Displaying items by tag: Cosimo Gomez
My Name is Vendetta/ Il Mio Nome e Vendetta
Italy, 2022, 90 minutes, Colour.
Alessandro Gassman, Ginevra Francesconi, Alessio Pratico, Francesco Villano, Remo Girone.
Directed by Cosimo Gomez.
There have been many films about Italian families, criminal families, their exploits, members then moving out, changing their lives, and the quest for revenge, vendetta.
This is a straightforward drama, offering the audience exactly what its title indicates. And in 90 minutes.
Alessandro Gassman portrays a man from the South who has opted out of his job as a hitman for a family, changed his life, fallen in love married, a daughter, the daughter now 18. Scenes of family life, the daughter a champion ice hockey, his teaching her to drive, quiet times in the mountains, her asking him about the Italian South.
He has kept his cover. Forbids her to take a photo but she does, posted it on-line, the will family using technology, finding his identity, killing his wife and brother, the brother by mistake, and the threat to the daughter. The daughter is disillusioned with her father, but realises the photo was her fault and she is responsible, denounces her father, finds a boyfriend to rescue her but they are pursued and he is killed.
There are scenes with the head of the family, his business and son and his hedonistic life, surveillance, setting up the assassin to pursue the targets.
Ultimately, there is the vendetta, the death of the father but also the death of the central character, his bequeathing the knife to his daughter, her killing the son.
Straightforward action, vendetta accomplished.
- The title, the tone, the themes? The fair and family gangs, crimes, vengeance?
- Northern Italy, the towns, the mountain scenery, Milan, the city? The musical score?
- Establishing the family, the ice hockey, Sofia playing, her parents, pride, her friendship with Hakim, Santo and his comments, at home, letting Sofia drive, through the water, the beauty of the mountainside, her asking him about his southern origins?
- The issue of the photo, Sofia taking the photo, putting it on line, the family and discovering the truth, tracking down Santo? The crimes of the past, his being a hit man, changing, marrying, moving to the North, hiding, his new life, vengeance?
- Santo and his character, the past, the new life, relationship with his wife and daughter, discovering his wife dead? Her brother dead by mistake? Sofia escaping? Finding her, her harsh reaction, intense, blaming him, the photo, blaming herself? Her despising of her father, the escape, the hiding, her contacting Hakim, his coming to get her, the thugs following, of the road, the shooting of Hakim, the attack on Sofia, her father rescuing her?
- The scenes with the family, the old man and his vengeance, the code, his contacts and henchman, the surveillance expert, money? His relationship with his son, the son as a businessman, his private life with the women, the expert coming to see him, getting the information? Rudi as the hitman, killing the wife, killing the brother, the continued pursuit of Santo?
- Coming to the city, the warehouse, the weapons, training Sofia with the knife? His being wounded, her going to the pharmacy? The surveillance, tracking them down?
- The decisions, Santo, wounded, avenging his wife, love for his daughter, the confrontation with the criminals, the shootings in the office, with the head of the family, killing him?
- Sofia, her decisions, the son approaching her, giving her the card, the sweet-talk? His plan to kill her? Her coming to the office, his surprise, the confrontation, her killing him?
- Audience sympathies, reaction to vigilante action, vendettas?