Thursday, 23 July 2020 22:16

Fr Ted McCormack MSC, an achievement, 60 years ordained.

Fr Ted McCormack MSC, an achievement, 60 years ordained.

Ted McCormack

Our congratulations to Ted, 87th birthday on July 14th, and 60 years ordained today.

Ted has had a fruitful ministry in PNG, in Australian parishes and, in more recent years, parish supply, especially in the Sandhurst diocese. (Though covid-19 has limited Ted’s and all our parish supply with church closures or limited numbers permissible at Masses and sacraments.)

Peter Mass Memories of Monivae Ted McCormack and Peter Hendriks

Memories of Monivae, Ted and Peter Hendriks.

Ted lives at Monivae College, the only remaining MSC there. He is part of the Victoria-Tasmania MSC Community.