Displaying items by tag: Revenir/ Back Home movie

Wednesday, 21 August 2024 12:24

Revenir/ Back Home




France, 2019, 77 minutes, Colour.

Neils Schneider, Adele Exarchopoulos, Roman Coustere Hachez, Patrick d'Assumcao, Helene Vincent.

Directed by Jessica Pallud.


This is a brief but effective film.

The focus is on Thomas, middle-aged, returning home to France from his life in Montréal where he runs a restaurant. He has been alienated from his family for 12 years, his father refusing to speak to him. However, his mother is in hospital and has asked her son to come to visit.

The film has an attractive rural setting, the French countryside. But, the drama is focused, Thomas and some scenes with his mother, the hostility from his father. And there is a complication that his older brother had been killed in an accident and Thomas had not returned for the funeral. He now encounters his widow and the young son.

The film builds up atmosphere with simple sequences like meals, Thomas minding the boy while his mother has to go to work.

There is some hope at the ending, the sadness of the mother dying, some moments of leniency by the father, but still grudgingly, and the search for the boy when his lost and Thomas bringing his father home after he fell in the woods.

There are further complications, the audience wondering what will happen to the boy and his mother, has the father will cope after the death of his wife, Thomas returning to Canada…

  1. The title, memories of the past, returning home, the crisis of the present, crisis of memories and hurt?
  2. The setting, the countryside, the farm? The house and interiors? The hospital? The musical score?
  3. The focus on Thomas, age, arrival, the taxi, encountering Alex, Alex falling, hurting himself, the meeting with Mona, unfolding the story, his dead brother and not coming for the funeral, Mona as a widow, the little boy? His mother, ill, asking him to come? Not speaking with his father for 12 years, going to Canada, successfully setting up a restaurant? His motivation for returning?
  4. Thomas going to the hospital, the reaction of his father, gruff, hostile, the visit with his mother, her tenderness, his sadness? Her death? The impact on her husband, on Mona, on her grandson, his grief?
  5. Thomas, reacquainted with friends, memories of the past, the situation at home, debts, selling the cattle, the discovery of the well, the flooding of the field? And her situation, prospects for Alex?
  6. The domestic scenes, Alex and his tantrums, his mother’s reaction? Thomas, looking after him while his mother was at work, the play, the ride, the bedtime story?
  7. The aftermath of the death, the father, sitting quietly, his grief, the toast to his wife and not acknowledging Thomas, Thomas’s angry reaction? The father recounting the long life yet had with his wife, constant devotion?
  8. Alex, disappearing, crisis, the three going out to search for him, the father falling, Thomas rescuing him, bringing him home? Alex walking to the friends, their driving him back?
  9. The father sleeping the chair, the next morning, the coffee, his comments, opening up a little to his son?
  10. The visit, Thomas ending the leak with his father’s tools, returning to Canada – and the audience wondering what connections for the future?
Published in Movie Reviews