Displaying items by tag: Monivae College
MSC Education - Back to school 2025 for our four colleges
MSC Education - Back to school 2025 for our four colleges
At Downlands
Programs at Monivae
and Chaplain at Chevalier
Daramalan alumni at work in the school
Most of us enjoyed a lovely break, but the Pacific Maintenance crew worked exceptionally hard over the holidays to remodel the Sharpe Wing, install air conditioning, and rebuild the dance studios in time for the first day of term. With nearly everyone on the team being a former student, we can certainly expect their best efforts!
Hoa MSC, placement at Monivae - and a Ted McCormack MSC PS
We invited our MSC student, Hoa Tran, to reflect on his time at Monivae.
He writes: this semester, I've begun my summer pastoral placement at Monivae College in Hamilton. Psychology describes the Primacy Effect. It’s the tendency to remember the first experiences most vividly. My first day at Monivae was no exception. After meeting with the principal, Johnathan Rowe, to organise my activities during the placement. He then took me to the Year 8 Reflection Day at Cyril Lampard in Hirl, a short drive from the school.
As we drove, we talked about Monivae and its day-to-day life. I was eager to learn about teaching and all the administrative procedures. Most of my questions were around those areas. But just before we arrived, Johnathan shared something unexpected. "Hoa," he said, "I think the most important thing here is about relationship.” This simple yet powerful saying has reshaped my expectations. It has set the tone for all my experiences at the school.
Education then is not just about academics alone. It is firstly about connection and community. That's what Monivae experience has come to mean for me. The school’s mission statement beautifully puts it: “Monivae College is a heart-centred learning community that embodies the core MSC values of love, positive relationships, and compassion.”
At the Year 8 Reflection Day, I saw this relational dimension in action. Danny Franc, Monivae's Director of Faith and Formation, and other teachers tailored the activities to enable students to know and connect to one another like group discussions, contemplative walk, or create arts work. For me, one memorable activity involved crafting a paper heart and writing down a message of gratitude to someone they appreciate. This activity beautifully expressed the day's theme: "I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36.26).
It’s hard to put into words all my experiences at Monivae. There’s so much to share. I feel truly blessed to have had the opportunities to join various teams, Religious Education, Humanities, Science, Learning Support, Well-being, Library and the Mental Health First Aid teams. The teachers and staff welcomed me into their classes and training sessions. They allow me to learn and witness their commitment to MSC core values of compassion and community.
What has made this experience even more special is their trust in letting me share my own journey with the students. I’ve had the chance to give them a glimpse of life as an MSC and draw from my pastoral experiences in different places over the years. It’s been so great to engage with the students, not just as a teacher but as someone walking a little further along the path of life, sharing stories and lessons along the way.
So far, my time at Monivae has been an invaluable experience.
- and a Ted McCormack PS. Ted and Hoa recently visited Koroit (Terry Bowman's home town) and Port Fairy (Peter Hearn's home town). Ted lives at Monivae.
Monivae, Sacred Heart Day 2024
Monivae, Sacred Heart Day 2024
On Friday we celebrated Sacred Heart Day, starting with an all school Mass presided over by the MSC Provincial Father Stephen Hackett, joined by Father Patrick Mugavin and Father Ted McCormack MSC.
It was lovely to have Father Hackett back at Monivae College. having been an Old Collegian (Class of 1977) and former staff member at the junior campus (1989-1996).
And past students
Congratulations to Old Collegian Melissa Tapper - Class of 2007 on making her 3rd Olympics and 4th Paralympic games.
Casting "A Lie In Wait," a short film exploring perspective through the lens of the protagonist.
Old Collegian, Edvard Christie Fantastic Film Festival
Our MSC Colleges today, some stories
Our MSC Colleges today, some stories
Rather different from when many of us were at school, even our schools.
Some history of the Church: Downlands
This afternoon, hundreds of Downlands students' family members visited the Graham Centre for our 11th Movers and Shakers event. Our annual Movers and Shakers event is where our Year 8 students become a person from the Catholic Church's history who has influenced change whilst answering a series of questions in character.
For the past six weeks, our students have been researching, compiling timelines and completing writing tasks related to the topic to assist them in their preparation.
Present issues: Monivae
IDAHOBIT DAY May 17th // International Day against Homophobia, Biophobia, Intersexism and Transphobia.

This week our Library was presented with a beautiful selection of books for all ages in recognizing diversity in our community.
The books were gifted to us by our local YUMCHA Group, supported by the Southern Grampians Council and Brophy Family and Youth Services.
This week, Mission Office visits, cooking pizza at Cuskelly House and two Kookaburras at Kensington Monastery.
This week, Mission Office visits, cooking pizza at Cuskelly House and two Kookaburras at Kensington Monastery.
MSC Mission Office, Roger Purcell visits Blackburn parish
With Khoi and Trieu
and his old school, Monivae.
The Monivae visit was featured this week on the Mission Office podcast, Mission Alive, as was an interview with Sister Rita Grunke OLSH who has worked in South Sudan for many years. Recommended viewing each day on the Mission Office site – well worth Bookmarking.
Formation Pizza,
From the Facebook page, MSC Vocations - Australian Province. What do you have for dinner tonight? Mark Hanns, post-noviciate director is making his own version of pizza for the community. (An apology to Italians! LoL )
Check the MSC Vocations Australia Facebook page for MSC and Vocations promotion and news (From Cuskelly House)
And, in the St Francis’ vein.
Kookaburras at the Monastery: Thank you, John O’Connor, for this, "…and it came to pass that two Kookaburras discovered the light in the monastic garden during the daylight time of the eleventh hour - how enlightening is that?” Perhaps over-reading the parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard!!