July seems to have been a mission establishing month: MSC in Yule Island, PNG; MSC in Bangalore, India; MSC in Canada; MSC Sisters in Peru.
Statue of Blessed Peter to Rot
It is also a month of memories of murdered MSCs, in Indonesia during World War II, of Peter To Rot in New Britain and in Central America of Faustino Villneuva.
1 July, 1885
Father Verjus, Brothers Salvator Gasbarra and Nicolaus Marconi arrive in Yule Island. The mission in Papua begins!!
2 July, 1985
Opening of the first MSC House in India. the original house was rented from the Holy Cross Fathers, in Bangalore.
4 July, 1885
Father Verjus celebrates the first Eucharist on Yule Island and 48 years later in 1933 Monsignor de Boismenu consecrates a chapel built on the site of the first Eucharist.
5 July, 1941
Unveiling of the statue of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Miribel, France. The statue is 33 meters high!
7 July, 1945
The death of Peter To Rot, Martyr and Catechist in PNG. He was beatified, 17 December, 1995.
10 July, 1980
Father Faustino Villanueva, MSC, from the Spanish MSC Province, is assassinated in Joyabaj, Guatemala.
11 July, 1946
The body of Marie Louise Hartzer is transferred from Thuin, Belgium to the Mother House of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Issoudun.
St John Vianney
14 July, 1859
Father Jules Chevalier visits the Curé d'Ars, Jean-Marie Vianney. The Curé confirms Chevalier in his mission as founder! Two days after their visit, Father Chevalier and Piperon start a novena with the Curé d'Ars, who died shortly after on 4 August, 1859.
17 July, 1874
The church in Issoudun is erected as a Minor Basilica: the Basilica of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
19 July, 1876
Father Chevalier buries his mother in Richelieu.
19 July, 1947
The first missionary group of MSC Sisters leave Germany to begin a mission in Peru.
20 July, 1926
Monsignor Couppé, MSC, founder of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, a local congregation in Papua New Guinea, dies at Douglas Park in Australia.
21 July, 1896
Father H. Linckens, MSC, is appointed Provincial of the newly-erected German MSC Province.
21 July, 1982
Father Eugene Cuskelly, MSC, former Superior General, is ordained auxiliary bishop of Brisbane, in Australia.
24 July, 1828
Jean Charles Piperon, one of Father Chevalier's faithful founding companions, was born about 50 kilometres from Issoudun, at Vierzon, France.
30 July, 1942
Monsignor Aerts and 12 Dutch MSC confreres are killed at Langgur, Indonesia, during World War II.
Tomb of Mons Aerts MSC and the confreres killed at Langgur
31 July, 1873
Father J.B. Chappel and Brother H. Dechâtre leave France for the very first MSC overseas mission: the mission in Canada! In 1875, they establish the first MSC residence in the USA, at Watertown, New York State. The present MSC Superior General, Father Mark McDonald, MSC, was born and grew up in Watertown!
31 July, 1878
Father Chevalier signs the purchase deed of the Church of St James of the Spaniards, Piazza Navona, Rome. Today it is known as the Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.