Thursday, 20 May 2021 22:15

2021 MSC Education Annual General Meeting

2021 MSC Education Annual General Meeting

Staff Formation Network Copy

Staff Formation Network.

It was great to be able to gather in person for our Education AGMs in Canberra this year.  At a dinner prior we were able to farewell a number of people who have contributed significantly to the MSC education community over many years, including some who were not able to be acknowledged last year. 

From the Chevalier Institute we farewelled Alison McKenzie and Bob Irwin MSC who has stepped down from the position of Director, MSC Education.  We acknowledged Rita Daniels who finished as Daramalan Principal last year and also Joan Warhurst who resigned from the MSC Education Members’ Council after some eight years voluntary service.  Three long serving College Board Chairs have also recently completed their formal commitments to their Boards – Matt Waugh (Chevalier College), Chris Fearon (Daramalan College), and Helen Morrison (Monivae College).

MSC Education AGM attendees

MSC Education, AGM Attendees.

Peter Hendriks MSC was appointed to the Education Members’ Council (EMC) which is comprised of the Company Members that have oversight of the four Colleges.  The Business managers and the College Chairpersons gave the Company Financial and Directors’ reports at the AGM and all were able to present quite positive outcomes notwithstanding the challenges that Covid produced for everyone in 2020.

All of the Colleges undergo a quite comprehensive ‘MSC Ethos and Catholic Identity Review’ every five years and time was spent at a meeting after the AGM consulting with Principals, Assistant Principals - Mission, Board Chairs and members of the EMC updating the Review Process document.  This is evolving into a very comprehensive and stimulating policy to guide schools in this most important area.

MSC Education Members Council

MSC Education, Members' Council.

Special thanks to Rachel Davies and all of the staff at Daramalan College for their warm welcome and generous hosting of our event again this year.

Mark McGinnity

Director, MSC Education