Sister Trish Rush MSC died on November 15th. Recently, she celebrated 100 years of life and over 80 years of religious profession.
Her Requiem Mass was presided over by her Franciscan brother, Theophane (Paul) Rush. A eulogy was presented by Sister Francis Baum MSC.
“Our Sister Trish was born, the third eldest in a family of 10 children to John and Ellen (Nellie) Rush of Ivanhoe, September 24, 1919.
Having excelled in her studies at Primary School, she obtained scholarships to St Itaa’s in North Fitzroy and then to the Academy of Mary immaculate, where, after obtaining her Leaving Certificate she dreamt of fields further away. Having heard through a neighbour who had recently had a baby at Mena House that a Sister had been farewelled to work among lepers in PNG, she knew immediately that that was the Order she wished to join. Like Damien of Molokai she would go there. She did join our MSC Congregation in 1936, taking the name of Sister Damien. With Annie Glaven (Sister Marie Therese), they were the first Australians to join the congregation here in Australia.
Trish’s heart was on fire with the future purpose of her life. It was a fire enkindled through her parents and family, of deep faith and love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, and it remained her constant leitmotif as her missionary calling led her through fields of Profession in Nursing and Nurse Education, Leadership in these fields and the opportunity to give employment in the many fields connected. This, especially, to seminarians, refugees and others disadvantaged. She remained active in her companionship with others right throughout life.
In 1974 Trish was led by the Spirit to deepen her commitment through the Charismatic Renewal Movement, which set her heart on fire with renewed purpose. The opportunity for a year at Gaithersburg, Maryland, in 1978-79 also fed her heart and spirit. Trish always freely gave from her many gifts and opportunities. She always had a heart and a place for others, especially those living on the fringe of society. And her missionary dream was fulfilled when she did have the opportunity to teach nursing in PNG for a year.
In these latter years, Saint Catherine’s home became her home and friends.
Go now in peace and joy to the God you loved and served so faithfully.