The memoirs of Fr Adrian Meaney msc launched on Friday 14th February 2020 at the Sacred Heart Monastery in Kensington.
With thanks to the MSC Mission Office, Roger Purcell and Sean Donovan, photos and text.
Colourful Australian MSC priest Fr Adrian Meaney passed away just twelve months ago following a ministry in Papua New Guinea, Northern Territory and the MSC Mission Office spanning some 57 years.
Now his memoirs have been published covering all his adventures in life from growing up in Queensland, experiences as a priest in Alice Springs and Papua New Guinea, organizing two Papal visits by John Paul II, and finally founding the MSC Mission Office to help works across the Pacific, Asia and Africa.
Now is your opportunity to buy "A Roaming Catholic" to commemorate and remember this unique individual.
THE LAUNCH - at lunch
Fr Roger Purcell msc was MC for the launch of "A Roaming Catholic", the memoirs of Fr Adrian Meaney msc.
The launch of the Memoirs was with the sharing of a meal, which was very much in the way of Adrian.
Fr Purcell made some opening remarks followed by some words from Fr Chris McPhee, Provincial Superior of the Australian MSC province.
Fr Purcell then introduced Sean Donovan from the MSC Mission Office to do the formal launch.
Sean Donovan - Words at Launch
Thank you, Roger.
As Henry the Eighth said to his wives: "I won't keep you long."
It is truly a joy to be here with you today for the launch of Adrian's memoirs.
I am sure that you all know Adrian very well, and probably a lot better than me.
Adrian worked on this book literally until his last breath at the hospital.
So many people have helped to massage it into the form that it is as you see today.
And, of course, being a book by Adrian it does have a donation page.
He was very fond of saying his favourite quote in the Bible was "God loves a cheerful giver". And so we must make it very easy for people to give so that they are more cheerful.
So on that note I will launch Adrian's book and hopefully you all get some wonderful reading out of it and enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed putting it together.
God bless everybody and thank you for coming.
Fr Purcell then distributed special copies to the Province, Sacred Heart Monastery, MSC Library, and Chevalier Press.
To Jac Boelen MSC for the Kensington community
To Peter Macinante for the Library and Archives