Displaying items by tag: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

Celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart worldwide

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with images and words from our hymns.

Hymn: John J. McMahon MSC

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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,

Immaculate and fair,

Around the a shrine we gather now

To claim a mother’s care.


Hymn: words: John Northey MSC

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Oh Mary, Mother of God’s dear Son,

Whose heart is filled with Love Divine,

on earth our hope, in heaven our light,

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.


Hymn: Tom Luby MSC

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Woman, this is your Son. Son, this is your Mother.

Mary, love-gift from the heart of Christ our brother.


Handmaiden of the Lord, God’s work forever heeding,

Mary, speak your mother-words, with his heart pleading


Hymn: James Maher MSC

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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,

Eternal sign of God’s surprise.

In you we know the poor as blessed,

This world transformed, before our eyes.


Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,

You heard the words of Gabriel,

Pray we may hear the call of God

And come to meet Emmanuel.


Hymn: Megan Donohue


Sweet Lady of the Sacred Heart,
Before thy shrine today.
We kneel on earth to choose thee Queen,
Queen of heav'n's eternal May.

To thee, sweet Mother, heav'nly Queen,
We raise our loving hearts today;
O, deign to listen to our words,
While lowly at thy feet we pray.


Hymn: Lyrics by Henry de Hey, MSC, Music by Guillermo Mees, MSC. Philippines

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OLSH Surigao

"Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, the pearl of Guimba, never marred. We greet you, OLSHA, white and blue. We cherish you, take pride in you. You teach us life, you make use wise, through counselling and sound advise. You are the glory of our town, you justly wear a royal crown.

We OLSHAns will remember you, our school, its colors white and blue. Your teachings, OLSHA, move us all to serve our land, to heed God's call, to fight for what is just and right, to witness for the Lord our light. Remain our guide and lead us on, to heaven's home where we belong."

Published in Current News

May 15th, still the Jules Chevalier Bicentenary Year: His gift of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

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And we remember that this is the 150th Anniversary of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.

And the gift has reached to countries far and wide: 


To Asia 

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To Latin America

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Published in Current News

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Jules Bicentenary, FDNSC Sisters 150 Years

The Chevalier Family has sent out this April reminder of these 2024 events.

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Jules Chevalier names Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.


His life:

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In Issoudun, one afternoon in 1859, in the shade of some lime trees, where Rules Chevalier and some companions were sheltering from the spring heat, he asked them this question: "Under what title shall we place the chapel of the Virgin in our church?" Rules was obsessed with the idea. There were several proposals for a new name, but Rules was clear: "We will have Our Lady of the Sacred Heart". He turned to her for help in founding the congregation and, grateful for the favours granted, promised to give her a special place. Two years later, in 1861, faithful to his promise, he also had the stained glass window of the church made, in which the first image of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart would appear.


Due to the success of the publication of an article by Fr Chevalier in the Messenger of the Heart of Jesus and the campaign for images for the construction of the church, devotion to Our Lady of the  Sacred  Heart spread quickly. In 1864, the Association was founded.

His words:

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Artist, Richard Campbell

This is how he described to the artist what it should look like: "...it will represent the Immaculate Virgin, of normal size, with her hands and eyes turned downwards, towards the Child Jesus who will be in front of her. On his breast the child will have his little heart surrounded by rays, which he will show to the faithful with his finger". (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Jan G. Bovenmars, msc, p. 15).

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart: "This word means that Mary, as a consequence of her divine motherhood, possesses great power over the Heart of Jesus, and it is through her that we must go to this divine Heart". (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Jan G. Bovenmars, msc. p. 29).

"Let us often say to her: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, pray for us" (MI 718).

The love for Our Lady of the Sacred Heart has reached our days with the same enthusiasm with which Jules Chevalier made her the protagonist of the congregation. It has spread to all continents and is still very topical, not least because John Paul II, in his encyclical letter Redemptoris Mater (RM, March 1987), makes several comments about her.

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And when Chevalier further adds that Mary is "the hope of the hopeless", John Paul II echoes him by saying that She "remains for all a sure sign of hope" (RM 11).


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