Displaying items by tag: Waves/ Czech Republic movie

Tuesday, 11 February 2025 22:39

Waves/ Czech Republic

waves czech



Czech Republic, 2024, 130 minutes, Colour.

Vojtech Vodochodsky, Ondrej Stupka, Tatiana Pauhofova, Stanislav Majer,

Directed by Jiri Madi.


An important Czech film, important for audiences in the Czech Republic but of great interest beyond. It takes us back to the era of the Soviet Union, a reminder of Stalinist repression in the prologue to the film, deaths and imprisonments, censorship and suppression. But it also takes us into the atmosphere of change in Europe in the middle of the 1960s, the freedoms in the West, the infiltration into Eastern Europe – some exhilaration and some dire consequences.

This is the story of Czechoslovakia, 1967-1968, a movement of dissent, of openness, desire for freedoms, the radio campaigns on radio Czechoslovakia and fearless broadcasters. These radio waves are the waves of the title. Then there is the emergence of Alexandder Dubceck, from Slovakia, his talk of freedoms, his election as Secretary General of the Communist Party, the fall of the President for corruption, a new Presidente and the sweep of exhilarating change.

The pride of the period is re-created, the radio, the studios, the technology – but the focus is on two brothers, Thomas, technician and his younger brother, Pavel, caught up in the protests, at the end of police brutality. The main story is that of Thomas, quiet, protective of his brother, but invited by the key broadcaster to work in the studio, his becoming more and more involved, but put upon by the secret police for information.

With the exuberance of the freedoms (and listening to Western songs and their lyrics, dancing to the rhythms…), Moscow is not pleased and relying on countries of the Warsaw Pact, there is an invasion of Prague, the putting down of the uprising, violence in the streets, prayers in the churches, but Radio Czechoslovakia, with the help of Thomas, maintaining encouraging broadcasting throughout the invasion.

Released in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Waves is not only a reminder of the past, of repression and popular uprising, but also a perspective on contemporary Russian politics and world responses.

  1. The impact for a Czech audience? In countries which were part of the Soviet Union? Audiences who remember 1967-1968? A historical record and drama for those born later?
  2. The title, waves, radio waves, broadcasting and its influence, its impact in Czechoslovakia, the potential for change, for support during the Soviet and Warsaw Pact invasion? Authorities and their fear of radio, freedom of speech, need for censorship and approval of texts?xxxxx all the and
  3. The prologue, the Stalinist era, the statistics of deaths, imprisonments, the atmosphere of the Soviet Union? In the aftermath of World War II? The Eastern European countries, the development, stripped communism, the exclusion of the West and its capitalistic and modern culture? If the changes by 1967…? Czechoslovakia and its film industry at the time, Oscar-winning films, Mueller’s foreman and his departure to the US and Oscars?
  4. The drama enabling the audience to appreciate the changes in 1967, the movement for change, the role of radio, the role of demonstrations and protests and brutal police putdowns, the authorities and the harsh application of the law, censorship, deprivation of freedoms? The style of life in Eastern Europe? The influence of Moscow?
  5. The drama of the two brothers, the background of their parents deaths, Thomas and his technical skills, older, concern about app Pavel, demonstrating, his brother’s concern and phone calls, Pavel being beaten? His wanting to go to the audition for me la wiener, Thomas forbidding, is actually going, the tension in the room, the phone calls, Thomas answering the phone, bought into the interview and getting the job?
  6. Thomas, his age, personality, concern about his brother, his job, technical skills, Hoffman as his boss, urging him to take the position, his unwillingness, the authorities approaching, his going to the office, the interview with me la, his collaboration with the other technician? The fact of keeping this all a secret from Pavel?
  7. Wiener, his background, ideas, the background of his family and children, daring, the broadcasts, check radio and the international studio, the journalist, the stories, their being suppressed, the censorship, the manager and his intrusions and interviews? The range of journalists, the personalities, courage and daring, Vera and her African experience, stern? Thomas observing? The issue of the letters condemning the broadcast, sending Vera and Thomas to meet the students, the discovery of the fake letters?
  8. The various tapes, interviews, the importance of the bank account of the Pres’s son, the phone calls to France, recordings, exposure, leading ultimately to the Pres’s press conferences, his resignation?
  • The emergence of Alexandre Deb, from Slovakia, his views, freedom of speech, the protesters and the printing of photos, pamphlets, distributing them, the role of the Secret Service and the police, the intrusions?
  • Thomas, finding a place at the radio, friends, trusted? The secret police, the approach, pursuing Pavel, confronting Thomas, the threats against Pavel, his giving the clue, the New Year’s Eve party, the secret police, finding the tape, the arrest of the journalist? The interrogation about Vera, the irony of his telling them about the French language, the recipes hidden in her stove?
  • Thomas, with Vera, her sternness, the party, the mellowing, the dancing, the sexual encounter? His finally telling her the truth, her walking away from him? Her being appointed to Tokyo?
  • The role of Hoffman, the boss, his party loyalties, his pleading to Thomas, urging him to get information? With the Russian invasion, calling Thomas, forbidding any news? His involvement in the broadcasts, trying to close them down, the final offer to Thomas and Thomas rejecting it?
  • The experience of 1968, the new Pres, his name of freedom, as party secretary, the introduction of ideas and styles from the west, the various songs throughout the film? An easier atmosphere? The democratic socialism?
  • The Soviet invasion, the journalist going to Moscow, telling Prague the suspicions, condemned as fascists? The cutting off of the communication to the embassy? The invasion, the tanks, the plains, during the night, the reaction of the people, protests, stopping the tanks, the fires, the vicious response? The scene in the church, the priest and the people, St Francis prayer? Listening to the broadcasts?
  • Malone, picnic, his collapse, the brain tumour, hospital? The role of the others maintaining the broadcasts, continued descriptions of the invasion, Vera at the microphone? The attack on the station, Vera and the others taking refuge in the Italian Embassy, continuing to broadcast, the BBC?
  • The role of Thomas, enabling the continued links, the connection to the Army radio, the desperation, the timing, the technicians, the continued broadcasts, Hoffman and his anger?
  • Thomas, enabling the broadcast, the soldier with his gunfire aimed at him, the manager of the station and his drinking and defiance? Thomas going home, the arrest, in the cell, let go?
  • Georgia, in Moscow, six days of negotiations, failure of the Spring uprising?
  • The irony of Thomas and his reporting to the secret police and their checking him out as an agent enabling him to promote the connections and the continued broadcasts?
  • The effect of the personalising of the story with the two brothers, Pavel returning and the decision to stay – but audiences knowing that it would be more than two more decades before the collapse of the Soviet Empire?
Published in Movie Reviews