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Thursday, 15 August 2024 22:44

Current News… Succession.

Current News…  Succession.

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Succession. A word now well-known through the popular television series.

But, succession in the context of our website?

Instead of third person, I am writing now in the first person as Peter Malone, personalising these reflections, with some photo-realism of where Current News is posted!!


August 17th is the 14th anniversary of my starting work on Current News on this site, shrewdly led on by the then provincial, Tim Brennan.

This means that I have posted, in round numbers, 300 stories each year, which tells me that would mean a total of at least 4200 items. I had not thought of it until recently when somebody used the word “discipline” about the regularity and constancy. This made me realise that I have posted six items a week, wherever I was – but mainly at home at my computer, at the desk or, as now, in my armchair, 10 PM each night, listening to Philip Adams on Late Night Live (but he has now retired).


I noticed on the website last week the news that I had turned 85. And, so, the thought about stopping. Hence, succession.

I will continue until the end of this year. I am happy to say that there is a good plan in the works for continuing the Current News. Also in the works is a re-vamping and updating of the site. So, as you do, “Watch this space”.


Planning for the future

I look back and realise that all the posts are still there on the site, something of a diary/archive of life in the Province and beyond, items that are still available through the search engine.

And I have enjoyed something like investigative journalism, an eye and an ear for stories, leads, connections, googling for stories and photos, planning ahead, now and again having to improvise, keeping alert.

Because of the work on the website, another task was writing the Analecta entries on each year of the Province, history and publications.  I now have a successor. His first entry appears tomorrow…


Published in Current News