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Good Friday, sharing Jesus’ death, RIP memories, Mary Conlan OLSH, Bernadetta Robinson OLSH
Good Friday, sharing Jesus’ death, RIP memories, Mary Conlan OLSH, Bernadetta Robinson OLSH
We post the memories of our OLSH sisters – and their eulogies offer fine tributes to dedication and record missionary memories of NT, PNG, Kiribati.
Eulogy: Sr Mary Conlan (17.08.1929 - 30.12.2023)
‘Mission is a passion for Jesus and at the same time a passion for his people.’ Pope Francis
These words from Pope Francis capture well the driving force behind our dear Sister, Mary who had absolute confidence in the one who called her into life and loved her unconditionally. On Saturday 30th December our much-loved Sister, Mary, gently slipped into the loving embrace of the one who had been her light, her strength, her passion, throughout her 94 years. She was 75 years professed.
To Mary’s siblings, Margaret, Dennis and Frank and their families and all her relatives and friends, who loved her so much and are deeply saddened by her death, we offer our deepest sympathy and the support of our prayers. You know well her deep love for you, her pride and joy in you, and her gratitude to you. We also offer sympathy to those who join via live streaming us from around Australia and the world.
Mary Gwendoline Conlan, was born in Barellan, NSW, on 17th August 1929, to Minnie and Rueben. She was the fifth child in a family of five boys and three girls. Mary came from a loving family and enjoyed living in a close-knit farming community, where she learnt to work hard and be grateful for all she had. Growing up during the depression and war years was a struggle for her parents. There was also droughts and money was scarce. Religion played a big part in her family. Her mother taught the children catechetics after school, the family prayed the rosary every night and looked forward to Mass which was held once a month.
Mary didn’t have far to travel to the one teacher primary school she attended as it was on the Conlan family farm. She attended secondary school with the Josephite Sisters spending a year as a border at the Josephite school in Goulburn. As a young woman Mary enjoyed reading the Annals and Far East magazines and it was at this time she felt called to religious life.
Mary was a decisive woman and on leaving school she was convinced that Jesus was calling her to follow him in religious life as a missionary Sister; upon finishing school she entered the Novitiate at Bowral on 15th August 1946 and made her first vows in July 1948. She was given the name, Sr Mary Cajetan.
Thus, began Mary’s lifelong ministry and her epic journey as a passionate, enthusiastic educator and missionary. After completing teacher training Mary began a journey of the heart, a journey that left from Sydney Harbour on board the Matilda with streamers flying to the shores of PNG, the place she called home for over 50 years with the people she loved. In 1952 aged 22, Mary set off by boat with Sisters, Damien Philben, Joan Donnelly, Doreen Clark and Immaculata Mazengarb who were returning to PNG. After 8 days they arrived in Sideia and finally reached their destination Rabaul on 6th February. Despite the challenges of extreme heat, lack of resources, Mary felt a sense of deep peace as she realised her heart’s desire to be a Missionary as a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
Vunapope 2021
During her years in PNG, Mary’s ministry was mainly in education, she spent a short time in Vunapope before moving to Kilenge where she taught years 1 – 6 as the only teacher in the school, teaching first in Pidgin until the students learnt English. Conditions were harsh and equipment was sparse. Mary spent 8 years in Kilenge where she got to know the people so well. Mary describes the people as being ‘gentle and peaceful who taught me so much’ Mary continued her teaching apostolate in Primary schools at Rabaul, Kaliai, Paparatava and several schools in surrounding outstations.
In 1967 Mary went on to teach at Kabaleo Demonstration School, not long after her arrival a strong earthquake hit the area and the Sisters had to be evacuated to Vunapope where they continued teaching until the damaged areas of the school in Kabaleo were repaired. Mary was later appointed to Rabaul where her apostolate was Pastoral Care, where she supported the women in the town. Mary had a heart for the poor and spent much time visiting and providing food to prisoners.
In 1979, when Mary came to Sydney for medical appointments she undertook training in Sewing and Carpentry. When she returned to PNG she convinced the Parish Priest to let her use the Church Hall in Rabaul; this she turned into classrooms, a workshop and a sewing room. She raised money and bought tools, sewing machines and materials and received donations from Vunapope timber yard and local stores. Sr Madeleni, (Leni) a lovely, gentle Dutch sister came from Holland to help Mary and to teach home making. And Mater Dei School was born. In the mornings there were correspondence classes, taught by Mary and a few PNG teachers in Grade 7 basics, English, Maths, Social Science and Commerce and in the afternoons Mary taught the boys carpentry and Leni taught the girls Home Economics and sewing. Whatever they made was sold to buy more materials to work with. Many girls and boys gained their Grade 10 certificates after 4 years with Mary, Leni and the PNG teachers now working with them. This allowed the students to go for further training or to get an apprenticeship. Mary was so proud of them and what they had achieved.
Vunapope 2021
By the time Mary left PNG in 2005, Mater Dei was a Government recognised Vocational school with a fully paid staff and a working Board of Governors and Parents and Friends.
Countless PNG students who would not have been able to continue their education were enabled to do so because of the persevering, dedicated, persistent single-mindedness of Sister Mary Conlan who treated obstacles as opportunities to progress. It didn’t matter who said “no” to Mary, she would laugh and go off and find another way around the problem.
Mary was an amazing missionary Sister, a truly remarkable woman. She made many friends among the local people and she kept in contact with them as long as she was able. Mary was most proud when she left PNG in 2005, a local couple Angela and Pius took responsibility for the Mater Dei School. Sr Mary was a faithful, prayerful religious and always true to her vocation as a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. She drew her strength from her deep desire to love as Jesus loved, excluding no one, especially the poor and marginalised who held a special place in her heart.
When Mary returned to Australia she joined the Maristella Community at Kensington in Sydney. In 2016 Mary’s eyesight was failing, this was a time of suffering for our dear Mary. Mary accepted her suffering and moved to St Joseph’s Residential Aged Care where she was beautifully cared for until her death.
The seed of Mary’s missionary vocation sown whilst reading the Annals and Far East Magazines and praying the rosary daily with her family certainly grew into a vocation of love. What a gift God gave to the people of PNG in Mary! And what a gift the people of PNG gave to Mary as she wrote, speaking about her life in PNG; ‘I am deeply grateful to God when I look back on my life in PNG I have learnt so much from the people with whom I lived and worked. May God continue to bless them all.’
We thank God for the many gifts given to Sr Mary. We will be ever grateful to Minnie and Rueben and the Conlan family for the gift of Mary to our Congregation!
Sr Philippa Murphy
Provincial Leader
Eulogy: Sr Bernadetta Robinson (16.06.1935 - 7.3.2024)
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Everywhere Loved!
‘This is my beloved in whom I am well pleased’.
These words from the Gospel of Matthew capture well the driving force behind our dear Sister Bernadetta’s life. She had an absolute trust and deep faith in God. On Thursday, 7th March she came face to face with her God whom she had so lovingly and faithfully served as a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, for over six decades.
To Bernadetta’s brothers David and John, her nieces, and nephews and all of Bernadetta’s family and friends, who loved her so much and who are deeply saddened by her death, we offer our deep sympathy and love. You know well her deep love for you, her pride and joy in you, and her gratitude to you.
Bernadetta as we called her, was born Lorinda Winifred Robinson, in Jandowae, Queensland on the 16th June 1935 to Frank and Nancy Robinson, the third of four children. Being the only girl, she was special in the family. Her parents married during the Depression, and she grew up during the difficult war years and like many families in rural areas they faced various financial struggles. Bernadetta’s father was an Auctioneer and a Real Estate agent in the local town and her mother was a beautiful home maker. Bernadetta liked growing up in a country town, she loved animals, especially dogs and enjoyed playing sport against girls from neighbouring country towns. From an early age Bernadetta had a heart for those in need and was a member of the Junior Red Cross.
Bernadetta began her schooling at Jandowae State School and completed her studies with the Mercy Sisters at All Hallows School, Brisbane where she boarded for four years. It was here that her desire to give her life in service to God and God’s people grew. She wanted to be a missionary and it was during a three-day school retreat that she expressed this desire to a priest. The priest directed her to contact the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart at Corinda where he had an aunt, Sister Mary Ines.
Some years later she applied to Kensington to enter the Congregation and she received a reply from Mother Concepta who suggested she make arrangements to enter on November 21st, 1954 and this she did. She made her first profession in July 1956, and was given the name, Sister Bernadetta.
These years were tinged with difficulties because her father, who was not a Catholic, and had no knowledge of Religious Life, was initially opposed to her entering, and wanted her to wait until she was 21. Bernadetta, a decisive and quietly determined young women at 19, could wait no longer. Her father went along with her decision, although initially disappointed, in later years when he saw how happy she was, his attitude changed.
As a young Sister, it was evident that Bernadetta had exceptional leadership qualities. She was welcoming, kind, inclusive, decisive, a wise steward of the Province’s resources. And she had a deep faith in God and love for Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. Over many years Bernadetta held a position of leadership as either Provincial Councillor, Provincial Bursar or Community Leader. In 1988, her dream to be a Missionary was realised and she was appointed as the third Regional Leader in the Philippines.
Sister Bernadetta's current successor as regional superior, Sister Ruth S. Yburan
She is remembered by our Filipina sisters as a gentle and compassionate leader, always ready to listen, and as one Sister commented: ‘That's why, some of us, young sisters at the time, understood more what true freedom was. We were able to approach her and talk to her about our dreams as well as concerns’. Her gentle, kindly and commonsense approach enriched the communities in which she lived, while her joyful, welcoming smile and unfailing graciousness made those communities places of warmth and hospitality. She was such a compassionate and gracious person, whoever came to her had her whole attention, she was constantly aware of those little things which could enrich the sisters' lives.’
Bernadetta was just a lovely, lovely person, a woman of integrity, who lived her entire religious life as a whole-hearted gift to God and God’s people, quietly and without fuss. Bernadetta drew her strength from her deep desire to love as God loves excluding no one.
Over several years Bernadetta was the community leader in our Aged Care Community, St Joseph’s, here at Kensington. The Sisters experienced a gentle, loving, and caring leader for whom nothing was a problem and who anticipated their needs and ensured they were fulfilled. She ensured that spiritual support, so necessary for this stage of their life journey, was always available to them.
Her contented, grateful, and gracious manner was never so evident as in more recent years when her own health and strength were failing, and she herself became a resident at St Joseph’s. Whenever you visited her she would greet you with the most beautiful smile, so indicative of her inner joy. We thank the sisters and staff of St. Joseph’s who lovingly cared for Bernadetta until her death.
We will be ever grateful to Frank, Nancy, and the Robinson family for the gift of Bernadetta to our Congregation!
Go in peace dear Bernadetta united with your beloved who loved you into life and says, ‘This is my beloved in whom I am well pleased’.
Thank you for your joyful, gentle presence, your kindness, and for your beautiful smile that lit up our hearts.
May your gracious soul rest in peace.
Philippa Murphy fdnsc
14th March 2024
Jules Chevalier Bicentenary celebration, OLSH and MSC, Sydney, Kensington
Jules Chevalier Bicentenary celebration, OLSH and MSC, Sydney, Kensington
Today, we joyfully commemorate the 200th Anniversary since the Birth of our founder and the founder of our MSC brothers, Fr. Jules Chevalier.
In our Mother House in Kensington, our OLSH Sisters and MSC Brothers came together for a Eucharistic celebration, presided over by the MSC Provincial, Fr. Stephen Hackett msc, concelebrated by our brother MSC Priests.
Following the Mass, we gathered for a beautiful morning tea,
in which included the unveiling of a commissioned artwork of Mother Marie Louise Hartzer and Fr. Jules Chevalier by our Provincial Sr Philippa Murphy fdnsc, alongside a commemorative bust of our founder Fr Jules Chevalier to be housed in our Mother House.
On this special and significant milestone for our congregation, we extend our warmest wishes and blessing to all. May the vision and spirit of Fr. Jules Chevalier continue to ignite our hearts, inspiring us to embody divine love as envisioned by him, forever nurturing the mission of being the heart of God here on earth.
An OLSH story – Sr Mary Stevens’ Golden Jubilee
An OLSH story – Sr Mary Stevens’ Golden Jubilee
From Yarning, diocese of Darwin, by Cruz Ignatius
“My soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.”
With these words Sr Mary Stevens olsh, celebrated her 50th year Jubilee Anniversary of profession as a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred with her Religious family at Kensington, NSW on January 12, 2023.
Sr Mary stated that religious life has been a “A rich experience for me. It has taken me into areas of ministry and places that I would never have imagined when I was professed fifty years ago. I have been blessed in living and working with many sisters over the years and privileged to meet and work with so many dedicated and wonderful lay people who have remained my friends.’
Sr Mary was born into a family of 1 son (deceased) and 7 girls, growing up on a dairy farm at Nabiac, NSW until the children were of high school age, when the family moved to the town of Taree.
On leaving school, Mary initially worked as a receptionist, however, she always dreamt of helping the sick, poor, and disadvantaged through nursing. So, in 1964 she moved to Sydney and began her nursing studies at OLSH Hospital, Randwick. Sr Mary graduated with her Nursing Diploma in 1968 achieving 8th place in the State. She would later gain her midwifery and Paediatric diplomas, as well as Geriatric and Community Health Certificates.
Mary entered the OLSH Novitiate in 1970, was professed in 1973 and finally professed in 1976.
After profession she initially worked in the infirmary at Kensington Convent. In 1974 she became one of the founding members of St. Joseph’s Aged Care at Kensington. After completing her midwifery/paediatric studies she began her missionary life at Port Keats, NT as sister-in-charge of the clinic and hospital. Here, she was able assisted by lay nurses and aboriginal health workers, female and male. Over the years, Mary would return to Port Keats twice more. She also spent time at Santa Teresa and at Daly River missions.
Sr Mary’s calling took her to the Philippines from 1991 – 2002 as Leader, OLSH Region which changed her work from nursing to administration/leadership of young women who were entering the order, forming them to take over the many roles of leadership. As the Region grew convents were built on different islands and the sisters began lovingly to care for the poor and needy. In 2002 the Filipina Sisters assumed the leadership of their Region.
Following a sabbatical, Mary spent a year St. Mary’s Convent, Darwin and in 2004 was assigned to Timor Leste. Here Mary did medical clinics for the people in the mountains.
In 2008 – 2013 Mary was missioned as Director of Holy Family Care Centre located in Ofcolaco, South Africa. The Mission was established during the AIDS epidemic and was set up for children left orphaned, their parents having died from Aids. There were 70 children from babies to teens. What a wonderful ministry! Jesus said: ‘Let the little children come to me.’ Mary stated that ‘not a day passed that I wasn’t conscious of Jesus’ words. These beautiful children gave me far more than I ever gave them!’
In the NT again from 2014, Sr Mary is the leader of the NT OLSH communities of Alice Springs, Wadeye, Wurrumiyanga/a Vinnies volunteer and Spiritual Director of the OLSH Associates and a member of the OLSH Provincial Team. She is also the Leader of South Australian Communities – Kilburn, Prospect, Fulham Gardens, Whyalla, and Roxby Downs.
This is just a glimpse of Mary’s rich, varied and full life which she describes as being blessed with ‘life in abundance and joy to the full’, and says: ‘I would do it all again tomorrow!’
Members of the Provincial Council.