Monday, 27 July 2020 22:28

Announcement: New Appointment for 2021 – Director of the Chevalier Institute, Anne McAtomney.

Announcement: New Appointment  for 2021 – Director of the Chevalier Institute, Anne McAtomney.

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With recent approval of the Provincial in Council, I am pleased to announce Anne McAtomney as the next Director of the Chevalier Institute. Anne will commence in the role in January, 2021. After a comprehensive selection process that attracted many very well qualified candidates, it was apparent that Anne is the person to lead the Chevalier Institute in the next phase of its journey.

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Remembering beginnings, Brett Adamson, Alison McKenzie, Bob Irwin.

Anne is a very experienced educator with a range of leadership experiences that ideally equip her for this role. Over the last 25 years, Anne has been deeply embedded in the Spirituality of the Heart through her significant involvement at Downlands College, culminating in her appointment as the Assistant Principal-Mission some ten years ago.

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Downlands College logo.

Anne has relished this role in A P-Mission and in her own words: "it has given me the opportunity to work within a charism and spirituality that has become a passion for its beauty and the gift that it is and can be for others."

The co-facilitation model that has been used over and times where AP-Missions work with the Director to conduct programs for College staff has given Anne an excellent insight into the requirements of being the Director and will allow a very smooth transition into this most important role.

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Retiring director, Alison McKenzie, General Secretary of the International Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family.

I wish to acknowledge the extraordinary contribution by Alison McKenzie in the role of Director over the last eight years and look forward later in the year to celebrating Alison's retirement with as many of you as possible.

Yours sincerely,

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Mark McGinnity

Director of MSC Education.


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