MSC, 1854-2024, 170 years of heart-life and mission
More reasons to celebrate these 170 years with enthusiasm: From the Anniversary letter of our Superior General, Abzalon
* The implementation of two MSC facilitators’ programs in English in Rome and in Spanish/Portuguese and Brazil.
* The International Meeting of the Laity of the Chevalier Family in the Philippines.
* The continuity one, prayer is giving to the Centre for the Poor-CEPAGCO in the Philippines, as its director has begun to promote JPIC at the Congregational level.
* The Ministry of one MSC Brother in Vietnam who works as a chef in a boarding school where 700 meals are prepared three times a day. There, in the midst of pots and pans, the MSC Spirit vibrates.
* The birth of the new MSC Province of India, just 170 years after our foundation and its upcoming missionary project in Ireland and France.
* The second newest Province, the Pacific Islands Province, will soon be opening a community in New Zealand and another in France.
* The presence of the Francophone African Union in France and in the Brussels City Centre where two Congolese MSC and an 84-year-old Belgian are staying at the "foot of those excluded from the system".
* This energy is also evident through the courage of the MSC entities in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Italy as they dream of an MSC Union of Europe, even with the ageing challenges. Our delegate for this project is taking steps through listening to each member and the leaders of these places, which gives us plenty of reasons to celebrate these 170 years of missionary life.
* Five retreats will be held in the Australian province, supported by a member of the General Team, to deepen their awareness of being Gifted and Blessed as MSC.
* There is new energy in the General Administration infused by young and renewed members, together with the dedication of the Communications, Safeguarding, Finance, Ongoing Formation, and JPIC Commissions, enabling us to better serve the Congregation.
- Further times of celebration include the 100 years of MSC presence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the new formation community in Kenya, the courage of the Spanish Province in "letting go" of two historic MSC works so that they can "let come" a new reality with hope, and the two international communities in Issoudun, France, and Kiel, a suburb of Antwerp, Belgium.
- The process of reconfiguration and transformation being undertaken by the MSC territorial organisations – CAMSC, APIA, and PEC – and the ongoing project to establish AFMSC in Africa, fills us with energy and dynamism, providing us with reasons to celebrate this anniversary.There is a video message from Abzalon: