Displaying items by tag: Teachers' Lounge/Das Lehrerzimmer movie

Tuesday, 30 April 2024 12:08

Teachers' Lounge, The/ Das Lehrerzimmer

teachers lounge



Germany, 2023, 98 minutes, Colour.

Leonie Benesch, Anne -Katherine Gummich, Rafael Stachowiak, Michael Klammer, Eva Lobau, Leonard Stettnisch.

Directed by Ilka Catak.


Could we see the school as a microcosm of the outside world? The answer is certainly yes, reinforced by this story of an episode in a German school. The Teachers’ Lounge was Germany’s nomination for Foreign Language Oscar.

The day seems to start very well. Carla (Leonie Benesch) is a new teacher at a school, her class consists of 12 year olds. We see her begin the day with happy rituals, the class eagerly joining in, chant, hands clapping, joy. She teaches maths and we see various interactions, concerning homework and tests, getting to know in some detail the children in the class. She is originally from Poland.

But, as the day and days progress, small situations arise, growing more serious, more extensive, and need for mediation for peace, accusations, evidence, hurt feelings, growing intransigence. And, as regards the microcosm, if this can happen with such animosity in the school, what about negotiations in contemporary or situations, civil wars in Sudan and Myanmar, conflict in Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Gaza? Hopes? Hopelessness?

The first inkling of trouble is accusations against one of the boys for stealing. He is innocent but his family are migrants from the Middle East, school management trying to avoid any hints of racism. Then the main trouble, Carla leaving her jacket with her wallet and a significant amount of money in the teachers’ lounge, coming back and finding it missing. But, she has a video camera on her computer and the arm and clothing are partly captured on the computer.

Accusations, denials, hurt, walkouts, condemnation of Carla for having the camera and unlawful filming of the staff, Carla interviewed by the student paper and their twisting her words in a sensational article, her students ganging up against her and refusing to cooperate in class… Microcosm!

The seeming impasses of the confrontation, the school principal and her interventions, the other members of the staff, changing attitudes towards Carla, the behaviour of the students, attempted meetings, animosities, no relenting… Is resolution possible?

Soon the film focuses on one of the boys, Oskar (Leonard Stettnisch in a standout performance) his mother working in the staff office, the reaction of the other children in the class, his behaviour and stances, threats of expulsion, Carla and her trying to be an intermediary to solve the issue.

There is a final moment, surprising, and then up come the final credits. As with so many serious films, it would seem that the resolution is left to audiences to determine, depending on their attitudes towards the situations, sympathies or not towards key characters.

However, for those interested in an interpretation which suggests a resolution, and IMD blog entry is well recommended, well argued, relying on the role of mathematics throughout the film: SPOILER, the ending explained IMO nyccents 27 January 2024

  1. the title, the school, the staff, staff relationships, students, crises and handling of crises?
  2. The action taking place within the school, the grounds? The classrooms, the teachers lounge, gymnasium, offices, secretarial? Authentic feel? Musical score?
  3. Carla’s story, German, her family from Poland, not wanting to speak Polish with the staff? Age, experience? In the classroom, the rituals to begin, chant, clapping hands? The clapping hands with students joining in throughout the day? Her maths classes, on the board, the homework, corrections? Interactions with the students? Interactions with the staff?
  4. The first crisis, the principal and the staff, including Carla, interviewing the class captains, to get information about who was stealing? The list, the silence, the nodding of the head? The identification of the boy? The interrogation? His parents, Middle East and background, issues of racism, language? The condemnation of this kind of getting information, enforcement of the students?
  5. The other children in the class, Oskar is clever, son of the secretariat, Lucas and his responsibilities, disturbing? Tom, sullen attitudes? Harley and the theft? The girls? Carla and her relationship to them? In class, in the gym, sport? Personal interactions?
  6. Carla leaving the jacket in the teachers lounge, checking the money, coming back, the money gone, the video, the arm and the blouse? Checking the staff, confronting Mrs Kuhn, denials, reaction, hurt, accusations, walk out?
  7. The staff and the situation, discussions with Carla, the issue of the computer and the camera?
  8. The effect of the situation, Mrs Kuhn and her absence from the office, coming in, the harsh confrontation with Carla, especially at the parents might, fostering suspicions? Oscar as her son, his coming to school, the effect of suspicions on his mother? While taunts from other children? Carla talking with him? His silence, surliness, behaviour in class, success at maths, the opening with his equation on the board and finding the middle number? Outside class?
  9. The building up of sympathies, the staff and their attempts, some friendly with Carla, some businesslike in the teachers lounge, the sympathetic teacher, the transfer of the children to his room, Oskar alone? His turning against Carla? The personalities of the staff, the meetings and discussions?
  10. The parents night, the questions about interrogating students for information, turning on Carla, accusations? Mrs Kuhn?
  11. Carla, her attitude towards Oscar, sympathy for him, trying to reason with him? The issue of suspension, the issue of expulsion, his turning up, not answering the phone to his mother?
  12. The students, the interview for the paper, the loaded questions, the interpretation, the accusations? The early publication, Carla not allowed to check, the extra price for the staff? Everybody with the paper? Carla and her dismay? The staff and the decision to stop the paper?
  13. The children, their meetings, ganging up against Carla in class, the comments about the chant and clapping, childish, Tom offering to help, the fight with Oscar?
  14. No resolution for the film? Leaving into audience interest, sympathies about issues, with the characters on not?
Published in Movie Reviews