Leo Wearden has sent this item from Wadeye.
Tribute to Ted Merritt MSC
Frank Brennan SJ writes:
I am presently watching the funeral in Darwin of Brother Ted Merritt MSC, one of the greats, who ministered in the NT assisting remote Aboriginal communities for most of his life.
I placed this tribute on the Nightcliff Parish Facebook page for Ted:
A great man. The master of the wry understatement; a tireless worker; a fearless, persistent, practical advocate for the little guy; a man of simple faith with a big heart and absolutely no pretensions. He embodied all that's best and noble about the Australian MSCs. He worked in the kitchen when I was a boy at Downlands in the '60s and then we saw a lot of each other at the Daly and in Darwin over the years. May he rest in peace.
Tribute to Paul Stenhouse MSC
From Cardinal Pell: [‘Diary of an Innocent Man’, Tess Livingstone, The Australian, Tuesday April 14th 2020, Inquirer section, p. 9]
His deepest regret is the pain his ordeal caused his family and close friends. He was deeply saddened not to be able to visit Sydney priest Father Paul Stenhouse, the former editor of Annals magazine, when he was dying in November, after years of battling cancer. "He was a dear friend and learned priest. We need more like him.”
Condolences to Bishop Rochus Tatamai on the death of his mother.
Dear one and all
It is within the joy of the glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the sadness of a human heart that I officially announce that my mum Helena IaBarol (15.08.1942 - 12.04.2020) died this morning 730am at the Bishop's residrnce in Kavieng. She didn't have any health issues or illhealth medical history.
She was getting ready for morning mass and sat on the chair in the dinning room and died.
Thanks to you all for praying with me and my family for the repose of her soul. In fact Easter Monday was a beautiful and timely day for her to return to the Lord.
The Lord is truly Risen to Life and he is our resurrection and our eternal life. May he judge her mercifully and grant her eternal life.
Rochus Josef Tatamai MSC DD CSM
Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Kavieng
Papua New Guinea
Seminar, God and Science, Chevalier Institue, previously advertised, now a Webinar, details below.