Farewell to Terry Bowman MSC, leaving Blackburn Parish.
From the parish bulletin, a letter from Khoi Nguyen MSC, Assistant Priest.
Dear Parishioners,
I remember a Vietnamese poet once said, “to love is to die a little inside”. I think we can say at this moment, “to say goodbye is to die a little inside”, as we are saying goodbye to Fr. Terry. Only when we say goodbye to someone do we really come to know how much we love that person. I think this is our common feeling at this time, for you and me, and also for Fr. Terry himself.
Over the last six years ministering to the people of God in this parish and beyond, Fr. Terry has given his life and heart, his soul and spirit. I, personally, admire him for his pastoral zeal and presence to everyone he serves. His energy is overflowing, his enthusiasm is incredible (like his singing!), And his love is affectionate and contagious – in a very good sense. In recent days, I have been hearing from you how much Fr. Terry has done for you and your families, especially at funeral times or sicknesses. I was deeply moved by this, and I am sure Fr. Terry would be to.
As the gospel this weekend suggests, Jesus, after having a very fruitful time at Simon Peter’s house, has to move on to other places to preach – for this is why he came. Our missionary life is a constant coming and going. Sometimes we don’t want to go, we don’t want to leave people we have loved and cared for, but we are called to keep going, because this is why we are here.
With much sadness and heartache of farewelling Fr. Terry, we wish and pray for him, for his health, for his new mission in Kensington Parish, and for his family, especially in this still troubling time for them all.
Blessing to Fr. Terry and to each of us,
Fr Khoi MSC
Terry and Khoi, and the Victorian community leader masked and in the background.
Gathering in the hall.