Director of the Office, Roger Purcell MSC reports:
In late 2019 the Blue Room on the ground floor of Chevalier Resource Centre was offered to the us by the Provincial and Superior as a new location. This was a great offer as our present Office in the Monastery is too small and we occupy five other rooms with files and books.
We accepted the offer, and after some disussion with the community there and respecting their situation and needs, we are now in the process of moving. The situation at Chevalier Resouce Cente has changed and the community there is finding its way forward. This will mean a lot of work to relocate all our operation, files and resources to this room thus freeing those rooms in the Monastery.
We hope to have the new Office operational in the near future as we acquire new future for storage and archives as well as the needs for office and meeting space. The room is such that we can comfortably fit our whole operation in this one space.
It is interesting that the Mission Office grew out of a request in 1997 at our Mission Conference near Cairns for a “Mission Desk”. Twenty years later there is a new Director and one year after Adrian’s death we move to this new location. We look forward to a new time for the Mission Office as we continue the work begun, seek new directions and methods while remaining faithful to the mission and charism.
For further developments, literally watch this space.