Saturday, 18 September 2021 18:47

X2/X Men 2

X2 / X MEN 2

US, 2003, 130 minutes, Colour.
Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Ian Mc Kellan, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Rebecca Romijn- Stamos, Brian Cox, Alan Cumming, Bruce Davison, Anna Paquin, Sean Ashmore, Aaron Stanford, Kelly Hu.
Directed by Bryan Singer.

For those who thought that X Men was one of the great comic-books-into-movies entertainments, this is not only more of the same, this is Xtra, so to speak. The first film introduced a world of mutants who have superior powers to those of ordinary mortals. This made them look bizarre, sound bizarre and have capacities that were often aggressively bizarre - an evolutionary leap. And they had names to match, like Wolverine or Magneto. As with all comics adventures, there were good and bad mutants and life and death struggles to save the world.

This time the cast seems very relaxed. They know their paces. They can take for granted the eccentricities of the appearances and superhuman powers. Wolverine is once more the leader of the pack. Jean Grey is self-sacrificing. Storm can create - a storm. There is also a new creature, a German circus character, Nightcrawler. Professor Charles Xavier still runs the school for the mutants. However, there is a new villain, played by Brian Cox, who has conducted experiments which have led to the mutant transformations and which have destroyed his son. He now wants to rule the world (as is wont with such villains) and his only hope is to have the now-imprisoned Magneto escape and lead him to the power. It is not important that we know what is going to happen. It is important to see how it happens.

Brian Cox is menacing as the villain - and so is Ian Mc Kellan as the supremely self-confident Magneto. Patrick Stewart has to look anguished as the Professor. The rest of the cast are mainly familiar, although Alan Cumming is intriguing as the Nightcrawler. Plenty of action and effects, exactly what fans would hope for.

1. The popularity of the original film? The popularity of the sequel? Developing the original? The key ingredients, development of fantasy, development of the characters? Futuristic situations? Humanity and mutants? Political conspiracies? Power struggles, destruction of humanity and of the world? Heroes and the combating of evil?

2. Action sequences, special effects, costumes and décor for the mutants, the locations, the school, the facility? The musical score?

3. The plot, the comic strips, the highlighting of characters and types, extraordinary situations, heroism, the struggle between good and evil?

4. The American situation, politics, the president? The US policy against mutants? Their appeals, demonstrations, rebellions? The Night Crawler and his teleport movements, his attack on the president? His attack being thwarted? The White House meetings, the president, his advisers, Stryker and his stances? The capture of the Night Crawler and imprisonment?

5. The character of Stryker, the revelation of his influence on the mutants, especially Logan? His anti-mutants, his political advice? His relationship with his son, his son and mutation, taking the drug from his son? Its use, applying it to Magneto? Getting information about the school, about Cerebro? His fights, his treatment of his son, the build-up to the confrontation with Wolverine? His death?

6. Magneto, the villain from the first film, the elaborate imprisonment? Mystique and her ability to change shapes? Her infiltration into the prison, exercising her powers? Magneto and the imposition by Stryker, the revelation of the truth about Professor Xavier? His getting out of the prison, Mystique and her assisting him? The alliance with Xavier - and Magneto's hypocrisy? His desire to get power over Cerebro and power over the whole world? Mystique, her ploys, her appearing to Wolverine as all the women in his life? The final confrontation, the defeat of Magneto and Mystique?

7. Professor Xavier, his care for the mutants, his school, its location and style, syllabus, the students at school and their activities? His being captures with Cyclops? His being imprisoned, controlled? The confrontation with Magneto? His mind being affected by Stryker, Cerebro and his locating of all the mutants, his being manipulated in order to destroy the whole world?

8. Wolverine as the hero of the film? Exploring the dam and its facilities, his mission, the faint memories? His returning to the school? His relationship with Storm and with Dr Jean Grey? Romance? His own powers, his knives? The memories of Stryker and the confrontation with him? With the students, the escape? The attack and capture? At the facility, exercising his powers, the dangers, the growth in awareness of his identity, the confrontation with Stryker and Stryker's death?

9. Dr Jean Grey, Storm, their place with Professor Xavier, taking the plane? The encounter with Night Crawler? Jean Grey and her self-sacrifice, prepared to die? Her relationship with Logan? Storm and her relationship with Logan?

10. The Night Crawler, his appearance, being manipulated, his abilities, teleport movement, the religious overtones, his true identity, his work in the circus, his helping in the confrontation with Stryker?

11. Cerebro, its location, its capacities? Xavier and his control? Magneto and his desire to control it for power? World domination?

12. The characters of the other students, at the school, Bobby and his family, his brother betraying him? The relationship with Pyro? With Rogue?

13. The final confrontation, the conspiracy theory? The domination of the world? The American president? The future? The pro-mutant appeal? The mutants symbolising any oppressed minority in the world? Their identities? Uncertainties? Persecution?
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