the Speaker correcting him? Conservative, his following? Supporting Alex, a new amendments, his being trapped, his eyes harsh attitudes towards youth? The walkout of his members who did not support him? Matt, principals, urged by Rachel, the rebel group, part of the alliance?
- Eddie, his age, Queensland background, life and friends, at home there? In Canberra, the school, private school, the students? Skipping school, friends, elitist groups? His protesting, the bigoted security guard, filming him, his being arrested, Alex ambushed by the media? Her reaction? Taking him to Queensland? Her not telling him about her health? The friend whom he supported with the filming, the police, going to the party, Charley driving them home, drinking, drunk, sick? Supported by Dee? Her pregnancy, waters breaking, driving her to the hospital, his presence, support, calling the baby Eric? His wanting to be an exchange student, the decision coming through, Iceland? His demanding honesty from his mother?
- Charlie, relationship with Alex, family, in Canberra, the previous attack on Alex and himself, the stabbing, the racist attack, the court case, the racists interview and apology? Charlie and his relationship with Dee, her pregnancy, nice couple, her professionalism, his job, the deadlines, the timing, policies? Phone calls with Alex? His outburst against Paul? His decision to go to therapy, the meetings? Late for the birth? Decisions about the future, haven’t Dee and her job, going back to Winton, the possibilities of New York?
- Jolie, the big woman, motherly, advisor and confidante to Alex, Rachel offering her the job, concerned about Alex’s health? Thank advice? The final decision about parliament?
- The Parliamentary sequence, the Speaker getting ready, the formalities, the rowdiness and the Speaker intervening? The issue, the amendments, the reactions, Alex and her presentation, having the floor, Paul and Sharon, the opposition initially supporting, Alex outwitting them, her speeches, the divisions, the press response? The success? The press and the accusations of corruption? Her collapse?
- The issue of corruption, Marion in her article, the accusations against Helena, her resigning? Rachel offering supply? Marian leaving the confidential dossier for Alex? The press conference and her honesty, the final confrontation with Rachel? The alliance, and Matt announcing Alex as leader?
- The finale, Alex talking to camera, about aboriginal leadership, accusations and challenges to the audience?