Displaying items by tag: Fayssal Bazzi

Wednesday, 18 December 2024 12:08

How to Make Gravy

how gravy


Australia, 2024, 120 minutes, Colour.

Daniel Henshall, Hugo Weaving, Agathe Rousselle, Brenton Thwaites, Damon Herriman, Kate Mulvaney, Benedict Hardie, Fayssal Bazzi, Kieran Darcy-Smith, Kim Gyngell, Jonah Wren Phillips, Adam Briggs.

Directed by Nick Waterman.

Paul Kelly has been a musical icon in Australia for decades, singer and performer, composer, strong songs and lyrics. This film is based on his Christmas song, How to make Gravy, 1996 (the lyrics can be found by Googling). Producer, Meg Washington and her partner, director, Nick Waterman, have elaborated on the characters and situations in the song, creating a narrative – and introducing a most sympathetic character, not in the song, the prisoner, Noel.

The film has a Queensland setting, an extended family gathering for Christmas, the background of grief with the central character, Joe (Daniel Henshall) grieving the death of his mother. There is his wife, Rita (French actress Agatha Rousselle), his young son Angus (Jonah Wren Phillips) young daughters. For the Christmas dinner, his sister and brother, uncles, some of the guests are initially jovial, the grief surfacing, Joe highly aggressive towards his brother-in-law, a fight, the police, in prison.

In prison, Joe is victimised by a fellow prisoner, have Red, and other bullying prisoners. Joe has no anger management and fights back, to his detriment. His wife visiting, his son would like to visit, he has phone calls, but the families not sure how he is bearing up in prison.

Where the original song narrative is enhanced is the introduction of a most sympathetic life-sentence prisoner, Noel (Christmas name and ultimately his wearing the Santa Claus hat), a sympathetically vigorous performance from Hugo Weaving. Noel is charge of the prison kitchen, offers Joe a job, Joe offering his family’s recipe for making gravy. There are some jovial and joyful scenes in the kitchen, the cooking, and, eventually, the chaplain providing some wine for the gravy recipe.

Echoing Paul Kelly’s Catholic background, there is a young chaplain, not many in his congregation, a bit desperate. And there is a prisoners’ choir who perform with zest.

In the meantime, the screenplay offers the difficulties at home, Angus and his tensions, his musician uncle trying to help out at home (Brenton Thwaites), Joe in an angry outbur but provoked st being prevented from seeing his wife and son at Christmas.

How does the film bring everything to a climax – Angus angry with his mother and uncle, running away, going to the prison – but a kindly guard allowing Angus in and a happy reconciliation with his father. And the kindly Noel effecting some peace in the prison.

A film for Australian audiences to enjoy – with the hope that others will enjoy it as well.

  1. Paul Kelly’s song, popular, Christmas, prison, family? A dramatisation of the song?
  2. The Queensland setting, the town, home for Christmas, the prison, exteriors, interiors, the kitchen, the yard and fights? The musical score, the range of songs, music and lyrics?
  3. The Christmas theme, the first Christmas, 51 weeks later? Introduction to Joe, lying on his bed, Angus urging him awake, preparing for Christmas, the grief at the death of his mother, his relationship with his wife, daughters? The guests arriving for Christmas, the uncles, his sister and Roger, Dan, the separation, his daughter?
  4. The tension at the table, the speeches, the conversation, aftermath, family tensions, criticisms, squabbles, Joe and his aggression, Roger, the fight, the calling of the police?
  5. Joe in jail, his angers, his grief, the visits from his wife and their talking, his son wanting to visit, the phone calls? The routines of the prison, Joe being picked on, Red his associates, the violence, Joe as victim? The other prisoners, life in the prison?
  6. Noel, his Christmas name, Hugo Weaving’s presence, in jail for life, yet his attitudes, offering to help Joe, offering him the job in the kitchen, Joe and his return, the rules, the attendance at the meetings, the significance of the meeting, Joe telling his story, the response of the men? Joe and the recipe for gravy, the ingredients, no wine? The bonding with the men in the kitchen, the preparation of the meals? The preparation for Christmas, the detail? Joe at home in the kitchen, going to the concert, looking forward to Angus’s visit? Red picking on him, the fight, his being prevented from seeing his son?
  7. The men in the kitchen, the choir practices, the priest, talking with the men, the concert, the sermon, his drinking the wine, his bringing the wine as a gift for the gravy? Noel’s intervention?
  8. Rita and the children at home, Dan moving in, helping, the girls coping, the pressure on Rita, her love for Joe, her mother’s phone calls, her choices? Dan and his support? The dancing, Angus’s anger? Going to see Joe with Angus, his not being allowed the visit?
  9. Dan, his daughter, the woman across the street, her bullying sons picking on Angus, the fight? Her chatting with Dan, the sexual encounter? And having to come to terms with himself and Mary? Her saying she had forgiven him?
  10. Stella, with Roger, the visit to Joe, the tensions with Roger, the bouquet, his presence at the meal, the only one at home during the search, talking with John on the phone, the apology? Stella and the future with him, saying her choice was family or Roger?
  11. Angus, the upset, seeing his mother in Dan, running away, the search, the desperation? The bike, the dog and the bus, Paul Kelly as the driver, going to the prison, the sympathetic guard and surveillance, letting Angus in, keeping the dog? Bringing Joe to the visiting room, revealing Angus, the embrace?
  12. Joe and his final confrontation with Red, standing up to him and his bullying? Noel making him to go to the concert? Getting the meal, some kind of peace?
  13. The Christmas ending, family reconciliations, hope for the future?
Published in Movie Reviews
Friday, 27 September 2024 11:22

Twelve 2, The

twelve 2



Australia, 2024, 8X 45 minutes, Colour.

Amy Matthews, Errol Shand, Kris McQuade, Tasman Walton, Josh McKenzie, Anthony Brandon Wong, Stefanie Cacama, Luke Pegler, Feysall Bazzi, Sam Neill, Frances O'Connor, Anthony Hayes, Gerard Lebowski.


Directed by Stevie Cruz Smith, Jocelyn Moorhouse, Ben Young.

The television series, The Twelve, made quite an impact on television audiences, a focus on a trial, some quite significant members of the jury, others on the periphery. And, the trial lawyers, played by Sam Neill and Marta Dusseldorp, as well is the accused, played by Kate Mulvaney, were well written roles. And, there was always the mystery of the guilt or innocence of the accused.

This is the second series. The only continuing character is that played by Sam Neill as a defence lawyer, always self assured, charming, the touch of the ruthless. In this version he has a co-worker, played by Frances O’Connor. There are two accused, Amy Matthews and Errol Shand, the lawyers defending one each. Prosecutor is portrayed by Fayssal Bazzi.

The setting is Western Australia, a country town, the death of an elderly woman farmer, rather a harridan, played effectively by Kris McQuade. Her daughter and her lover are accused of her murder.

The screenplay this time, after a prologue indicating the setting and the characters, focuses on the trial, meetings outside the courtroom, but mainly flashbacks indicating the different perspectives on the situation, the death, possible scenarios, and unexpected aspects in the final solution.

And, as with the original series, there is strong focus on several of the jurors, a young woman caring for her sister who, in fact, is her daughter, a young man, on drugs, involved in money deals, an ageing and dying Asian character clashing with his children, a woman caring for her elderly mother discovering aboriginal connections…

The court scenes and cross examinations are always very interesting, there are twists and turns on the prosecution and the defence, some tense human relationships.

The series has several directors especially Jocelyn Moorhouse.

  1. The popularity of the first series? The series based on an original Dutch program?
  2. The adaptation to Western Australia, the country town, the streets and buildings, the courthouse, hotels and motels, the countryside and the farms, homesteads? The musical score?
  3. The structure of the series, the introduction to the crime situation, the investigators, the arrests, the lawyers and visits to the accused, the selection of the jury and the discussions about who should be on the jury? The judge? The flashbacks to Bernice, Sasha and Patrick? The cumulative effect of the flashbacks, and the development of the story of particular genres? The dramatic effect? The twist at the end, Thelma and her intervention?
  4. The dramatic impact of the court proceedings, the prosecutor and his stances, less experience than Colby and Meredith, their skills, interrogations? The wide range of witnesses and testimonies? Dramatic interactions? The focus on the jurors and their responses? The assistance to the prosecutor and offenders?
  5. The core of the plot, Bernice, age, hard work, harsh personality, mean minded, the response of the town, hostility? Sasha, her age, working with her mother, her mother’s control over her? Yet her daughter’s love? Patrick, the breakdown, getting the lift, the relationship with Sasha, Kelly and the children and his visits to them, the relationship with Sasha, passionate on her side, his response to her? Bernice’s disapproval, criticisms of Patrick, criticising her daughter, observing, getting Sasha to withdraw the money, the $50,000, visiting Patrick at the motel, giving him the money, his taking it? His giving it to Kelly?
  6. Audience response to the personalities of Sasha and Patrick, during the affair, side-by-side in the prison, the advice to look straight ahead in the court? The reality of the pregnancy, the birth of the baby, Sasha wanting to visit, the visit to the prison?
  7. The death of Bernice, in the well, the possibilities, the issue of the well and it repairs, the company manager, his presence, confronting in the court, hostility towards Bernice, Colby surveying his back entry, his admission of changing the lights?
  8. The neighbours, farming, lesbians and attacks, the death of the dog, the visit, the visit, questioning in court?
  9. The focus on the genres, in court, the discussions, Winston as foreman, the range of men, the range of women in, behaviour, friendships, out-of-court meetings?
  10. Winston, his wealth, the mill, terminal cancer, the nurse, weary, friendship, the marijuana, the visit of his son and daughter, their neglect, his severity, his daughter reporting the nurse, the substitute nurse? The visit to the club? The friendship? His reaction to criticisms about parents and their treatment of children, wills? His final decision, selling the company, dividing the money, the final scene with his son?
  11. Joey, young, his father, friendship with Pete, his girlfriend, the drugs, money needs, the drive, the crashing of the sign, the repairs, the payout to the mechanic, borrowing from the bank, Peter and his drinking, giving him the drugs, people dying, the interrogations, his lying, his girlfriend and her finally walking out? Pete’s father, asking him to be the football coach? His behaviour with the other jurors? The owner of the pub, genial, on the jury, the night of celebration at the pub? His father and the money for buying the ring, for reconciliation? Continuing the drugs, in the bar, the bartender, his being overcome, going to the police, his confession, driving with his father, not participating in the jury?
  12. Thelma, looking after her mother, dementia, the neighbours, killing the hens, throwing the eggs, the punctured football, Thelma and her friend, the confrontation with the neighbours, challenge about her mob, issues of racism, questioning her mother, the mention of Bernice, going to the former home, getting the documents, photocopying them, her reaction? Her outbursts against her mother, her partner coming him down, her feeling of her to discovering the truth about her origins, racial prejudice?
  13. Claudia, at home, with her sister, working at the bar, severe father, severe mother, the issue of the rollerblades and the little girl envious, Claudia and her age, with the jury, serious, going out with the gay couple, drinking, admitting the truth about her daughter? Later at the party? Her mother forbidding her to go to the holy communion ceremony? The little girl leaving? Claudia confronting her parents? The continued anxiety, the confrontation with her mother, her daughter overhearing the truth, running out, hit by the car, hospital, the visits, Claudia inviting her to go rollerskating?
  14. The Muslim nurse, at work, comments, the invitation to her home, her concern about Winston and his harsh reaction to her?
  15. The young woman, her ex-husband, the interactions?
  16. The smug character, knowing all about the town, the money deals, presumption of guilt, reactions to his assertions?
  17. The range of people interviewed, their comments, their opinions, Sasha is close friend and her outburst against Patrick? The doctors and their opinions, the detective from Perth, the manager of the motel and his playing computer games and accuracy of memory?
  18. The revelation about Bernice, the affair, the family reaction, going to the Centre, giving birth, giving up the child? Her knowing that Patrick was the child? The flashbacks to the confrontation, the revelation of the truth, the reason for Bernice giving Patrick the money, wanting the child destroyed, Bernice and the gun, Sasha and her defiance, Patrick hitting her, going for the ambulance, Sasha, the body, her ability to carry a heifer, carrying her mother’s body, putting her down the well, her motivations, anger, love for Patrick, the baby?
  19. Meredith, Colby and further information, the estrangement, her visiting Sasha, the cross-examination the court, Colby and the revelation about the relationship, defensive Patrick? Sasha and her anger at Meredith? Meredith and the phone call to Chris and the children, his filing separation papers? Her defeat?
  20. The prosecutor, the attack on Sasha, her breaking down, the adjournment?
  21. Colby, reconstructing the situation, exonerating Patrick?
  22. The audience, the added accumulation of flashbacks, what might have happened, what did happen, changing loyalties, jewellery, the details of the discussions, orderly, good arguments? The decisions?
  23. The audience seeing the truth, Patrick being freed, his attempts to save his mother’s life? Sasha, sympathy for her, but her decision against her mother? Her going to prison, the prospect of her child? And the revelation that she was guilty? But the final irony of Patrick saying he had given the money to Kelly, his digging it up and disappearing?
  24. A satisfying mystery, life in Western Australia and community, relationships, violence, the crime, the evidence, the flashbacks, the jury’s decision?
Published in Movie Reviews