All over the world, Holy Week ceremonies have been streamed. Our Australian MSC parishes have celebrated in this way (links to some of them on the Province Facebook page). St Thomas, Blackburn, is the MSC parish in Melbourne along with Cuskelly House, the formation house.
A time for collaboration and here are some photos of the film crew at work at Blackburn, Anh, Kenji and Mark.
We have been recording masses and posting them on YouTube since the restrictions came into place.
Mark built that light from scraps, spending only $5 at Bunnings for a power plug.
Terry is the lead, with Vincent in the supporting role.
Marg, Margaret Burchill IBVM, our pastoral assistant, comes in for stage design and flowers.
But the real hero is Anh, who spends hours editing and uploading the footage.
There seems to be a bit of a cult following, with Holy Thursday receiving 1.5K hits.
The shooting takes place in the church in the evenings for lighting consistency, and at least two days prior so that we have time to edit.
Terry has received lots of positive feedback – the elderly and housebound seem grateful for this service.
Wishing you and the community every best wish and joy with the risen Lord, alleluia!
[Meanwhile in lockdown at Kew, there was difficulty in our candle's continually going out. The community leader of Victoria and Tasmania offered a solution: to consult Wik-ipedia. Alleluja.]