Displaying items by tag: Goran Stolevski


HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS/ Domakinstvo za Pocetnici


North Macedonia/Australia, 2024, 107 minutes, Colour.

Samson Selim, Anamaria Marinca, Dzada Selim, Mia Mustafi, Alina Serban.

Directed by Goran Stolevski.


Here is a drama which invites its audiences to become more and more involved – despite a rather raucous beginning which some might find a bit offputting. After all, this is a film set in North Macedonia, one of the now many countries in the area which used to be called Yugoslavia, an area which is noted for zest of life despite the many conflicts. And, we can note that the writer director, Goran Stolevski, was born in this country but migrated to Australia in his teenage years, all his film education in Australia. And, this is his third film in two years, You Are Not Alone, setting North Macedonia and Of an Age (winner of several Australian film awards) set in Melbourne.

The title gives some indication that this will be a domestic story – but also an indication that all will not be smooth sailing. What the film does is to initially introduce us to a range of characters who live in this one household, mainly women, one man and a newcomer young man, also a teenager and her half sister, aged five or six. After we identify the characters, some at the centre, some at the edge, become aware of their interactions, especially during a rowdy meal. But, then some of the characters come into sharper focus, the complexities, one with a terminal illness, her two daughters, quite a number of tensions. Gradually we become much more involved with several of the characters, some with stronger motivation and moral strength than we might have anticipated, others being forced into facing themselves and challenged to be better.

Part of the complexity of the household is that several of the characters are in same-six relationships, the two men, the owner of the house and the terminally ill mother. But the issues are universal.

The death of the mother raises many emotional questions, the mother herself strikingly dramatic, instantly upset often in smashing mood, demanding that her partner assume the role of mother to the children. Which means asking the older gay man, extremely unwilling and self-centred, to take on the role of father, and to make this legitimate by an arranged marriage.

Veteran Romania actress, Annmaria Marinca, is a powerful presence, sometimes sternly strong, other times weak, as a woman who takes on responsibility for the household and the children. Samson Selim evokes some curiosity but then our sympathy has the young gay man seeking some kind of refuge in the household then responding well to the demands and the crises.

In fact, one of the most striking characters is the young little girl, absolutely full of verve, happy at play, shrewd in observing what is going on, certainly drawing the audience attention and sympathy in contrast with her older half-sister who can be extremely irritating (to household and audience) and precipitates quite a number of crises.

But, step by step, the characters move beyond their limited horizons, prepared to take on responsibilities – leading us to a satisfyingly pleasing ending.

  1. An arresting title? Picture of the household? Amateurs at housekeeping?
  2. The setting, North Macedonia, the director and his early life there, his returns there, empathy for the place and characters? Yet critique? The director and his Australian perspective?
  3. The background of Yugoslavia, the wars of the 1990s, the separation into the different countries, their independence, interconnections, rivalries, religious differences?
  4. The introduction to the characters, the visit by Ali, age 19, gay, Internet connections, his camp style, singing, the partnership with Tony, his encounter with Mia, her age, full of life, playing, singing? Introduction to Dita and Suada, in the doctor’s office, the people waiting, the doctor chatting about football on the phone, callously ignoring the patients, Suada and her outbursts, destructive? The revelation of the terminal illness, the personal relationship with Dita? Her being the mother of Mia, and her half sister, Vanessa? The boarders in the household, backgrounds, raucous?
  5. The meal, everybody at the table together, interactions, jokes, taunts? Enabling the audience to get hold of each of the characters? Liking them or not?
  6. Then the development of the interactions, getting to know some characters better, others on the periphery? Liking the characters or not?
  7. Dita, managing the house, her work, income, the colleagues at work? Social concerns? The change at home, dealing with scab slander, her illness, on the computer to find alternate therapies, Suada and her emotions, throwing the laptop over the railing, the others recovering it?’s wider and her concern about the children, relationship with each, wanting Dita to be the mother, Toni to be the father, her trying to persuade me about this, Mia’s reactions?
  8. Her death, the funeral? The issue of parenting, Toni, his work, the relationship with Ali, then, Dita putting the pressure on him, the visit to Ali’s town, city, Gypsies, human trafficking, Suada’s mother, language difficulties, interactions, friendly, but Dita taking the children back?
  9. Toni, forced into the agreement, Ali getting the documents, his contacts, the signing of the documents, Dita forcing Toni, getting dressed, going to the local official, the marriage consent? The celebration?
  10. Vanessa, her issues at school, the fights, boyfriends, the story of the boyfriend going to Malta, her phone, similar cover to that of Ali, Toni picking up the wrong phone, Toni looking at it, the photos of the naked men, Toni and his violent reaction? The fact that it was Vanessa’s phone?
  11. Dita and her work colleagues, happy that she was married, the celebration, the invitation, Toni unwilling, their going, his upset and creating a scene?
  12. With Vanessa, the clashes with Dita, calling the police, everybody having to clear out of sight, Toni dressed up, the happy couple, nursing Mia?
  13. Vanessa, running away, the group going back to the village, Ali there after the falling out with Toni, his helping them to find Vanessa, the human trafficking?
  14. The return, Vanessa calmer? The contrast with Mia, her continued vitality, play, dolls, singing, bonding with our Lee, the balloons?
  15. Everybody at the concert, Mia and her performance, the whole group enjoying the situation, some pleasing reconciliation and hopes?
Published in Movie Reviews