Monday, 03 February 2014 09:12




Eight students with their spiritual guides at the end of the retreat

On Saturday, the 19th of October 2013, in view of Chevalier Day, eight Brothers in the MSC Scholasticate of Pineleng professed their final vows in the presence of Fr. Benedictus E. Untu MSC, the Indonesian Provincial Superior.

They are: James Billiacarlos MSC, Bernardinus Palangngan MSC, Johanis Wemay MSC, Mikael Jeksen Warouw MSC, Edoardus Ngutra MSC, Revo Trevorus Sulu MSC, Marcelinus Subi MSC, Advent Pateh MSC.

On this same day, a new scholasticate hall, which was donated by a Catholic Family, Agus – Yani, and their children Stephen and Laura, was inaugurated. This was also a special day dedicated to the families of the scholastics and the MSC around the Manado area. Around 700 people were in attendance.

2. On Sunday, 3 November 2013, the Indonesian Province celebrated the golden jubilee of priesthood of Father Johannes Jacobus Maria Kwakman MSC (Hans Kwakman) in the Provincialate hall in Jakarta (the exact date was 01 September 2013).kwakman

This celebration was held after a series of workshops and seminars on the Spirituality of the Heart in Merauke (27 September – 4 October), Ambon (7 – 11 October), Manado (14 – 18 October), MSC Novitiate (21 – 25 October) and Purwokerto (28 October – 1 November). They were conducted by Ametur Indonesia with Hans Kwakman as the resource person. The participants were MSC, FDNSC Sisters, TMM Sisters, our lay associates and 1 diocesan priest.

The jubilee celebration was marked by the Eucharist, which was attended by confreres, Archbishop Adi Seputra MSC, Chevalier family members and friends. This was followed by the launching of two of Hans Kwakman's books, namely "Spiritualitas Hati untuk Masa Kini dan Identitas Keluarga Chevalier" (Indonesian version of the original book "Jules Chevalier's Charism and the Identity of the Chevalier Family") and "Spiritualitas Hati Untuk Masa Kini Menurut Karisma Pater Jules Chevalier" ("Spirituality of the Heart for Today According to the Charism of Father Jules Chevalier" – originally in Indonesian).

kwakman cover

The launching was preceded by a review by Fr. John Mangkey MSC for the first book and by Father Benedictus E. Untu MSC for the second book. The availability of these two important books in Indonesian adds to the resources on the spirituality of the heart for the members of Chevalier family in Indonesia and therefore should become an obligatory reading for them and those who want to know and live it.