Displaying items by tag: Merrit Patterson

Sunday, 22 December 2024 16:50

Twas the Text Before Christmas

twas text



US, 2023, 83 minutes, Colour.

Merritt Patterson, Trevor Donovan, Jayne Eastwood, Eric Peterson, Rob Stewart.

Directed by TJ Peacocke.


The title plays on the famous Twas The Night Before Christmas. A social media variation – where the leading lady, Addie, Merritt Patterson, a chiropractor in New York City, receives a mistaken text from a grandmother in Vermont, Nana. But, that\ey begin talking, friendship, and Addie going to Vermont for Christmas.

This is one of the many popular films for television with Christmas themes – and they are there in abundance. This film has the distinction of being G rated and so available without reserve to the widest audience.

It is all very familiar material with the variation on the texting. Those who make continual pleas for original material, not for them. For those who enjoy the conventions and the variations, the atmosphere of Christmas celebrations, romance, younger generations, older generations, this is the kind of film that is popular.

There are the romance themes, Adie and her being left by her longtime boyfriend and his getting engaged quickly, her friendship with Traci, fellow chiropractor, happily married, holidaying in Florida, always inviting Addie. The complication is that her mother has died, her brother works in Australia, her father, genial, spends one Christmas in Australia and the next with Addie in New York. Complications in Australia, and he accepting the invitation to Vermont, her going to Vermont and meeting the family, especially James, Trevor Donovan, who is a doctor in service throughout the year in South America.

Lots of family cheer, a very delayed romance and no really explicit acknowledgement of it until the last five minutes! But Nana, the grandmother, a bright Jayne Eastwood, is attracted to the widower who runs the local bed-and-breakfast.

While we can see what is coming all the time, the enjoyment is the looking forward to it and seeing how it all works out.

Very American Christmas, some carols in the background, the generic grace before meals, not a religious Christmas but a very humane one.

Published in Movie Reviews
Thursday, 07 March 2024 16:08

One Perfect Match

one perect match



Australia, 2023, 87 minutes, Colour.

Merritt Patterson, Joshua Sasse, Lynn Gilmartin, Meg Fraser, Callan Colley, Charlotte Chimes, Claire Weller Price, Mitchell Bourke.

Directed by Jo-Anne Brechin.


A Date Movie. Literally. The title is that of a company that places people, dates and match, more personable than trawling a date site.

87 minutes of unremitting niceness. Not a harsh word, not a rude word heard throughout. Everyone and everything, even date meals which do not work out, is nice. Everything is “amazing” or “cool”. This is what a perfect kind of Hallmark movie portrays as a lovely world. Sweetness and light.

Lucy (Merritt Patterson) began and her manages her client-filled One Perfect Match Company, a matchmaker listening perfectly and arranging dates. Within minutes of the start of the film, she encounters Finn (Joshua Sasse), a charmingly reticent Clark Kentish type (with Superman potential).

We know exactly what is going to happen, love at first sight, but can the matchmaker date a client? Lots of references to ethical considerations and professionalism, despite the urgings of Ella, her sister, and her ever-ready assistant, Paige. Ella is about to be married – and lots of lovely coincidences concerning Chardonnay, a beautiful vineyard location for a wedding…

While set in the US, this is an Australian production, filmed in Brisbane, from the Steve Jaggi company which has specialised in this type of romance, sometimes Americans flying to Queensland and finding romance there. The leading character is a Canadian actress, the leading man English. All the supporting cast are Australian.

A nice and pleasantly undemanding film for Romantics who want to sit back, relax and be charmed.

  1. , The company, Lucy and her work, meeting with Finn, the romance?
  2. An Australian production, the Florida settings, international cast, Australian support?
  3. A G-rated film, nice characters, no harshness, pleasant situations, positive outlook?
  4. Lucy’s story, the company, the title, her clients, contact with them, learning about them, placing them with dates and matches, personal contact? Page as her support of assistant? Ella and her marrying? Ella concerned about Lucy not having dates?
  5. The encounter with Finn, the restaurant, the Chardonnay, coincidences, his being a client, placing him with Molly, the tour of his building, the attraction, her professionalism, not dating a client, despite page and Ella? The coincidence for Ella’s wedding, the Vineyard, the visit, meeting his mother, the tour of the property? Continued meetings? The not-date for the ceremony? Learning that he was not a client any more? The wedding, happy ending?
  6. Finn, reserved, his story, his father and business, his business studies, investments, successful company, clients? His father in Italy, his mother and the Vineyard? The visit of Lucy and Ella, showing Lucy the property? The date with Molly, her awkwardness, love for cats, his love for dogs, polite, breaking the match? The wedding, the happy ending?
  7. The pleasant supporting characters, page of the office concerned about Lucy, Ella and her fiance, preparations for the marriage, the property and the site, the happy wedding? Finn’s mother and her gracious welcome? Molly, client, the pleasant break with Finn? Lucy and her dinner with Colin, not compatible, suggesting: two Molly?
  8. Pleasantly undemanding?
Published in Movie Reviews