Thursday, 12 December 2019 21:54

KHOI DOAN NGUYEN MSC, NEW BOOK: TOWARDS CALVARY, The Stations of the Cross in Everyday Life.

KHOI DOAN NGUYEN MSC, NEW BOOK: TOWARDS CALVARY, The Stations of the Cross in Everyday Life.


Khoi’s third book, the first in Vietnames, the second, A Quiet Place Within, Contemplation from the Heart. He lives at Cuskelly House, the MSC Formation House in Blackburn, Melbourne, where he is the Director of the Pre-Novitiate program.



For generations, the fourteen stations of the cross have been part of the Catholic observance of Lent when we recall and reflect on the journey of Jesus to Calvary. But the command of Jesus to take up our cross is not limited to a forty day period in the church’s year but to the everyday experiences and challenges of being faithful disciples.

This understanding is at the heart of Towards Calvary. Khoi Doan Nguyen has taken the traditional number of fourteen stations but has modified them, recalling other incidents in the Gospel stories, offering new insights for our consideration, inviting us to fresh understandings of what it means to journey with Jesus to Calvary in our everyday lives.

The story of Jesus’ passion and death is not exclusively for Lent or Easter. It is the central story of Christianity; about human life and transformation. It is the story of our everyday life.

Khoi Doan Nguyen is a Missionary of the Sacred Heart in Australia. He graduated Bachelor of Theology and Master of Theological Studies at the University of Divinity in Melbourne.

He has published two books in Vietnamese, Return and Limitation and Forgiveness, and one in English, A Quiet Place Within (Coventry Press). He has also written articles on theology, spirituality and social justice in Compass, The Swag, and Populus Dei (the monthly Vietnamese Catholic Magazine in Australia). He was ordained a priest in 2018 and is currently a formator for his congregation.

To buy this book, Google:  Coventry Press. Towards Calvary  Khoi

Khoi launch speech