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conf felix

THE CONFESSIONS OF FELIX KRULL/ Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull


Germany, 2021, 114 minutes, Colour.

Jannis Niewohner, David Kross, Liv Lisa Fries, Nicholas Ofczarek, Maria Furtwangler, Joachim Krol.

Directed by Detlev Buck.


This is another version of the novel by celebrated author, Thomas Mann. Several times filmed, especially in a version starring Horst Buchholz, the title here emphasises not just the name of Felix Krull but the indication that he is a conman.

The initial setting is Paris, 1900, scenes of the streets, scenes of the restaurants, apartments, a great deal of atmosphere. While the film’s framework is in the present, there are a number of flashbacks, especially to Felix and his childhood, the influence of his father, his ambitions, his relationship with the Zaza, his manipulating of his stepfather for a recommendation to go to work in a Paris restaurant, his presumptions on arrival, being put in his place, domination of the staff taking a percentage of earnings.

The film shows Felix, now named Armand at the hotel, at first somewhat naive, then adapting to the situation, and then learning to exploit it. And Zaza comes to Paris, more complications.

Jannis Niewohner is very effective as Felix. Popular actor, David Kross, plays a wealthy young man who becomes a target of manipulation by Felix and Zaza. Zaza is played by Liv Lisa Fries (contrasting rules as Freud’s daughter in Freud’s Last Session and strongly in the World War II film, From Hilde With Love.)

Ultimately, there are more situations to be faced. The wealthy young man will be disinherited if he marries Zaza. He and Felix were to change roles? And what would be Zaza’s actual decision even with her love for Felix?

Which means that this film is a lavish period piece, a portrait of a conman who is not entirely unsympathetic, the setting up of a moral dilemma and its consequences.

  1. Novel, Thomas Mann as author? The different versions over the decades? 21st-century version?
  2. The title, the emphasis on the confessions, the focus on Felix, the title indicating his role as a conman?
  3. Paris, the 1900 settings, the visuals, costumes and decor, the boulevards, the hotels, facades, lavish interiors, elevator, rooms, servants’ quarters? The resort sequences? Portugal, the tennis, the audience with the king? The musical score?
  4. The structure of the film, the focus on Felix, dressing, the coin for the young begging child, the hotel, his work, his status, the relationship with Zaza, the meeting with Louis, the framework of the conversation at the hotel, waiting for Zaza? The insertion of the range of flashbacks, Felix as a child, his father, lavish lifestyle, poor fInancial management, his wife, the godfather present, the creditors, his killing himself? His advice to his son? The episode at the meal, Felix as Hamlet, revenge, the parallel with his mother and godfather, his blackmailing his godfather, the money, the letter of recommendation to Paris, his leaving?
  5. His military service, the rehearsing with Zaza about his possible epilepsy, going to the interview, the man feigning epilepsy, Felix and his different approach, provider, incessant talk, overwhelming the interviewers, his being declared not fit?
  6. The conversation with Louis, the further flashbacks, the meeting with the Zaza, her background, available, the use of con tricks, the relationship between the two? Felix going to Paris, her later following him there, the relationship, the affair? Her wanting money? The attachment to Louis? Fostered by Felix? The night for Zaza to meet with Louis, Felix detaining him with the conversation?
  7. The flashbacks to Felix at the hotel, letter recommendation, his confidence, at the main desk, relegated to the servants’ quarters, the encounter with Stanko, money issues, the others in subservience, the threats of being fired, the collusion between Stanko and the other managers?
  8. Felix becoming Armand, the lift, the encounter with Madame Houpfle, style, arrogance, her husband and the production of toilets, humiliating Armand, carrying the shopping, closing the door, the sexual encounter, the delay, the jewellery, handing over the money, taking the jewellery to the cellar, the handling, Felix asserting himself, stealing the jewellery, the money for Stanko? The continued relationship? Style of the hotel?
  9. Felix/Armand and the other guests, the Scottish lord, the offer, to be his heir, his conscience, refusing the offer? Eleanor Twentyman, her chaperone, the attraction, attempted seduction, Felix and his conscience? The denunciation of Stanko and his dismissal?
  10. The relationship with Zaza, intensity? Her activity in the hotel, Stanko and his threats?
  11. Louis, rich, an effete manner, at the hotel, tone of superiority, the encounter with Zaza, infatuation, wanting to marry her, his father’s forbidding it, wanting her and his money? Felix engaging in conversation, the revelation of his character?
  12. The development of the proposal, Felix going in Louis’ stead, Louis and the money, going away with Zaza? The details? In the train, the encounter with his father? The financial arrangements, Felix becoming Louis? The tickets and the travel? Zaza and her hesitation, Louis realising her position, his love for both, her decision to go with Louis?
  13. Felix, the encounter with the professor, the professor and his science and metaphysics, the serious tone of the dialogue, Felix and the encounter with the professor on the train, his identity and genealogy, the visit to Lisbon, the tennis, the daughter’s attraction, the invitation from the King, Felix and his bravado about his appearance, the past meetings, the king persuaded?
  14. Felix, assuming persona, his skill as a conman, his experiences, his future?
Published in Movie Reviews