Displaying items by tag: Steve Dives Msc

Congratulations Steve Dives, Golden Jubilee profession, 1974-2024

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Celebrations were held at St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park.

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Guest estimation 120-140. Guests in fact, 120-140 (perhaps a few more!).

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Many of Steve’s family were present and associates from the YCW from times past.

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Stephen Hackett, Provincial Superior presided at the Thanks giving Mass,

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concelebrants included two diocesan priests from Wollongong Diocese, (Fr John studied at St Paul’s and has a nephew in MSC formation in Vietnam), Fr Kimi Vunivesilevu, First Councillor and Community Leader, Douglas Park, Fr Simon Mani MSC, Rector of the Regional Pacific Seminary, Suva, and former leader in the Pacific, Fr Tru Nguyen MSC, about to move to Kippax, Fr Mark Hanns MSC, Blackburn, and Fr Raas SVD, provincial Period..  Many more MSC confreres were present in the congregation.

Kimi preached – entertainingly and provocatively (thoughtfully challenging!).

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It was a sunny day at a green St Mary's Towers.

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There were 84 places for lunch in the retreat centre dining room, and tables outside on both sides.  Speeches from Stephen Hackett, YCW past, family, Simon Mani

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(who told a very interesting story from Steve’s past and his discipline for the students in Suva which should moderate Steve’s memories of obedience and decisions during his novitiate where this present writer, site editor, was his Novice Master – the key phrase for Suva being Kava-drinking, the students that is).

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Steve also spoke - and remembered his life and responsibilities.

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In his now almost 50 years as a priest, Steve has ministered in Port Moresby and the seminary, Kiribati, Fiji – formation and area leader, Superior at Douglas Park, Treand House, and has just moved back to St Mary’s Towers.


Our thanks to Nang for the photos.

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