Displaying items by tag: Melina Hagberg

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 17:38

Bastarden/ The Promised Land

promised land



Denmark, 2023, 127 minutes, Colour.

Mads Mikkelson, Amanda Collin, Simon Bennebjerg, Melina Hagberg, Kristine Kujath Thorp.

Directed by Nikolaj Arcel.


A recommendation for audiences who enjoy re-creations of history. We are taken back to the middle of the 18th century, 1755, Denmark, and out into the barren heaths of Jutland (the territory, 100 years later, for Babette’s Feast).

The title is one of hope, the story of a veteran Danish soldier, Ludwig Kahlen, serving in Germany 25 years, in civil status, the illegitimate son of a landlord who offloaded him to the military, now returning and requesting permission to cultivate the barren land, a movement supported by the King who wants to develop this neglected area with settlers and commerce, but not backed enthusiastically by his counsel.

Which means that this is the dramatic struggle of a determined individual to work against all odds, even to digging the soil with his own hands, trying to get support, a vision of success – and even hoping for royal acknowledgement and nobility status. But we realise that this will entail a steadfast determination, struggles with the land, with the climate, with the need for financial and co-working assistance.

And, that is what we are given, and more.

The cinematography of the landscapes contrasting with the courts, the lavish mansion of the local landowner, enhances the atmosphere. And the performances are very strong. Mads Mikkelson has proven himself         in Danish cinema as well as internationally. This is one of his best performances – and he had worked with the director, Nikolaj Arcel, in A Royal Wedding (2012), a drama set a decade later than this film but focusing on Denmark’s Royal family. (The screenplay was written by Anders Thomas Jensen who has collaborated with Arcel and Mikkelson in several projects including the striking Riders of Justice.)

While the development of a promised land as the focus, the human stories interwoven are quite compelling. On the dramatic, evil side, there is the manic, narcissistic and exploitative landowner, de Schinkel (Simon Bennebjerg, absolutely convincing as a brutally insane predator), his cousin, Edel, attracted to Kahlen and key to a violent resolution, and a runaway servant, Ann Barbara, who settles with her husband in working with Kahlen, with violent consequences as well. The local outlaws who work for a time but then are frightened off, German settlers, but, especially, a dark complexioned young girl, a “darkling” whom the Germans fear is a bad omen, Anmai Mus, Melina Hagberg in her only role us far, bringing a cheeky and challenging presence but also a deeply humanising perspective to the drama.

The English title focuses on the land. The Danish title focuses on Kahlen but cannot be used in English because of its derogatory overtones – but the director has commented “in Danish, the bastard only means illegitimate son or illegitimate child. It actually doesn't mean anything sort of other negative than that:.

An immersion in Danish history.

  1. The title, English and the land, Danish and status?
  2. Immersion in Danish history? 18th century, 1755-63, the King and Council, Jutland and barren land, development? Political themes? Aristocracy themes? Development themes? Human themes?
  3. The cinematography, the landscapes, the seasons, the work on the heath, the mansion, aristocratic celebrations, the growing crops, the fight sequences? The musical score?
  4. The story of Ludvig Kahlen, Mads Mikkelsen’s performance?, To the military, 25 years in Germany, return, request about the land, potatoes, hearing by the Council, there disdain, expecting him to fail, it fulfilling the King’s wishes for development in Jutland? His request for finance, nobility status?
  5. Kahlen as a character, personality, determined, military? The encounter with Johannes and Ann Barbara, is fleeing Schinkel, taking refuge with him, their work? The episode with the little girl, begging, the attack? Her later returning, her character, language, dark complexion, the status with the exiled group? The outlaws and their attitude?
  6. The plan, Kahlen and his digging, testing the soil? The young minister and his working, support? Hope for workers, the approach to the outlaws, tough bargaining, their arrival, later being warned off and leaving? Little girl, wanting to stay, being taken in?
  7. The ownership of the land, by the King, by de Schinkel, his claims, his staff, his attitudes, the gradual revelation of his brutality, predator with the women, absolute arrogance? The meetings with Kahlen, attempts to bargain, the threats?
  8. The encounter with the cousin, her attraction, the handkerchief, Kahlen’s response? The invitation to the dance? Ann Barbara mending his coat, self-conscious, de Schinkel and the change of wig, the meeting with Edel, the capture of Johannes, the lashing, the hole, the boiling water, his death, the choir singing, their stopping, de Schinkel and his glee, Kahlen taking the body away, the return, the response of Ann Barbara?
  9. The continued hostilities, de Schinkel and his visits, wanting contracts, percentages? His getting his men to frighten away the outlaws? The arrival of the Germans, procuring the cartload of prisoners, their camp, Kahlen and the Germans attacking, the survival of de Schinke’’s military aid, his witness to Kahlen killing officer, the arrest, the lashing, the boiling water?
  10. The household, Ann Barbara, the Minister, the young girl, the working in the fields, the clearing, the sewing, the seasons, folded the winter, the goat milk, the young girl and her health, the killing of the goat, the meat? The arrival of de Schinkel, the leftovers from Christmas, the money, Kahlen returning it? First shoot, the frost uncovering the crop?
  11. The court, the report of the potatoes, the 80 bags, the reaction? The reaction of the King?
  12. De Schinkel summoning the locals, owners, the enmities, their banding together? The impact for the court?
  13. The ultimatum, the need for the young girl to leave, Ann Barbara’s reaction, leaving? Kahlen and his final talk with her, her going to the orphanage? Her reaction? Her seeing Kahlen as a father figure, his teaching her to read, to measure, to work with animals?
  14. Edel, de Schinkel wanting to marry her, her resistance? Seeing Ann Barbara, the drink and the poison, her promise to de Schinkel, his drinking, his reactions, collapse, Ann Barbara and her slashing him, the blood, her arrest, being taken away, life imprisonment?
  15. Years passing, the young girl growing up, the travelling workers, her working with the leader, the attraction, going out with him? His proposal, the symbol of the stick, Kahlen and his accepting the stick from her and her becoming part of the family, his agreeing that she should take her suitor’s stick, leaving?
  16. Kahlen, receiving the honours, surveyor, the nobility, but his being by himself, Ann Barbara in prison, his decision to leave everything, lose his title, a glimpse of the broken shackles, travelling with Ann Barbara…?
Published in Movie Reviews