Displaying items by tag: Peter Malone's Movie Reviews

Sunday, 09 March 2025 17:37

Forge, The




US, 2024, 124 minutes, Colour.

Aspen Kennedy, Cameron Arnett, Priscilla C. Shirer, Karen Abercrombie, B.J.Arnett, Alexandra Rose Frazier.

Directed by Alex Kendrick.


The Kendrick brothers, Alex and Stephen, have become well-known with their studios in Georgia, making Faith-film features for over 20 years, since 2003. They have been successful with their intended audiences and have also been more widely successful, a number of their films appearing on the US top 10 box office list on the week of release.

Alex Kendrick is the main force working with his brother, Stephen as producer and cowriter, but Alex is writer, director, and also acting in a number of the film is. He has a background in Baptist religious tradition, training, and as a pastor of a church.

Some observers have been surprised that over the 20 years of faith-films, which received such a boost in wide popularity with the release of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ in 2004, that there used to be an emphasis on churchgoing, but  this has diminished.

In fact, the theme of this film is discipleship, professed faith in the Lord Jesus as Lord and saviour, very much a private religious experience and religious experience shared with congenial groups. And, interestingly in this case and perhaps for a target audience, practically all the characters in the film are African-American.

The central character is a 19-year-old unemployed young man, Isaiah, the setting, Charlotte North Carolina. His played by Aspen Kennedy (late 20s convincingly being late teens). He has problems with his absconded father, clashes with his devoted mother, but moves to get a job, encountering an entrepreneur in the city played by Cameron Arnett. But, the entrepreneur is a religious man, has set up a group involved in Discipleship, the mentoring of younger men in their faith.

The film is earnest with the Kendrick Brothers’ exhortations to belief and faith while they tell their popular human story. There are many sequences of Bible readings and reflections, quite a moment when Isaiah is challenged to believe in forgiveness for his father, and always a sense of hope and optimism and belief in the goodness of human nature.

And, with some drama, there is an ending connected with the business world, Isaiah and the team at the company doing a marathon on preparation of the goods to seal a contract.

As with other faith-films, those who don’t share this kind of faith, especially its more overt manifestations, will turn off the film if they come across it. But, even for those who don’t share this kind of faith or perspective, it is an opportunity to appreciate and understand this kind of religion.

  1. The films of the Kendrick brothers? Religious, faith-films, the Baptist tradition? Bible-oriented? The success, with American box office?
  2. The theme for the 2020s, faith, Jesus is Lord and Saviour, not an emphasis on church, rather on Discipleship and its consequences for individuals, groups, and the workplace and prosperity?
  3. Isaiah’s story, his absent father and deep resentment, his love for his mother, aged 19? Playing ball with his friends, his attitude towards his mother, the issue of responsibility, rent, his not turning up on time for his mother, her reprimands? Her urging him to get a job? His initial surly attitudes, the incident going into the coffee shop, the reaction to Abigail, his defiance towards her father? (And the later scene of his going to apologise, ask forgiveness, the response of the father, and is later meeting Abigail on campus… And the future?).
  4. Going to the gym, the encounter with Joshua Moore? Joshua seeing something in Isaiah, their talk, the invitations, showing him the factory, inviting back, the conversations, the other workers and Isaiah’s apprenticeship, the effect on him?
  5. Joshua Moore, his background, successful enterprise, business difficulties, takeovers, the relationship with his wife and her involvement in the firm, his accountant and the advice? The range of workers on the floor? The details of the production, computerised, the robots, the expert and his control?
  6. The gradual change in Isaiah, the discussions with Joshua, the meetings, the exhortations, the Bible texts and readings, Isaiah and his father, encountering him at the factory, his rage? Joshua and his story about the death of his son with the drunken driver? The challenge to Isaiah, Joshua’s urging, the Scripture texts, his reading them in the house, his anger, desperation, faith experience, commitment to forgiving his father? His mother listening and praying?
  7. The meetings, singling out Isaiah, and his work at the factory, relationship with the other workers? Improvement, his mother renovating the car, his paying her rent? Happiness at home?
  8. The gathering, Isaiah talking with the white member of the group, his explaining that he was the drunken driver, encouragement of Isaiah?
  9. The financial situation, the takeovers, arrival and the offer, the need for preparing 3000 items overnight, Isaiah and his leadership, persuading the others to join in, Joshua and his wife watching, her connecting with the robot-controller at home with his computer, getting the robots in action, her giving the instructions, moving the robots, the effect on those at work? The completion of the work on time?
  10. The arrival of the new partner, talking with Isaiah rather than Joshua, the negotiation, five years security, then seven years? Success?
  11. The religious interpretation of what had happened, the faith dimension, prosperity and success, Isaiah a changed man, going to college for business?
  12. The film as an exhortation to biblical faith, Jesus as personal saviour, the repercussions for life – and, as with the changing faith-films, not such an emphasis on churchgoing?
Published in Movie Reviews
Sunday, 09 March 2025 17:27

Lobo Feroz/ Ferocious Wolf

ferocious wolf



Spain, 2023, 104 minutes, Colour.

Adriana Ugarte, Javier Gutierrez, Ruben Ochandiano, Juana Acosta, Manual Vega.

Directed by Gustavo Hernandez.


As suggested by the title, this is a very grim film. It focuses on paedophile behaviour, the role of the law and the behaviour of vigilante avengers. It is based on an Israeli film of 2013, Big Bad Wolf, and this version is, at times, very difficult to watch.

It opens, in black and white, with a past episode of young girls being pursued by a giant man who says he is the big bad Wolf – and the indication that he will molest them.

Then, in colour, in the present, a tough police officer is interrogating a suspect, brutally, leading to his suspension and the release of the suspect. While there is a police investigation, led by a woman officer who has been taunted by her fellow male officers, the suspended man continues his pursuit, stalking the accused who is a teacher at school, seen playing the piano for the school choir rehearsal but the students passing around a note accusing him.

We are introduced to a fierce young woman, Matilde, who was one of the girls menaced in the opening sequence, has later shot an assailant, her father going to prison to save her, but her later going to prison for robbery. Her birth daughter, later adopted. Vengeful, she abducts the accused and torments him, parallel to the way that her daughter was tortured, broken fingers, toenails drawn…

But, she also overcomes the suspended police officer, imprisoning him, his collaborating with her though tied up. The accused, however, denies everything, refuses any information.

The drama moves between the basement where the interrogation/torture is going on and the police investigation. Matilde’s father also becomes involved there are complications when the suspended policeman is able to escape and ask for help. Meantime, the police investigation narrows down the search for a final confrontation.

With attention, the audience is not always sure whether the accused has actually committed the crimes or not. And, there is more sympathy for the suspended policeman as the drama moves on. And, then, his daughter is abducted and disappears.

The film certainly demands audience attention but, as said, is often difficult to watch, especially the torture sequences.

  1. The title, the symbolism of wolves and prey, the prologue, black-and-white, the children playing, little girls, the big man, pretending to be the wolf and frightening them, the menace, the shadow, unbuttoning his shirt…? Setting the tone?
  2. The Spanish setting, the town, homes, basements, police precincts, atmosphere? The surrounding countryside, atmosphere? The musical score?
  3. Moving to the present, Alonso and his role as police, with Elias, the interrogation, vicious, torture? The response of the police chief? Having to let Elias go? Suspending Alonzo? Allowing him to investigate further? Alonso and his relationship with his wife, the phone calls, love for his daughter, at her dance class, her disappearance and its effect on him?
  4. Elias, at school, the piano, the note, the accusations? The situation with the death of the little girls, torture, the finding of the boat, the girl without a head? Audience response to Elias, believing him guilty or not? Alonso stalking him, in the street, the car almost crashing, Elias helping the old lady across the street? The continued confrontations?
  5. The scene of the mob, the betting, the fistfights, Matilde and her intervention, her strength, relationship with her father? The later explanations, her being molested as a girl, the opening sequence, the effect on her, her behaviour, killing her assailant, her father going to prison for her, her later career, in prison for robbery, out, the daughter adopted, her wanting vengeance, the stash of money, relationship with a lawyer, sexual, the drugs, grinding them, the making of the cake? The abduction of Elias?
  6. The visuals of the abduction, the investigation by Alonzo, her subduing him? Inviting him to collaborate, his theory of a psychopath confronting a psychopath? Audience hearing the details of the torture of little girls? Elias and his stoic refusal to admit anything?, The implements, fingers, nails, hanging him? His refusal to answer? Alonso persuading him to give information, the location for the girl’s head, Matilde and her driving, digging, the lie?
  7. Alonzo, audience sympathy or not, abducted, imprisoned, collaborating, urging Elias to tell the truth? His getting free, going to get help, the news about his daughter’s abduction?
  8. Matilde and her father, his suspicions, going with her, wanting to torture Elias, the incident with the cake, his collapse, the fire?
  9. The police, Vidal, the men at the station mocking her, her being commissioned to investigate, her relationship with Alex, treating him as an office, his contributions, getting information, the search of the house, getting reinforcements, going to the basement, the confrontation, shootings, Alex shot, Matilde wounded, escaping, the confrontation with Vidal and the story of her dead son, Matilde wanting his name?
  10. The symbolism of the wharf, the encounters with Matilde, in the countryside getting her money, on the road coming back after the search, the final confrontation? The behaviour of the wall?
  11. Alonzo, his daughter’s abduction, the audience seeing her banging on the wall, not heard? And the Vidal’s return…?
Published in Movie Reviews
Sunday, 09 March 2025 17:23





Mexico, 2025, 84 minutes, Colour.

Luis Alberti, Leonardo Alonso, Luis Curiel.

Directed by Chava Cartas.


An action show designed for those who enjoy them, brief running time, continuous action, some serious moments, violent moments. And, the setting is familiar enough from many films from the US and Mexico, where this film is from. The cartels, the brutal leaders and their militias, havoc on ordinary citizens, the response of the police, and military special forces.

At the centre of the film is a group of elite special forces, their becoming involved in action against the cartels after a mother and daughter discover a mass grave out in the countryside and they are abducted. The special force has five members – and, memories of films like The Magnificent Seven, these are magnificent five, each with their own character clearly developed, and working together, especially when they are ambushed on the road, and have to make their escape through the countryside, pursued by the cartel chief and his militia, finishing up with the siege of a cartel building, the five inside, the militia outside.

This is what this film set out to do – and does it quite efficiently and effectively.

  1. The title, expectations? Action show, brief running time?
  2. The Mexican setting, the cartels and their influence, power, violence? The cartel leaders? The police, the special action forces? Corrupt politicians?
  3. The opening on the road, the Mexican countryside, the crash, the fight? Later reprised? Setting the tone, the captain and his team, their skills? Military, with the government? The contrast with the cartels, their forces, militias?
  4. The introduction to Carla and Lucia, at home, ordinary, going to work, pregnant, sick by the roadside, the discovery of the mass grave, the reporting it, observed by the militia, abducted and imprisoned?
  5. The cartel leader, seen at home, his twin daughters, cooking? His communication with the militia, his brother, bravado, conflicts with the military? His going into action himself?
  6. The group, the captain and his leadership, skills? The other members of the team, their personalities, skills? Tanque, older, loyalties, expertise? Pollo, young, a hunter, sniper and his abilities? The doctor and his involvement? Toro, hesitations, joining in? Seeing them in action, the reprisal of the crash, their heading out towards the border, pursued, fighting back? Injuries? Going to the house, eliminating the guards, finding the women? The drama of the siege, the tactics, shooting, ammunition, grenades, power guns, the secret passage, the explosions? Survival? Tanque dying?
  7. The women, rescued, fears, growing involvement, weapons, the attacks? Surviving?
  8. The portrait of the cartel militia, the women in leadership, the filming of the bribe to the government Secretary, their taking the captain’s phone, tracking every movement? Tactical advantage?
  9. The final confrontation, the cartel leader, the hand-to-hand fights with the Captain, his defeat?
  10. Familiar material, efficiently done, continue to action for the fans, and some delineation of the chief characters?
Published in Movie Reviews
Sunday, 09 March 2025 17:19

Inside/ Australia 2024

inside gp



Australia, 2024, 102 minutes, Colour.

Guy Pearce, Cosmo Jarvis, Vincent Miller, Toby Wallace.

Directed by Chris Wallace.

On the one hand, the title, Inside, suggests prison. On the other hand, it could also suggest going into the interior of a person, their personality, motivations and behaviour. Both are relevant here.

There is an arresting prologue to the film, a wedding ceremony which we see taking place in the prison, a pregnant mother, a criminal father – and the focus then on the child, now a late teenager, and his being condemned by his criminal father and inheriting his guilt.

The young man is Mel (Vincent Miller convincing in his first film role), transferred to a prison, assigned to share a cell with a lifer, sentenced for vicious crimes of rape and child murder. He is Mark Shepard, a powerful performance by British actor, Cosmo Jarvis. But we soon learn that there is a reason for this sharing. Mark has got religion, holding his own services in the prison chapel, more than a touch of charismatic faith, testimony are to the fellow prisoners, speaking in tongues, finding that Mel has his own keyboard, enjoys playing it and so invited to play during the happenings in the Chapel.

So, already a different kind of prison film. There are guards, there are glimpses of the criminals but not in the traditional way of prison films. There is a greater freedom of movement, many sessions to prepare those for whom parole is coming up, getting them to write a letter of apology to their victims as a justice healing exercise, a different atmosphere.

And, yet, not entirely, a new character, Warren, played by Guy Pearce a veteran facing parole but seemingly unwilling to face it, granted a day’s leave to visit his son, played by Toby Wallace, not going well, Warren an enigma. But, he is a gambler, and, to pay his debt there is a bounty on Mark Shepard, and Warren choosing and grooming Mel to be the killer, and so find his place in the prison.

Which means then that the film operates as a psychological thriller, the interactions between the three men, the religious mania of Mark, the manipulation by Warren, Mel and memories of his killing a student in the past, the pressures on him – a dramatic resolution of Mark’s fate.

An interestingly different Australian prison film.

  1. The title, the prison meaning, the inner psychological meaning?
  2. The action in the prison, find entry, allotment of cells, the cells, the meeting rooms, offices, workplaces, the Chapel? Resemblances to prison films? Differences in terms of guards, cells, supervision? The musical score?
  3. The story of Mel, the prologue with the wedding in prison, the pregnant mother, the prisoner father, his legacy to his son, the passing on of the criminal mentality? The flashbacks to Mel, as a boy, the clashes, his killing his opponent? Sentenced to prison?
  4. Mel, as a character, his past behaviour, family heritage, age and immaturity, susceptibilities? Discussions with the authorities? His being sent to share with Mark? His keyboard? This leading to his presence in Mark’s evangelical gatherings? Mel and his learning through sharing with Mark? The encounter with Warren, Warren as a father-figure, genial, the touch of the sinister, the issue of the bounty on Mark, the imposition on Mel, to prove himself, his acceptance, in the challenge, unwell, the pressure on him?
  5. The focus on the authorities, sympathetic, relationship with the prisoners, especially the discussions and meetings concerning parole readiness, the issue of writing letters to the victims? Mark in for life? Warren and the possibility of parole
  6. Mark, his background, rapist, killing the children, life? His personality, his cell, possessions, the religious experience, explanations, gatherings, Pentecostal-like, his utterances, exhortations, talking in tongues, the men coming, scepticism, critical, yet larger numbers coming to the meetings? His use of Mel, the music?
  7. Warren, his age, crime, possibility for parole? Father figure, yet sinister, the gambling, his debt, his connection with the controlling prisoner, looks and glances, bounty, Warren and his decision to groom Mel, their interactions? The sinister grooming? Warren the issue of the bounty, going out for the day to see his son, the character of his son, relationship with his father, the emotional impact of the visit? Warren, the return, going to the Chapel, urging Mel?
  8. The background of the routines of life in prison, seeming ordinariness?
  9. Mark, the final gathering, Warren and his preparing the shiv, Mel hiding it under the bed and not using it?
  10. In the meeting, the dowsing of Mark, setting him alight, the conflagration and his death? The impact on Mel?
  11. Mark, the discovery of the shiv, Mark and its use?
  12. Warren, the consequences? And his future?
Published in Movie Reviews
Sunday, 09 March 2025 17:16

Last Journey, The/ Den sista resan

last journey

THE LAST JOURNEY/ Den sista resan


Sweden, 2024, 95 minutes, Colour.

Lars Hammar.

Directed by Filip Hammar, Fredrik Wikingsson


The journey is, in fact, from Sweden to the French Riviera. And the passenger for the last journey – a retired teacher much admired by his students, now in old age, his son thinking that he is too settled, has lost his spark and needs some kind of stimulation. Hence the journey, back to his favourite part of France, back into reliving some of his happy past.

The style of the film is docudrama. The characters are real/actual indicating documentary. But the narrative moves like a fiction film.

Many audiences have responded well. The film has been a hit in Sweden. But, for audiences outside Sweden, the question lurks all the way through who is this son, what is his background, who is this best friend who accompanies them on the trip…? The answer is that the duo are two of Sweden’s most famous television personalities. (An Australian audience will almost automatically think of Hamish and Andy.) So, the filmmakers, are taking it for granted that the audiences know who they are, their background, and are happily along for the ride.

The non-Swedish audiences, despite the puzzle of who the men are, are prepared to go along for the ride, especially audience interest in Lars Hammar, the father. Fortunately for this film, the family took a lot of footage in the past, the holidays, during the travels. And we see the farewell to Lars as he teaches his last class, goes into retirement, happy times with his wife and his two children.

Son, Filip finds the family’s old Renault, coaxes, persuades, cajoles his father into getting out of his old chair and going on the trip. It almost doesn’t happen when almost immediately Lars has to go to hospital. But, out of hospital, with the help of map animations indicating the route of the journey, the audience is happy to get into the car and travel through Belgium, and a detour to the memorial of singer-writer, Jacques Brel, Lars’s favourite, then through the French countryside, including an unexpected confession sequence, Lars with a sympathetic priest, and, eventually, to the coastal town of Beaulieu.

Several times, the two men contrive past situations to jog the memory of Lars, to tell a story about Harry Belafonte that he often told sitting in a cafe, his comment about French drivers not stopping at red lights and getting out to squabble, the two men sitting up the exact old situations – and, happily for them as well, Lars tells the story and makes the comments.

Response to the film will depend on one’s age, this reviewer writing from the perspective of being a year younger than Lars and the film, the experience of ageing. Audiences who have looked after their parents, especially in care, reflecting on how they would have handled the situation, whether their parent would want to go on the trip or not. One of the reflections on the film is that Filip, with smiles and love for his father, is really pushing him, forcing him along the way and sometimes the suspicion, perhaps unworthy, that so much of the last journey is very much for Filip’s benefit.

But, the film invites us to happily go along for the ride.

  1. The title and expectations? The tone of the film, happiness and joy?
  2. The film as a blend of documentary and narrative drama, successfully integrated, the story of the Hammar family, past, lies and his successful career, age and decline? Filip, his devotion to his father, supportive of his mother, the idea of the trip, inviting his colleague, the touches of psychological drama?
  3. The reputation of Filip Hammar and Frederick Wikkingsson? Swedish television celebrities? The Swedish audience knowing this in responding? Audiences outside Sweden not knowing of this and responding to the situation rather than their celebrity?
  4. The use of video footage, at home, the visits to the south of France? Incorporated into the journey? And the journey back to the Riviera, reliving the past?
  5. Audience response to Lars, seeing him as old, infirm, sitting in his chair, no spark? His wife’s concern? The flashbacks, photos of them as very young, the home video the holidays, the farewell from the class, the affirmation from the students? Audience sympathy for him, sharing Filip’s eagerness for the trip or not? Forcing Lars or not?
  6. Filip, getting the old car, setting off on the trip, the accident, Lars and hospital, the trip almost ending? But the recovery, the continuation of the trip?
  7. The use of animation to illustrate the route of the journey?
  8. Eltham, Lars and his admiration for Jacques Brel, going to the statue, the song?
  9. France, Lars and his making the sign of the cross, going to the church, the episode of the confession, the sympathetic priest, Lars and the memory of being rude so long earlier, continually acknowledging and confessing it? Conversation on the way, the meals?
  10. The arrival of the Riviera, memories of the past and happiness, Filip and his memories? The plan to recreate episodes, the discussion with the actors and the setting up of the car and blocking scene and the dispute, and Lars eventually making his perennial comment about French drivers? The setting up of the train passing, the friends from the past, hoping for the conversation about Harry Belafonte – and, it is eventually happening? And the effect on Lars?
  11. On the beach, silent, his being reflective?
  12. Lars coming home, the effect of the journey? His wife happy?
  13. The final tributes from former students?
  14. The focus on Filip, his relationship with Frederick, their working together? Filip and his motivation, wanting his father to make the trip – for his father’s benefit, how much for Filip’s own benefit and the final image of the film a focus on his face?
Published in Movie Reviews
Sunday, 09 March 2025 17:13





UK, 2010, 124 minutes, Colour.

Conor McCarron, Greg Forrest, Joe Szula, Mhairi Anderson, Gary Milligan, Gary Lewis.

Directed by Peter Mullan.


Peter Mullan has had many decades strong career as an actor, in his native Scotland, and around the world, a distinctive screen presence. Great success with The maudlin Sisters and then Neds. Ned is one several Scottish BAFTA awards for best film and director.

The setting is Glasgow, 1970. The title refers to Non—Educated Delinquents, Needs. The film focuses on a young boy, John McGill (Greg Forrest) who is finishing in primary school with some success at his graduation, happy family, encouraging and visiting from America that he become a journalist, he very bookish and intelligent boy. However, there is a shadow with his older brother who is a delinquent with a bad reputation.

Then there is the drama of the transition from primary school to secondary school, the system of allotting students to classes, John feeling that he is in the wrong class, some brutal treatment from teachers, ridicule, and the shadow of his our brothers reputation. The father at home is alcoholic, brutal and shouting. The mother’s long-suffering. With a particular bully, John gets the help of his brother and the gang brutalising as John watches. A sign of things to come.

The main part of the film has John in his mid teens, played ball by, McCarron, still bookish, but becoming more defiant, caught up in the activity of the students, defying teachers in class, gradually a transition to becoming part of delinquent gangs, involved in fights and brutality.

Perhaps the film could have ended there as a moral warning. However, Peter Mullan screenplay continues with an opportunity for John to come to some kind of awareness of what has happened to him, making an option for a transition, a change of heart, a change of behaviour, and some prospects for the future.

For a Scottish audience, the Glasco accent is not a problem – but, for those outside Glasco, often very difficult to hear and understand, the need for a reliance on subtitles.

  1. The title, an abbreviation for non-Educated Delinquents?
  2. The Scottish atmosphere, the city of Glasgow, the neighbourhood, homes, streets, parks, school, gangs and thugs? The accent – and difficulties for audiences without some subtitled help? The musical score? The music and songs of the 1970s, atmosphere?
  3. The story of John McGill, Glasgow 1970, at primary school, the end of year and his awards, family, his aunt from the US and her encouraging him to journalism, at home, the alcoholic father and his solemn behaviour and shouting, his mother and her care, the older brother and his being a delinquent, the treatment of John at school, the new school, the bullying, Kanter, John going to his brother, the taking of Kanter and the brutality as John watched? The ambiguity for his character, keen reading, book 1, clever, in class, the role of the teachers and getting him to answer? But the bullies and the mockery?
  4. The new school, the allotting of classes, his being put in the wrong class, the behaviour of the teachers, the strap, severity, John going to the principal, a hangover from his brother’s bad behaviour, in the class? The effect on him?
  5. The moments of background of religion, the church, the communion sequence?
  6. John, older, the years passing, his love of learning? But the pressure, the bullying, his change of attitude, the defying of the teachers? His behaviour with the other students, the boys, interactions with the girls?
  7. Audience response to his change of character, moving with the boys, the pictures of the gangs, the interactions, the gangs respect for his brother, his confrontation with the earlier bully, Kanter? The scenes of the gangs, on the bridge, the fights?
  8. The consequences for John, change of character, his aunt’s visit and her surprise? His relationship with his mother?
  9. A surly teenager, moments of brutality and violence, the breaking down of his ideals?
  10. The confrontation, the motivation for his change of heart, the possibility for some kind of personal conversion, his taking action, improvement and development – and some hope for the future?
Published in Movie Reviews
Sunday, 09 March 2025 17:09

i"m Still Here

im still here



Brazil, 2024, 113 minutes, Colour.

Fernanda Torres, Selton Mello, Antonio Saboia, Fernanda Montenegro.

Directed by Walter Salles.


A drama that is well recommended. Nominated for many awards, it would it won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, 2024, was nominated in a number of categories. The star, Fernanda Torres, won a Golden Globe for Best Actress. The film has had 60 nominations for awards and 50 wins.

The director is Walter Salles, one of Brazil’s eminent directors, celebrated in the 1990s with international acclaim for Central Station. Director of many Brazilian films, he had international attention with his story of Che Guevara, The Motorcycle Diaries, and the thriller, Dark Waters, with Jennifer Connolly. His career is a fine cinema achievement.

In this film he is very much on home ground, Brazil in the 1970s, experiencing the military dictatorship – and a reminder that during the 1970s there was the turmoil in Chile, Allende and Pinochet, and the violent rule of the generals in Argentina.

The film opens joyfully, sunny, the beach, the water, happy family, the father a politician returned from exile, his strong-minded and loving wife, four daughters and a young son. It seems idyllic. But, an indication of difficulties to come, a group of youngsters are pulled over by the police, roughly treated, under suspicion, but let go. Despite the happy home sequences, the gatherings of friends, the zest for life, these are intimations of trouble to come.

The father, Rubens Paiva(Selton Mello) is genial, but suggestions that he is also involved in something subversive. But, the principal focus of the film is on his wife, Eunice, a powerful presence, an admirable performance by Fernanda Torres.

Heavy-handed officials take the husband away, and his wife is interned in a prison, echoes of torture and interrogations resounding in the darkness. One of the daughters is also taken. Because so much of Rio is seen in sunlight, the dark prison, the conditions, the harsh treatment, although one young guard is sympathetic and offers some information and support, the continued sense of menace, set the tone for the rest of the film.

Eunice pursues the search for her husband, supported by her family and friends, discovers the network of support for victims of the government. Eunice also decides, especially with police and government thugs continually parked outside the home, to take the family to San Paolo, wrenching sequence as the house is emptied and they drive away from the past.

Then a transition to the 21st century, Eunice having gone back for studies, heavily involved in legal issues and citizens rights, supported by the family and their families, especially the son, Marcelo, on whose book about his father this film is based. Here is a woman who started life with ordinary expectations, has suffered severely, has created a new life and career with significant public achievement.

Amid the joy, there is a sad aftermath, as Eunice has succumbed for years to dementia – and Walter Salles casting his award-winning star from Central Station, Fernanda Montenegro, as the elderly Eunice. And, as might be expected, there are photos of the actual characters during the final credits, tribute to them.

The experience of repression and suppression is destructive – but, it can also be a challenge to work for a better world.

  1. The status of the director, nominations and awards?
  2. Impact for a Brazilian audience? For audiences outside Brazil? Brazil’s history, military dictatorship, the 1970s?
  3. The Rio setting, the sea, the beaches, the mountains, buildings, streets, homes?&, Sells? The transition to San Paolo? The 21st-century, political activity, homes, reunions? The songs and musical score?
  4. The happy beginning, the sun, the water, swimming, the beach, the family, happy scenes at home? Rubens, his past career, on the left, exile and returned, his activities, keeping in touch with families of exiled letterwriters? Eunice, cheerful, in the house, her children, the oldest daughter and her studies, going to England? The older daughters? The children, Marcella and his vitality? The range of friends, dinners, meetings?
  5. The youngsters in the car, pulled over by the police, suspects, the rough treatment? Indication of themes to come?
  6. The intrusion into the house, the taking of Rubens? The taking of Eunice, of
  7. ear? The prison, the cells, dark, squalor? Eunice, the bewilderment, the interrogations, the fierceness of the interrogators? Some support from the sympathetic guard? The daughter, interrogation, about home? The books are photos, Eunice and her going over them, identification, her quest for her husband, her being let go?
  8. The aftermath of the arrest, the agents in the parked car outside the house, Eunice going out to confront them and their driving away? The contact with her friends, trying to get information, trying to get money from the bank and the need for her husband’s signature, gradual Revelation about the network for helping exiles? The support of friends, inability to help?
  9. The decision to leave Rio, to go to San Paolo, the reaction of the daughters, Marcella, the emptying of the house? Driving away?
  10. The strong characterisation of Eunice, in these situations? The portrait of the daughters, Varo and her going to London, communications, her return? The other daughters, is Lani and not wanting to leave Rio, the young children?
  11. The passing of time, Eunice and her going back to study, her achievements, political involvement, the family grown up, having their own families, the meetings, the honouring of Eunice?
  12. Her old age, dementia, her presence, the family gathering around her, the tributes, her smile?
  13. The next generation, Marcella, his accident, his family, writing the book?
  14. The tributes during the final credits, information, images? Portrait of a strong Brazilian character, female leadership?
Published in Movie Reviews
Sunday, 09 March 2025 17:05

Cats of Gokugo Shrine, The/ Gokogu no Neko

cats of gor



Japan, 2024, 119 minutes, Colour.

Directed by Kazuhiro Sôda.


Yes, many cats, especially in the early part of this film. We are in Japan, a small town which holds a popular Shinto shrine – the centre of prayer for the local people and for pilgrims. And it is something of a refuge for the wandering cats, Street cat’s (generally larger and will feed, plus some kittens – who are always cute!).

What is this film going to be. An explanation from the director.  The director calls The Cats Of Gokogu Shrine an ‘observational film’ made using Soda’s own ‘Ten Commandments’, which includes no research, no scripts, no pre-set theme, no narration, no voiceovers, background music or preproduction research,  and paying for his own production. These self-imposed rules are intended to minimise pre-conceptions and make way for unexpected discoveries.

So, first we discover the Cats. But then the action and the director’s interests move towards the inhabitants of the town, and quite some varying views about the Cats. There are some pleasing interviews with older people who have lived in Gokugo, have seen it prosper, have seen it settle. An old man who is quite articulate and good company as we listen to his reflections, meeting with a fisherman and a cheeky cat stealing his fish but also meeting with some tourists, especially a woman who can’t have a cat as a pet in her apartment block, feels overwhelmed by her work, and comes every couple of weeks or so to reunite with the cats and feel revived.

There is also a typhoon, the director himself involved, giving shelter to a ginger cat.

And then there is town Council and the director spending a lot of time at a meeting, perhaps too much time? enabling us to hear the various points of view about the prosperity or lack of prosperity of the town, and whether the cats are a blessing or whether they should be eliminated. There is an appeal this way to cat lovers as well as to those who would want to be rid of the cats. What about the mess the cats make around the town? More cats abandoned? Should there be a planned program for neutering? Or some terms for coexistence? And are they actually good for tourism?

A different excursion to Japan.

Published in Movie Reviews
Sunday, 09 March 2025 17:00

Bastion 36/ Squad 36

squad 36



France, 2025, 124 minutes, Colour.

Victor Belmondo, Tewfik Jalian, Yvan Attal Juliette Dol, Soufiane Guerrab.

Directed by Olivier Marchal.


Straightforward title, focus on a police squad, action, criminals, police corruption, cover-ups… In the French action style. Strong production values – but, the intricacies of the plot and characterisations sometimes defy credibility.

The film begins with quite a spectacular chase, the confrontation with the chief criminal and his defying of the officer who corners him. But, no arrest. The film then shows the officer participating in quite brutal bareknuckle fights, indicating skills he will have to use during the rest of the film. He has also been demoted. However, he is a dashing presence on screen at times, Victor Belmondo, and his surname gives an alert. He is a grandson of Jean-Paul Belmondo.

There are quite some complications in the squad, the passing on of information, big money deals, some greed, betrayals, and everything getting too much for one of the members of the squad who disappears from a mental institution.

Eventually, there are set ups, confrontations, betrayals, murders, the police authorities, including veteran Yvan Attal, who do not want any public scandals. The film is presented by Netflix – and is kind of Netflix streaming night in.

  1. The title, indications and expectations? French police, action, criminals, police corruption?
  2. The city settings, the streets, the chases, the confrontations, offices, homes, bare knuckle fighting? Atmosphere? The musical score?
  3. The initial chase, the role of the police, action spectacle? Antoine, his role, personality, the confrontation with Mahmoud? Backing off? No shootings? The setup for the future?
  4. The focus on Antoine, the authorities and their attitude, his membership of the squad, his violence, being stood down? The bareknuckle fight sequences? Time passing, the transfer, working with the other police?
  5. The situation, the criminal connections, drugs, money, deals, the corrupt police? Suspicions within the squad? Richard Esteves, his change of heart, in the institution, Antoine’s visit, seeing the former policeman getting his advice and information? Tracking down his fellow officers, finding Esteves?
  6. The other members, suspicions, actions, home sequences? Yet the violence, the killings, betrayals?
  7. Antoine, involvement, tracking down Esteves, with the officials, with Mahmoud and the confrontation?
  8. Popular entertainment, police action, police corruption, betrayals?
Published in Movie Reviews
Sunday, 09 March 2025 16:56

Dinosaur Project, The

diin por



UK, 2012, 83 minutes, Colour.

Richard Dillane, Matt Kane, Peter Brooke, Natasha Loring, Abena Ayivor, Stephen Jennings.

Directed by Sid Bennett.


Popular entertainment in 2012. The continued popularity, after Jurassic Park, speculations about dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures. The influence of The Blair Witch Project and the genre of “found footage”. There was also the memory of popular films of the 1970s, explorations, into the past, The Valley of Gwangi, Land that Time Forgot.

This film is very strong on the conventions of found footage, the characters provided with cameras, photographing the scenery, the creatures, their action, human reactions, and the characters talking to camera. Because it is found footage, the editing is in abrupt cuts from one piece to the other. And a lot of handheld camera, creating an atmosphere of exploration.

The presupposition of the story is an organisation in England, Cryptozoological, and television news about the sighting of a creature in Africa. An expedition is organised, a local guide, female, camera expert, of the members with one of them turning out to have violent rivalry, and the leader, very experienced, with encounters with his 15-year-old son who stows away for the expedition, and is instrumental in the crash of a helicopter, and some blame and acrimony from the violent member of the expedition, wanting to kill him in several confrontations.

The plot is conventional enough, the group lost in a kind of lost world, moving through the jungle, encountering the creatures, filming,  hiding, menace and attacks. The 15-year-old, Luke, proves adept at science and technology, putting the camera on one of the creatures, establishing a relationship, feeding, spat upon (which is important eventually because it means that the other creatures accept him and not in the violent man who is about to kill him).

The film was shot in South Africa, vivid scenery and locations. There is some attention given to the characterisation but, mostly, to the leader and his son, the female doctor dying quickly into the action, the female guide becoming more hostile. The CGI of the animals, the creatures, is quite effective.

And, at the end, the authorities find the footage and begin to watch it.

Audiences interested in in searches for prehistoric creatures will find it intriguing in its way, but it is a short, modest, production

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