Displaying items by tag: Brian Gallagher MSC
Brian Gallagher visit to the new Heart of Life Centre, Croydon.
Brian Gallagher visit to the new Heart of Life Centre, Croydon.
When the Centre was blessed on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, it was a disappointment that Brian was unable to be there after his time in hospital. Heart of Life now has a permanent home, beautifully renovated interior. Project manager, Barry Smith, was back in Melbourne and drove Brian out to visit.
Students were delighted to receive a spontaneous visit from Fr Brian Gallagher msc, to Heart of Life today!
Siloam student, Amy, an Infant Jesus Sister from Malaysia, expressed what a joy it was for her to meet the man in person! "We've heard the name, we've read your books, it's so good to finally meet you!"
Yon, Divine Word Missionary, added, "Your name always appears in our footnotes!"
George, a Christian Brother from Kenya remarked, "If it weren't for you (Brian, who started the Siloam program over 45 years ago), I wouldn't be here in Australia!"
Amy, centre, Yon, and George can be seen in the previous photo, right.
Sadly, lecturer Peter Hay had to corral the group back into class... Despite protests in jest that we were sitting with our master.
With thanks to Gig Anderson for story and photos, Heart of Life Centre Facebook page/