Displaying items by tag: Alex Lykos

Thursday, 26 October 2023 10:49

Disconnect Me

disonnect me



Australia, 2023, 98 minutes, Colour.

Directed by Alex Lykos.


Beginning a review with a solid recommendation.

This is definitely a film that will do its audiences good. It is a documentary. It raises a great number of themes which challenge the audience. But, not only is it interesting, it is very entertaining. And the writer-director, Alex I costs, is very personable, inviting us the audience into his film and share his experiences.

The title is an alert. The disconnection – from one’s phone! Alex Lykos is very definitely concerned about our reliance on our phones, their being in our hands and therefore part of an extension through our arms to the total body. The IT is practically physically part of us, in our hands, and then at our ears, and our eyes fixated on our screens, heads bent, bodies stooped, the way that we live hours of our lives every day.

Alex decides that he will conduct an experiment, go without his phone for 30 days. Audiences who are not dependent on their social media may be interested and amused to see what happens. Audiences who are dependent, co-dependent, might well be alarmed and fear what they are going to see and wonder if it will have any repercussions on their own lives.

Once again, it is worth saying that Alex Lykos is very personable, talking straight to camera, confidentially talking to us as individuals or as the group audience. He introduces us to his wife of 12 years, who will lock up his phone, pad and computer, and then has to play Monopoly with him during the evenings, but finding his behaviour hard during the 30 days. And, then there is his father, continually ringing him, complaining about his useless job in making documentaries, not being available when he brings his phone, his father Greek, and the conversations in Greek (and some of his father’s exasperation not translated in the subtitles!).

So, Alex explained to us what happens over the days, the sense of absence and separation, the need to know, not having his contacts instantly available (and the consequences of missing out on important calls), not checking the news, the weather… Even having to read the paper! (Interestingly, there is no mention of radio as a source of news and information.) So, we are engaged in Alex’s drama, its comic side effects, its exasperations, and all the time the invitation to make comparisons with our own lives.

There are quite a number of experts in the film. Alex has a physical checkup before the 30 days, a doctor questioning him about his sleep patterns, concentration, doing sleep tests, prescribing for sleep apnoea. And there is also the issue of the curvature or not of his spine. (Spoiler alert – the 30 days of not looking at a phone has some very good physical repercussions!)

There are interviews with experts, especially about children and their use of phones, the limitations of physical development in terms of movement, play, interactions, a kind of stunting of development which, the more we think about it, and the more we look at the interviews even with five-year-olds who are telling us whether they use mummy’s or daddy’s phone and force them to give it to them, and then play computer games…

The interviews with the senior primary school students and the secondary students, and the statistics of time devoted to looking at their phones certainly can ring alarm bells. One cheerful boy says he spends 12 hours on his phone, an hour sleeping – and Alex points out that that leaves only four hours in the day for any kind of human interactions, meals, learning… And the youngsters explain why they have to be on their phones, to keep in contact, not to be left out, even if, as one girl who shows herself to be a singer of great range, is bullied and mocked.

And, interviews with adults, Alex being able to ask them probing questions, some of them admitting that they are phone-addicts, some worried about information about their children, others worrying about the effect on their parenting.

By the end of the film, there are even questions about how IT will affect our future, the role of the robots and robotics, implants in the brain to help us think better, IT making our judgements, positive but also destructive (a theme explored in The Creator released at the same time as this film).

This is a fine example of the power of a documentary, presenting themes that are interesting and immediately relevant, plenty of facts and data, quite a number of experts, but all presented in an engaging and enjoyable way. (Alex sometimes asking the audience to put up their hands if they are guilty of some of the hard situations he raises.)

  1. The title, the tone, phones?
  2. A personal documentary, the role of the writer director, personal involvement, personable, talking to camera, confiding in the audience, inviting the men, challenging them?
  3. The documentary style, following Alex for 30 days, the personal sequences, relationship with his wife, with his father? Talking heads, the experts, doctors, psychologists, social observers? Alex sitting in interview with them? Interviews with parents in the streets? The range of interviews with children, five-year-olds, primary school, secondary school?
  4. 30 days without a phone, the phone as an extension of the human body through the hand and arm, close to the years, so long observed each day by eyes? The physical repercussions, difficulties in going to sleep, waking during the night, sleep apnoea, physical inactivity, curvature of the spine? The interviews with the doctors? And the good effects of the 30 days?
  5. Alex and his wife, 12 years, her locking the phone, pad, computer in the safe? Playing Monopoly? Alex buying the landline? The dial phone unable to function? Buying Monopoly? Getting on reading the papers? No radio? The television set? The realisation of the connection to the phone, mails, texts, important missed calls, news items, the weather, keeping up-to-date to the minute? The repercussions for Alex? Pining for the phone? But able to play golf and enjoys golf?
  6. His father, the phone calls, complaining about difficulty in contact, criticising his job, his finances? Issues of health, consulting the doctor, suspicious, the tablets, the subtitles for the conversation in Greek, not translating his father’s outbursts? Finally seeing his father, the visit to the home, but seeing his father dancing?
  7. The adults, the interviews, their phone dependence, surprise of news about their children, their example with phones, determinations for the future? The man in the street and discussion about IT?
  8. The children, the youngsters, adept with phones, using their parents’ phones, playing the games, forcing their parents to give them the phones? The other children, the amount of time spent looking at their phones, the reasons, keeping up-to-date, keeping in contact, not isolated, feeling deprived otherwise? The secondary school boy with 12 hours daily on his phone? The other boy who is giving up his phone and dependence? The bullied girl (and the video on her singing so beautifully)? Her wanting to keep contact even when bullied, not to be left out?
  9. The interplay of Alex’s life and story with the interviews and the talking heads?
  10. Coming to the end, the role of AI, robotics, chips implanted in the brain, futuristic considerations? And the youngsters not wanting to have chips in their brains?
  11. The overall effect, the audience learning, challenge, entertained?
Published in Movie Reviews