Choir practice for Most Sacred Heart.
News from MSC Vietnam: The Day of Grateful Hearts.
With thanks to Quy Thien Bui MSC
Mass for the Most Sacred Heart. Presider: Fr. Hoang, MSC.
Many of us have known very well the house of the Lover of Holy Cross Sisters in Long Hai where Vietnamese MSC Community often choose to have some yearly events such as summer courses of the scholastics, holiday of aspirants, and community outing. Here, we encounter a lot of beautiful memories with people and MSC's events. For this time, we decided to celebrate the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart (19.06.2020) and to include the 25th ordination anniversary of Uncle Thoi and those who have birthday and the coming feast day of saint John the Baptist, saint Paul and Peter the apostles of June. Many reasons for a day making it more meaningful and grateful.
Speech from Fr. Hoang, MSC to Chevalier’s Family.
It took almost three hours from Saigon City to Long Hai. We arrived the place around 5 p.m. and had the Solemnity Mass of the Sacred Heart at 6 o'clock. The chapel was small but full of loving presence of all MSC members: Frs. Hoang, Thoi, Minh, Quang and all Scholaticate brothers together Trong, a postulant. Hoang was the main celebrant and Minh was the preacher. In his homily, he gave an impressive words concerning to the Heart of Christ that all of us is carrying in this world in order to make it known and loved not only among us but also in our society, especially those who are poor and little ones. After the Mass, we had an agape meal outside. It was really a fraternal night when we could share stories and laughed together.
Speech from Fr. Hoang, MSC to Fr. Thoi. MSC (25th ordination anniversary)
On the next morning, we celebrated the Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the intentions of giving thanks for the 25th ordination of Uncle Thoi and those brothers who have birthday and feast day in June. This was a very special Mass because of the presence of all of members of Chevalier's family: OLSH Sisters, MSC Sisters, Young Lay MSC who came to make it more fervent. Uncle Thoi, who gave a heartfelt homily, mentioned some beautiful features of the Heart of Mary drawn from the Gospel that we could reflect and learn from so that through Her we came to know and love more and more Her Son, Jesus.
A gift from MSC community to Fr. Thoi, MSC.
He also shared a significant memory of his vocation journey attached with the spirituality of heart since he was childhood. It was really a wholehearted celebration that we could feel the love and compassion of the Heart of Christ drawing our hearts into the same family, the Church which our Founder, Jules Chevalier foreseen. Following by the cordial meal that we enjoyed much with delightful foods, some wishes coming from members, and some funny games.
Speech from Fr. Thoi. MSC to Chevalier Family.
All of those days were so grateful that we thanked to God for what He has done and blessed us. The prayer of St. Francis was sung as it was our wish for our presence and mission in the world today.
Chevalier family in Viet Nam.
Fr. Thoi, MSC with 25th ordination anniversary.