Displaying items by tag: Guillaume Canet

Wednesday, 05 February 2025 12:29

Ad Vitam

ad vitam



France, 2025, 98 minutes, Colour.

Guillaume Canet, Stephane Caillard, Nasim Lyes, Zita Hanrot, Alexis Manenti, Johann Heldenbergh.

Directed by Rudolphe Louga.


French actor and director Guillaume Canet, has been popular in French cinema for more than 20 years. Generally, he is a smiling, genial screen presence, a pleasant grinning, appearing in a wide range of films from a Harlen Coben adaptation, Tell No One, to the racing drama, Jappeloup, the recent emotional drama, Hors de Saison.

This time he has contributed to the story which means that he must have had a secret, not so secret, design to step into the tradition of action films like Bruce Willis, Liam Neeson or, even, Jason Statham. And that is what happens here. In fact, it is quite an action show, heating up as it goes along until some of the stunts in the finale defy a realistic belief.

But, it would seem that Guillaume Canet is really enjoying himself as Franck in this different kind of role. Even a sequel?

The film opens spectacularly with men in harnesses on the sides of the Basilica of Montmartre, looking for cracks and crevices. And an attempt on the hero’s life, and a chase through the local streets, leading to an apartment burglary, masked forces , k invadingnocking out the hero and abducting his almost 9 months pregnant wife. So, audiences are in the mood for explanations!

But, the scenario goes back almost 10 years, Franck and his wife, Leo, in the special forces, vigorous scenes of training, celebrations on graduation, and a group of friends who bond over the years. And, they are shown in action, solving cases, tough and expert skills. Until, Franck, enthusiastic, becomes involved in an episode in a hotel, a shootout, his superiors saying he defied orders and therefore was untrustworthy and his dismissal.

And back to that critical situation with the abduction of his wife.

One of the pleasing aspects of the film is it does show the personal lives, family life, of some of Frank’s colleagues, be it and said, as well as his relationship with Leo over the years, her skill in police work, but her delight in being pregnant.

The rest of the review, as for the rest of the film, Franck to the rescue with his friend, Ben, and some heroics all round and chases, on the road as well as in the air…! That in the air part does defy belief but, in the spirit of Francks father’s motto, given to him to uphold, Ad Vitam, to Life, we are swept up in the action.

  1. The title? Motto? For life? For Armed Forces? For Franck, his father, the baggage and the inscription? Living up to his father, his failure?
  2. The Paris settings, the landmarks, the views, apartments, politics, police, Secret Service? Domestic sequences and picnics? The abduction, countryside, chases, stunts and special effects? The musical score?
  3. The structure of the film and its effect, the opening, Montmartre, Franck and Leo? The dangers, the murder attempt, chases, the mystery of the key, the special forces, the assault? Going back 10 years and the establishing of the characters and the situations? The return to the present and the confrontation, the framing, the political background and intrigue?
  4. The impact of the opening, the work on Montmartre, the climbing, the dancgers, detecting cracks in the building? Climbing skills? Franck, the work, relationship with Leo, her pregnancy? The ransacked apartment, his discussions with Ben? The attempt on his life at Montmartre, the pursuit of the attacker? The attack of the team, the enforcer, masked, the brutality, the threats? The suspense in the flashbacks?
  5. Franck, his story, his dead father, his tradition, the graduation, Leo and her presence, the other friends, the congratulations, the mood? The many scenes of training and detailed preparation for action? The friendship with Nico, with his wife, the child? The continued friendship, neighbours, picnics and happy occasions? The encounter with Ben, on the top of the building, balancing on the girder? His graduation, alone, Leo talking with him, the celebrations?
  6. The team, camaraderie, in action, their commander? Leo and her training, the bonding with Franck, two years, together, Nico and his wife conniving?
  7. All going well, Leo pregnant, the phone call, the diversion to the hotel, Franck’s decision to go in, the others agreeing, the confrontation with the shooters, the deaths, Nico and the pathos of his death? Been wounded?
  8. The aftermath, Nico and his death, his wife, his children, the support, the boy blaming Franck? The funeral? Franck and his commander, untrustworthy, being dismissed?
  9. The issue of the blood sample, Franck getting it tested, the revelation of the identity, Secret Service agents? The visualising of the background, the political situation, the arms deal with Australia, the espionage, the shootings, the discussions with the Minister, the cover-up? Franck and the issue of the blood and its identity?
  • The team, the Enforcer and his ruthlessness, the confrontation, the brutality towards Leo, bashing Franck, the abduction, secluded Leo, the threats?
  • Franck, becoming the action hero, his work on Montmartre, the attempt on his life and his pursuit, the death of his attacker, the enforcer shooting him, the police blaming Franck? His shrewdness, working with Ben, Ben as back up? The phones, identification of place, his shrewd use of the phone? Coming into the forest, taken to the hut, with Leo? Ben’s arrival, the shooting, the range of chases, bikes, cars, shootings, helicopters, audience response to the sudden presence of the flight machine, Franck using it, accuracy, the chases to the maternity hospital, his landing? Leo safe?
  • Ben, wounded, driving Leo? The shooting? Franck and his being arrested?
  • The journalist, the Minister, the revelations, the scandal, Leo and the baby, Ben to be the godfather, happy ending?
  • Popular audience response to this kind of action show with a touch of romance and family?
Published in Movie Reviews
Wednesday, 18 December 2024 16:13

Hors-Saison/ Out of Season

hors s



France, 2023, 115 minutes, Colour.

Guillaume Canet, Alba Rohrwacher, Sharif Andoura, Marre Drucker. Lucette Beudin, Hugo Dillon, Staphane Brize, Johnny Rasse, Jean Boucault.

Directed by Stephane Brize.


Pensive. Unhurried. Melancholic. Tres français. Vraiment.

Winter, hors-saison, a coastal French town where huge waves break on the rocks, or stream onto the vast beach whether anyone is there or not.

We follow a car to a modern luxury hotel, where Matthieu, a popular film star (and Guillaume Canet playing Matthieu is definitely that in fact). He has walked out on rehearsals for his stage debut, afraid, checking with his busy TV executive wife, getting the benefit of comfort, massage, therapy – although some comic scenes with the talkative,-theoretical Jim trainer and in his room where he finds it very difficult to cope with the technology, especially a recalcitrant and unstoppable coffeemaker.

Then a contact from the past. Alice (an excellent Alba Rohrwacher) with a more than five minutes restaurant conversation with Matthieu. The film becomes more about her and there is much more depth, more regrets as her life, marriage, motherhood, life in the town over 15 years is revealed. And the former relationship in the grim breakup, his abruptly leaving her.

This is a film of conversations, a number of restaurants, exploring the past. Alice reveals her home life, the audience getting a glimpse, especially of her hurt, her relationship with her daughter, love, truth, her talent with the piano, composition, teaching, but regrets…

Alice has friends in an aged care home and there is a strong sequence (though not necessarily key to the plot), an interview with an elderly woman about herself, marriage her relationship. At the celebration, enthusiastic song, dance, and a fascinating routine, enjoyably long, that most of us have never seen before, one reviewer referring them to as bird singers, another as “avian impersonators”. The couple really do have a talent for imitating the birds and dramatising the variety of their actions. One of the cinema moments when you feel the urge to join the applause as they take their bows.

The interaction between Matthieu and Alice lingers on, complex, a time for Matthieu leave, or not, Alice to keep on with her life no matter what. A wounding one-sided breakup has to give way to an amicable parting.

  1. The title? The atmosphere of the winter town on the Brittany coast? The quiet, the bleakness, the weather? The ocean pounding on the rocks? The water coming in to the empty beach? The musical score?
  2. The introduction to Matthieu, the car, the aerial shots of the road, the countryside, the car, his coming into the town, the hotel, the spa, the accommodation, his treatment, his room, the comedy with the recalcitrant coffeemaker, his idly opening and shutting the doors, the discussion with the theoretical gym trainer, the massage and its effect? The background of his marriage, the phone call to his wife, the television station, her efficiency as a manager? His attempt at theatre, overwhelmed, walking out, the phone call from the producer reprimanding him? Yet his great career as a movie star and people recognising him, photos and autographs?
  3. The surprise phone call from Alice, her coming to meet him g, her personality, the revelation of the relationship 15 years earlier, his abruptly breaking the relationship? Stranding her, her coming to the town, marrying the doctor, the 15-year-old daughter, her own music compositions, teaching piano lessons?
  4. The discussions between the two, the long conversation at the restaurant, re-acquaintance, getting to understand each other, the effect on each of them, the memories? The continuing to meet, to discuss? Seeing Alice, at home, with her husband, friends, discussion about issues in the town, with her daughter?
  5. The visit to Matthieu, the sexual encounter and the consequences? Not to meet again?
  6. The interlude with the celebration of the marriage, the long interview with the older woman, extraneous in many ways to the action of the story, yet her explanation, her family, age, relationship, love, the celebration of the union?
  7. The party, the bird imitators, their performance, entertaining?
  8. The music, the dancing?
  9. The various stages of ending, Matthieu staying an extra day and the consequences, Alice and her visits, to leave or to stay? The break up of the past, its savage effect, the comparison with the reconciliation and an amicable parting?
Published in Movie Reviews