Thursday, 16 January 2020 21:38



humberto korea


Taking advantage of the occasion of the 25th General Conference in South Korea, after its closing, I went to Seoul, the capital of the country, to visit the Houses of Formation. Once we arrived, we saw a warning: take off your sandals when you enter the rooms. A sign of cleanliness, but also of respect.

This attitude also teaches us not only good ways of behaving in another country, but also reminds us of the inner attitude that we must have when we meet with each individual person. It reminds me of the attitude I should have when I'm talking to the trainers and trainees. And it was in this spirit of mutual respect that this accompaniment took place in Korea, just as it has in other places.

I came across beautiful people who were committed to our mission. Formators who are well trained and who continue to seek answers to the daily questions that human accompaniment demands, especially in Initial Formation. Formands who, despite the challenge of the changes they face, ardently desire to respond to God's call in their lives.

humberto henriques philippines

 The Houses of Formation in South Korea are located in the same place on an island near the capital, where the Province also maintains a Retreat House and a beautiful newly built Church. At present we have 1 pre-novice, 3 novices and 3 scholastics (among these, 2 deacons). For next year, three new candidates are waiting to enter MSC formation. Taking into account the Christian minority, the secularization of society and the fact that we are not involved in parish ministries, this number of vocations represents a good work done by the Korean brothers, together with the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, with whom they work

It was an intense week with activities organized by them, meetings with the formands together and individually, and meetings with the formators. In addition, I had the opportunity to visit some tourist places with the students and experience the delicious and exotic dog meat!

The impression is that everyone did the best they could, taking their time and attention to make us feel like one family: the MSC family. At all times, we took off our sandals to respectfully approach each other's lives. And from one meal to another, one meeting to another, we recognized each other as brothers and encouraged those in formation to continue to fall in love with Jesus and the mission.

humberto korea