Friday, 22 January 2021 23:01

MSC Media and Publications, 2020 Report

MSC Media and Publications, 2020 Report


mission alive Copy

It’s the 21st century.

This report for the General Administration has previously been titled, Bibliography.  However, while we still rely on print media, we are continually reminded that we are people of social media.  It means that this report takes on social media and publications.

First, the print media. We have four issues per year of the MSC Magazine, Be on earth the Heart of God: glossy paper, colour photos, news articles, features on lives and ministry, appointments, Lay MSC stories.  The Magazine is also available on the Home Page of the site.

MSC Justice and Peace.


Claude Mostowik, director, writes frequent pieces on Justice issues, writes extensive notes for Sunday liturgies, has a blog and Facebook page with daily entries.

MSC Mission Office

miss office

Publishes its Bulletin (also available on line. For Mission Alive, see below.

Bulletin: Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish, Randwick.

ra ndwick

Published four times yearly, a wide collection of stories showing life in the parish (providing material also for the Province Website and the MSC Magazine).

Chevalier Family

lay msc

The Chevalier Family has its own section of the MSC website, incorporating international letters, the writings of Hans Kwakman, local information, especially with Alison Mackenzie as the international secretary. Under this heading are links for the OLSH Sisters and the MSC Sisters.



swag cover

Peter Malone

The Swag: Quarterly Magazine of the National Council of Priests of Australia,

The Battle for the Papacy: The Two Popes:  Autumn 2020.

The first temptation of Christ:  Autumn 2020.

Fatima Revisited: Summer 2020.

Typeface BAPT, The Quarterly Magazine of the British Association for Psychological Type.

Pandemic, Type and Feelgood Movies: Summer 2020

Words on Bathroom Walls: Winter 2020

Khoi Nguyen

Prophetic Spirits Explored: Review of God’s Foolishness, A Spirituality of the Heart, Brian Gallagher. The Swag, Spring 2020.


msc books


There were a number of books published by MSC. 


Michael Fallon

book mf    

Jesus as Portrayed in the New Testament: Divine Love in a Human Heart, 214 pages.

The Jesus portrayed in the New Testament lived in a real world.  He was concerned with real people, naming and opposing anything that made it difficult for people to live.  In so doing, he incurred opposition and rejection; hence his death.  But he also won the confidence of the oppressed.  They trusted him, and so learned to trust God, and to believe in themselves, in their world and their future.   This was because Jesus revealed the powerful love of the redeemer God.




Brian Gallagher 

God’s Foolishness, A Spirituality of the Heart, Coventry Press.  62 pages.

bg gods foolishness

Reflecting on his own life and on the lives and teachings of a range of spiritual writers, Brian Gallagher discovers God's foolishness, 'wiser than human wisdom'.  He gladly acknowledges the influence of these women and men on his personal spirituality, a spiritual heart.

He calls them 'prophets, leaders, saints', and though human wisdom held little expectation for any of them, God's foolishness saw them with very different eyes.


Jim Littleton  

book jl dara

Love Seeking Truth, MSC Ministry at Daramalan College, 1962-2020. MSC Publications, 102 pages.

In composing this booklet I have approached the topic historically and have used aspects of the history of the College to structure the story. To enhance the narrative I have written small “Recollections” of some deceased MSC who worked at Daramalan for many years. I have also included “Memories” provided by a few volunteers.


Peter Malone

Dear Movies.  Coventry Press. 426 pages.

book dear movies cover

101 movies have been chosen and the author writes to them, begins a conversation with each of them, opening up some of their themes, their way of telling stories, their role as fables and parables. He also shares what each movie means to him – then this could mean something more to the reader, discovering their dear movies, whether the movie can be described as ‘art-house’ or as multiplex entertainment.

There has been a great tradition of Lectio Divina (Godly Spiritual reading) throughout the Christian centuries.  Somebody coined the term Visio Divina (Godly Spiritual watching). This is what Dear Movies invites us to share.


Compass Theology Review, Australians Doing Theology for Fifty Years.   ATF Press.  278 pages

book compass cover use site

In this sizable volume we find surveyed all the articles and the authors that have gone into the making of Compass Theology Review over these past 50 years—a remarkable achievement in itself. The author wisely suggests that this is a book we dip into rather than expect to read it from beginning to end.  Mind you, the task of dipping into a text such as this is made much easier with the index of authors and topics that complete this work of meticulous record.    

The pages of this book offer a valuable insight into the thinking and the faith of the writers and readers of a past era—as the subtitle has it, ’50 years of Australians doing theology’. (Tony Kelly CSsR, from the Foreword).


Paul Stenhouse, a Distinguished and Distinctive Missionary of the Sacred Heart (Peter Malone, Co-ordinator) Australian Scholarly Press. 209 pages.

book PS

The extent of Paul Stenhouse’s influence, contacts, friends can be gauged from the contents page and the list of contributor tributes.

Foreword:    Chris McPhee


Michael Fallon: Eulogy for Paul

Random Memories, Paul's early life.

Jim Littleton: Paul as an MSC

Peter Malone: A Personal Memoir

Tricia Kavanagh: Memories and Connections

Anthony Brereton: A Memory

John S. Madden: Recollections

Annals: Paul’s own overview


Karl Schmude: Priest-Scholar

Wanda Skowronska: Extraordinary Scholar, Writer, and Witness to Eternity

Greg Sheridan: Good Polymath, Good Pastoral Priest

Marek Jan Chodakiewicz: Samaritan Studies

Tony Abbott: Islam

Piers Paul Read: Islam

Michael Wilding: John Farrell


Philip Collignon: Aid to the Charity Church in Need

             Johannes Freiherr Heereman von Zuydtwyck

             Regina King

             Project Section Co-worker, Germany

             Neville Kyrke Smith     

Joseph Assaf: “Lebanon Is More Than A Country – It Is A Message”

Robert Teo: An Asian Ministry

Mary Ruth OLSH: The House of Mary



From the Annals Office: 

Peter Macinante: Talk at the Annals Farewell Lunch

Hendrikus Wong: A Tribute

Greg Quinn: Annals Computer System

From Annals Contributors:

James Murray: The Stenhouse Irregulars

James Franklin: Hope is Not Lost

Michael Wilding: ‘Dipped in ink’

Christopher Dawson: Peerless and Fearless

Giles Auty: A Very Special Friend: Giles

R. J. Stove: Eight Men, Not One Man

A Tribute from Cardinal George Pell 



The Province Website


The Province website completed ten years in its current life – and continues. Site items also appear on the Province Facebook page. Brett Adamson, Chevalier Institute, was responsible for a re-designing and simplifying of the site, accessible to Current News, the MSC Magazine, our ministries and highlighting the importance of Safeguarding issues.

The Chevalier Family has its own section of the MSC website, incorporating international letters, the writings of Hans Kwakman, local information, especially with Alison Mackenzie as the international secretary. Under this heading are links for the OLSH Sisters and the MSC Sisters.

In 2020, Requiem Masses for deceased confreres were filmed and made available on the Province Facebook page and Youtube.  Each ministry has its own site and there are personal/work sites for Michael Fallon and Peter Malone


Online Masses and celebrations.

analecta mass

During lockdown, Masses were filmed in MSC parishes and available on Youtube and parish Facebook pages, as well as other key ceremonies at Easter and Christmas: Randwick, Henley Beach, Blackburn, Moonah.

MSC Colleges recorded many events on video, camera and posted them on the respective Facebook pages.

Mission Alive

mission alive

This is a continuing series by the Director of the MSC Mission Office, Roger Purcell, You Tube talks, of five minutes plus. Other MSC participated and several OLSH Sisters with mission stories from PNG and South Africa. There are also short programs from international MSC Mission Offices, the Philippines, PNG and from Africa.

Chevalier Institute

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Webinars during 2020 on justice themes, a range of speakers, Claude Mostowik MSC, Krish Mathavan MSC, Guest speakers, students from MSC Colleges.


Besides the Province and several ministries, especially parishes and colleges, a significant number of confreres have their Facebook pages, posting items, news and comments (and using Like and other emojis).  (And some on Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok…)

Film Reviews

Peter Malone’s reviews can be found on his website (Google, Peter Malone website and it will appear clearly), along with extensive discussion material, written since 1969, and other resources.

His reviews have been part of the work of the Australian Catholic Office for Film and Broadcasting. However, late in 2020, news was received that the Office was to be closed due to financial difficulties.  Director of the Office, Fr Richard Leonard SJ, consulted with the management of Jesuit Communications and the reviews, along with those of Peter Sheehan and Callum Ryan, appear on the Jesuit Communications site.