Displaying items by tag: Bronagh Gallagher
Dance First
UK, 2023, 100 minutes, Colour.
Gabriel Byrne, Fionn O'Shea, Sandrine Bonnaire, Lisa Dwyer Hogg, Leonie Grainne, Aidan Gillen, Maxine Peake, Bronagh Gallagher, Robert Aramayo.
Directed by James Marsh.
Mention of Irish writer, resident for decades in France, Samuel Beckett, usually leads to the naming of Waiting for Godot. And there is reference to this throughout the film although the title quotation, here attributed to Beckett talking to a student, has reference to Godot. The title, coming later in the film, emphasises experience first, then reflection.
The film has been directed by James Marsh, noted for documentaries like Man on Wire as well as feature films like Theory of Everything.
The film is also a tour de force for Irish actor, Gabriel Byrne, portraying Beckett throughout his adult life but also the device of having him also appear as his inner self, continued discussions, challenges, greater understanding. The film opens with his being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, his judge at a catastrophe, his refusal to the speech – and a contrived sequence where he goes on stage, crashes through, escapes and begins the dialogue with his inner self.
This is a portrait of Beckett rather than a biography. The chapters are headed by the names of people who are significant Beckett’s life. In the early part of the film, Beckett as portrayed by the on O’Shea, a very serious bespectacled young man, ambitious writer, dominated by his sometimes terrifying mother, leaving Ireland as soon as possible, seeking out James Joyce in Paris (a very fine performance from Aidan Gillen, different from his other roles), part of his household, Nora Joyce wanting him to marry their daughter, Lucia, who has mental problems.
Beckett is very serious, wanting to hear every word from Joyce, reticent, having to take Lucia dancing, her thinking she was engaged, the terrible track tantrum when she learns the truth, throwing a charity mother, and her spending decades in an institution.
The significance influence on his life was Suzanne, his partner for many years, sharing the times during World War II when neutral Irish picket could stay in France, but join the resistance, their activities, and years of working in the fields to survive. But, literary agent, Barbara, Maxine Peake, admires Beckett, praising, begins a liaison with him.
The film moves towards Beckett success in theatre, Suzanne and her continued challenge to Beckett, the Nobel Prize.
Beckett certainly has his place in world literature – perhaps this film will raise further interest in him and his work.
- The reputation of Samuel Becket, writer, novelist, playwright, Irish background, living and working in France, the Nobel Prize?
- The structure of this portrait of Becket? The highlighting of significant characters for each chapter? 100 minute portrait, sketches of key events in Becket’s life, the influences, aspects of his career, though not to the forefront?
- The meaning of the title, experience before reflection, dancing first then later thinking?
- Gabriel Byrne, his portrait of Becket, and the dialogue with his inner self? This continuing throughout the film, Becket with insights into himself, the significance of self-reflection?
- Becket’s Irish background, his family, the significance of his mother, her strong character, dominating, unpleasant, her controlling of the little boy? The continued controlling as he grew up, her expectations and demands? Her relationship with her husband? His being a fond father, softer with Becket, his dying? Liberating Becket to move away from home?
- Becket, in his teens, early adulthood, bespectacled, serious, writing, the interactions with his mother?
- Becket going to France, the importance of James Joyce, Joyce’s reputation, listening to Becket, Becket’s admiration, very serious? Inviting him to the house? Nora Joyce, a character, running the household, relationship with her husband? Welcoming Becket? His seriousness, ignoring conversation, wanting to listen to Joyce? Joyce, his character, tolerance?
- The influence of Lucia, her mental condition, emotions, at the table, her mother trying to foster a relationship with Becket, his being unwilling? Taking her dancing as a condition of coming back? The dancing, her exuberance, his reticence? Her expectations, imagining engagement? Her mother encouraging? Joyce benign? Coming to a head, the many outings, his refusal, Lucia’s tantrum, throwing the chair? Her going to an institution? Her being there for decades? And the effect on Becket throughout the time?
- Suzanne, meeting Becket, the attraction, her admiration and encouragement? Helping Becket to understand Joyce, Joyce and his distancing himself? The meeting with Alfie, their translation, he begins Wake, their contribution, the launch, the speeches?
- The 30s passing, the outbreak of the war, Becket Irish and therefore neutral, staying in France, Alfie and the Resistance, Becket wanting to join, going with Alfie, with Suzanne, the years of the war, working in the fields, the effect?
- The aftermath, Becket and his writing, becoming more famous, relationship with Suzanne, Barbara arriving, her admiration, her personality, her influence, the relationship with Becket, over the years, the performance of the play, people’s admiration, that he was a genius, Suzanne and her negative reaction is, the encounter with Barbara? The continued relationship, tension is?
- Becket’s output, success, theatre, the Nobel Prize, catastrophe, his not giving a speech?
- Into the 80s, the relationship with Suzanne, her illness, his care for her, her death? Barbara and her presence? Becket into his 80s?
- The outline of Becket’s life and influences, indications of his career and acclaim? References to waiting for Godot?
- The importance of the continued conversation between Becket and his inner self, in the aftermath of the Nobel Prize, the discussions about the characters in the past, his attitudes, his career, success on not, his self-image? And the title of the film, coming later in the film?
- The film fostering admiration for Becket and his literary career, fostering interest in study of Becket?
Bump Along the Way, A
UK, 2019, 95 minutes, Colour.
Bronagh Gallagher, Lola Petticrew, Mary Moulds, Dan Gordon, Andy Doherty.
Directed by Shelley Love.
A cheerful film from Northern Ireland.
This is a story of Pamela, played exuberantly by Bronagh Gallagher, aged 44, a broken marriage, living with her daughter, Allegra, working at a bakery. After some drinking, she has a passionate evening with a younger man in the back of a car. She is not worried about unprotected sex because it been told after the birth of Allegra that she cannot have any more children.
But, she could, and does, conceive.
A blend of comedy and seriousness in her facing the reality of motherhood in her 40s, a reliance on her close friend, confidante, but also problems with her daughter, midteens, critical of her mother at times, initially upset about the pregnancy, especially as news gets around the school, but eventually coming to terms, and eager for the baby.
There is a scene with the ex-husband, unsympathetic. There is a confrontation with the father and his hostile attitude.
In the Allegra part of the story, there is school, classes, her being bullied, a sympathetic teacher, her infatuation with a boy, neglecting a close friend, some drinking, sickness, and great embarrassment.
However, this is a happy film, some reconciliation is, the baby, and reconciliations all round.
- The title, tone, pregnancy, comic, serious?
- The Northern Ireland setting, characters, accents? The town, homes, school,, hospital, surgeries? Musical score?
- Pamela’s story, aged 44, the initial encounter with Barry, her drinking, sex, unprotected, not fearing pregnancy, broken marriage, relationship with the ex-husband and his visits, Allegra as her daughter, age, managing by herself, in the shop, the customers, Richard with Michael and his support? At home, tensions with Allegra? Health, discovery she was pregnant, reaction, her reliance on Sinead as her friend and confidante? The doctor, the pregnancy, previous advice? Attitude, keeping the baby, others suggesting abortion, a mother at 44?
- Her going to see Barry, his negative reaction, his mother, ousting her? Her later decision to return and confront him?
- Allegra, her name, her friends, bullied at school, the class and her response to the teacher, his concern? Her friend, their being together, her infatuation with the boy, his ignoring her, then his talking to her, collecting her friend, the separation? Her mixing with the other girls? Her birthday, our with boys and friends, the drinking, infatuation, the boy’s girlfriend and her reaction? Her lying to another? The story about her mother’s pregnancy and her reaction? At home, hostile?
- Allegra and her gradual mellowing, love for her mother, concerned about the baby?
- Pamela going to the scan, the decision to know, about the name of the boy? The photos of the scan – and her having Allegra’s?
- The visit her ex-husband, the tension, clash?
- The birth, the joy?
- The happy reconciliation, friendships, happy ending?