Displaying items by tag: Captain America: Brave New World
Captain America: Brave New World
US, 2025, 118 minutes, Colour.
Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford, Danny Ramirez, Shira Haas, Carl Lumbley, Tim Blake Nelson, Giancarlo Esposito, Xosha Roquemore.
Directed by Julius Onah.
Chris Evans was the original Captain America, Steve Rogers, appearing in Captain America, The First Avenger in 2011, giving his back story. He then appeared in America, Winter Soldier and Civil War and a number of Avengers and Spiderman films. Anthony Mackie appeared as his associate, The Falcon, and now has the mantle of Captain America. (And Mackie appeared in the series, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.)
The world has been experiencing some disasters but, suddenly, an island has appeared in the Indian Ocean, a source of a new element which will help rebuild the world. Needless to say, desired by political leaders, desired by criminal powerbrokers. And an initial episode to get us into the frame of mind with Sam Wilson, now Captain America, with his apprentice, The Falcon, a brash young enthusiast played by Danny Ramirez, fly to Mexico to confront a villain, Sideliner, Giancarlo Esposito, and a buyer for the new element. When are in the picture, Capt America and The Falcon in their distinctive costume, their wings and flying, and the importance of the or defending, all attacking, shield.
Enter from the wings, newly elected American Pres, Theodore Ross, played by Harrison Ford now in his 80s and entering into the spirit of the Marvel Universe with some enthusiasm. He has had a bad reputation in the past, alienated from his daughter, but now insists that he is change. He is negotiating an international treaty, especially with the Japanese Prime Minister, the safe use of the new element.
Then some mayhem, an attempt on his life at the White House, shooters, including a close friend of Sam Wilson now released from jail are taken back. And the revelation of the villainous mastermind, Samuel Sterns, appearing as something of a mutant, played with sinister relish by Tim Blake Nelson. In fact, in prison, he has been experimenting with all kinds of drugs, feeding them to the President, working on mind control for assassins, ambitious to be in power of the element.
In a way, so far more a less expected – and this has disappointed some of the Marvel fans. However, there is a huge set piece towards the end, the Pres himself victim of his medication, transforming into a large Redcap Hulk, wrecking all kinds of destruction including demolishing of half the White House. (And, since the film was released after the re-election of Donald Trump, there is the temptation to look at all the mayhem scenes are some kind of allegory, the Pres morphing into a red raging monster-figure, attacking everyone, demolishing everything, even the destruction of the White House!).
The quiet finale, peace and some prosperity restored, millions in prison. However, marvel fans should not race for the exit during the credits because there is a substantial sequence right at the end. The future?
- The Marvel Universe, Steve Rogers as Captain America, Anthony Mackie as the Falcon, participation in The Avengers movies? The television series featuring The Falcon? Sam Wilson as Captain America?
- The interconnections in the Marvel Universe, the connection with The Hulk?
- The role of Captain America, as initiated by Steve Rogers? The distinctive uniform, the wings and flying, the significance of the shield? The Falcon as apprentice, costume and shield, wings, learning?
- The global situation for the film, post-apocalyptic situations, the United States, hostilities, the emergence of the island in the Indian Ocean, new element, powers wanting possession of it? The working for a treaty for participation in its use?
- The establishing of Anthony Mackie as Captain America, presence, personality, African-American hero? Seeing him in action, flight, the operation in Mexico? Hostility towards President Ross? Being summoned, the discussions with the president, his change of situation, working towards the agreement and a treaty? His previous antagonism towards the president?
- The operation in Mexico, Sidewinder and his presence, the buyer, absence, the conflict? The character of Sidewinder and his presence, deals? The return from Mexico?
- The character of the president, the election, in the wings, the discussions, his address to the people, the acclaim, Together? The first hundred days, the discussions with the Japanese Prime Minister? The discussions with Sam Wilson, his assistant and her presence, Ruth and her security? Sam Wilson investigating her? Joaqui Torres and his computer skills and investigations?
- The character of Isaiah Bradley, his past, imprisonment, skills, meeting The Falcon, the brashness of the young man, Bradley and his strength? His antagonism towards the president? Sam Wilson and rehabilitating him, the invitation to the White House, dressing up, the security, the ceremony, the president, the shooters, Bradley and his role, overcome, imprisoned?
- The consequences, Sam Wilson and investigations, the prison, the laboratory, the information, the profiles, the medication, the character of Samuel Sterns?
- Sterns, his appearance, mutations, imprisonment, his experiments, the president and his dependence on him for medication, his control of the president, his power, wanting the element? His experiments, mind control?
- The president, the visit to Japan, the Japanese Prime Minister wary? The failure of the mission?
- The return to Washington, the press conference, everybody gathered, the replaying of the tape, the president and his deal with Sterns? Sterns and his control, the transformation of the president into The Red Hulk? The mayhem into action? The confrontations?
- The return of the president to himself, imprisonment, his accepting responsibility, the visit of Sam? His alienation from his daughter, her visit?
- Sidewinder and his defeat? Captain America and his future, The Falcon?
- The significance of the post-credits sequence, Sterns in prison, the challenge to Captain America, the future?