Displaying items by tag: Ben Fleming MSC

Jubilees and Profession anniversaries. Ben Fleming MSC

ben self

Last week we celebrated profession anniversaries, 70 years, 65 years, 60 years – but there should have been a Silver Jubilee congratulations – to Ben Fleming MSC, February 2nd, 2000.

Ben spent many of the last 20 years in Port Moresby, especially as secretary to Cardinal John Ribat MSC. He now lives at Sacred Heart Monastery, Kensington.

                                                                 ben ribat

Ben, jus behind Cardinal Ribat.

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Friday, 21 July 2023 22:38

July Province photos and stories

July Province photos and stories


Thanks to Hoa MSC for the compilation

One way to celebrate a birthday, Stephen at his first Provincial Council meeting


Bob Irwin and his course in Israel

bob in israel

Ted McCormack and his birthday cake – 90.


Quiet moments at Kensington, Cardinal John Ribat, Phil Hicks, Ben Fleming

ribat ben phil

And Jac Boelen and Gerard Shanley

jac and gerard

The Mission Conference

mission group

Richie Gomez, Philippine Province, explaining “CEPAGCO – MSC Centre for the Poor”


And seeing Parliament House

mission plt

Published in Current News