MSC General Conference 2021 - ZOOM
The General Conference takes place between General Chapters - every two years. The last Conference was held in Korea in 2019. The next Conference begins next Wednesday by Zoom. This is a photo from the rehearsal last week,
From the General Bulletin.
We share with all of you that we have begun the journey of preparation for our next MSC General Conference. It will be the first conference in MSC history to be held online.
We are living in a crucial time for consecrated life in general, and we are not referring only to the pandemic situation, but to the present moment that our world is living and facing. Consecrated life faces a crossroads where it either transforms and focuses on living from its identity or it ceases to have meaning and significance - it dies. There is no other way than transformation and authenticity.
Certainly it is a challenging time of much suffering for humanity and for mother earth, but, unlikely as it may seem, it is also a time of opportunity and new ways to make the Heart of Jesus loved everywhere. And the realisation of the next General Conference is no exception in this new normality that we are all experiencing everywhere.
The road will be very different from the one we are used to, but we feel called to deconstruct and unlearn in order to discern, listen and build in synodality and communion what the Spirit and the Mission are asking of us today.
The General Conference seeks to strengthen the WHOLE of MSC Mission everywhere. Each MSC makes the WHOLE of mission present wherever it is, therefore, all MSC are part of the Conference. We thank you for your prayers and contributions so that the preparation and the realisation of this Conference can be an instrument at the service of the Mission.
The Conference will take place in three different moments, which are part of a dynamic and interactive WHOLE that seeks to achieve the objectives of every General Conference. (MSC Const. No. 225-228).