Sunday, 13 September 2020 22:04

Melbourne, 13th September - your sympathy.

Melbourne, 13th September  -  your sympathy.

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For the millions of us living in Melbourne, 13th September was to be our day of hope, a day of lifting coronavirus restrictions. It is not to be – the hopeful day has been postponed for at least a  fortnight. (The daily infection rate is going down and we hope it will continue to do so.)

Except for a few weeks in June-July, Melbourne has been living in Stage 3 and for almost two months in Stage 4 lockdown – no visits or visiting, 5 kms limit to travel from home, some time for daily exercise, curfew.

We are 13 MSC living in Melbourne,

At Blackburn, Formation at Cuskelly House, Khoi, Vincent and Anh, at 71 Central Rd, a rather enclosed pre-novitiate year.

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Anh celebrating a quiet birthday

Mark Hanns and Kenji Konda. Terry Bowman is in the Presbytery. Brian Gallagher lives at 77 Central Rd.

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Zoom important at Kew - and Kenji is one of Philip's zoom students

Four of us at Kew: Philip Malone, Paul Castley, Peter Curry, Peter Malone.

Frank Andersen is in Mont Albert North, Michael Sims at the Little Sisters in Northcote.


The last two community meetings were via zoom

Ted McCormack is at Monivae, but it seems country Victoria may soon have lifted restrictions.

Des Holm and Krish Mathvan are in Launceston and Hobart, free movement within Tasmania but the borders are closed.

(Perhaps a little envy of MSC and more freedoms in NSW, SA and NT!)

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In the meantime, online Masses from St Thomas' church - parish ministry and another formation enterprise.

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