Fr Parthalomai Paniadial MSC welcomed to Australia and to St Paul's Nightcliff
We invited Fr Bartha to tell us a little about himself and his ministry in Darwin.
"I am Parthalomai Paniadiai from India. We are seven members in my family, father, mother, three brothers and a sister. I am the fourth child in my family. This is my first first mission out from India. I am an assistant parish Priest in St. Pauls Nighcliff.
Being an assistant priest my ministries are, Administering all the sacrament, house visit and blessings, Administrator, part of council members, finance group, taking communion for the sick and honestly doing all the work with my Parish Priest Father Peter.
I am so happy to be here as a missionaries of the Sacred Heart to serve the people earnestly,
as Jesus Said, I have come to this earth not to be served but to serve so I take up the same challenge of my master and lord Jesus to serve him and serve others faithfully following my vows Obedience Chastity and Poverty. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere."