Displaying items by tag: Lourdes
A pilgrimage to Lourdes – you might enjoy The Miracle Club.
A pilgrimage to Lourdes – you might enjoy The Miracle Club.
This Irish film is screening at the moment, an entertainment for most audiences – but a special for Catholic audiences.
This is an Irish tale set in 1967 Dublin. As the title indicates, miracles, there is more than a Catholic tone to this drama with touches of comedy. And, it will play more extensively around the world because of the star power of its cast, Maggie Smith, in her late 80s, Lily, a Dublin housewife (a long way from Downton Abbey), Kathy Bates and Laura Linney.
Looking back to 1967, in the Catholic Church, this was the immediate aftermath of the Second Vatican Council at the beginning of many changes in the church, and the dialogue with what were called “the signs of the times”. However, there was a long Catholic tradition in Ireland, cheerful in many ways, but rather harsh in others. At the opening of the film, the local parish puts on a talent show to raise money for a charity, down at the parish hall, and the two older ladies dressing up, along with a young mother, Dolly who is sad that her young boy, Daniel, has not yet spoken, Eileen singing He‘s So Fine and Lily and Dolly as the backup singers (who would have thought they would have seen Maggie Smith as a backup singer!). The prize is two tickets to Lourdes. (And the second prize is a cut of bacon.)
So, the introduction of the theme of Lourdes, the stories of miracles and cures, the screenplay telling us there have only been 62 verified cures since 1858. Eileen recalls the film of The Song of Bernadette (1943), Based on the book by Jewish Author, Franz Werfel, an extraordinary Impact about Lourdes in Its time. This all has the support of a quite genial parish priest, Father Dermot Byrne,( Mark O’Halloran). But, there is a sadness in the town, the death of an elderly woman, her estranged daughter, returning to the town after 40 years for her funeral. There is a sad story here, a reminder of much Catholic harshness, the unmarried pregnant girl, the severity of judgements, the effect on the young father, silence and alienation for decades, and sad secrets for the older women.
With some manoeuvring, everyone sets out for Lourdes, the bus, the ferry, the mountains of the Pyrenees, the vista of the basilica and the shrine of Lourdes.
And here is the challenge for the audiences. The believers have no difficulties (perhaps not quite right because some of the pilgrims voice a number of difficulties, the brunt of scepticism, high expectations of miracles, disappointments…).The pilgrims go through the rituals, the visit to the grotto, stories of Bernadette and the apparitions, devotion to Mary, statues, and the important process of immersing oneself in the waters, coming from the spring that Bernadette herself dug in the soil and which has flowed ever since. It is in the baths that there are expectations of miracles and consequent disappointments. (Surprisingly, the ever-popular hymn is not included.)
Towards the end, there is a lot of talk about forgiveness and reconciliation and, as we are anticipating, and probably hoping, the past angers surface, upsets, misunderstandings, the scars of hurt. And, as is so often said, as well as the statistics indicating, healings from illness are not the norm at all of miracles in Lourdes. Rather, it is the effect of making the pilgrimage, reflections on life and relationships, the possibilities of reconciliation and new directions in life. Dolly and the whole group also hope for a miracle when Daniel, will begin to speak. It is a tribute to the writers and the director how this is handled with reticent delicacy.
In only 90 minutes, we immerse ourselves in the Ireland of the Catholic past, go on pilgrimage to Lourdes, and experience a bit of challenge to where our own lives might need some healing and reconciliation.