Thursday, 11 March 2021 22:54

Miriam Rose Ungenmerr, Senior Australian of the Year, Her painting at Mingarra.

Miriam Rose Ungenmerr, Senior Australian of the Year, Her painting at Mingarra.

 mingarra view

When our seminary at the Croydon Monastery was sold to the archdiocese of Melbourne in 1991 and became the Croydon parish centre, the chapel extended to become the parish church, a flourishing primary school in the grounds near the cemetery and the building of homes and a residence for the elderly,


a painting by Miriam Rose Ungenmerr and its explanation were exhibited at Mingarra.

mingarra miriam rose

The MSC later sold Mingarra (where there are streets names after Jules Chevalier and other MSC names), but for some time chaplains included Peter Harvey Jackson, John Walker, Roger Duggan and Peter Curry.


With thanks to Brian Gallagher for the photos.