Formators Meeting, Cuskelly House, Blackburn, 25-29 November 2024
On day 2, 3 and 4 of this meeting, the formators reflected and discussed on the formation in the stage of Novitiate, Post-novitiate, and other contemporary aspects of formation, i.e. technologies, safeguarding, clericalism and JIPC, according to the Emmaus Formation Document (2023). Also, during these days, we discussed other matters in formation, some from the formators, some from others in the Province. At the end of these days, we have come up with a list of recommendations for our initial formation in Vietnam and Australia, assisting to direct our current and future initial formation in these contexts. We also decided to continue meeting annually to discuss further matters, especially to support each other as a team in this important ministry of the Province.
On day 5, the last day of the meeting week, we met with Stephen Hackett, our Provincial Superior, and discussed with him many recommendations emanating from the week’s discussions and reflections. We also received professional development input through group supervision experience with Hien Vu, a Melbourne diocesan priest. We concluded the meeting with a celebration of the Eucharist, presided by Stephen, and a meal out with him.
We thank Stephen and his presence with us to convey his support to the important ministry of formation of the Province. We also thank all the formators travelling from overseas (Quang Bui and Danh Doan – Vietnam, and Thi Nguyen – the Philippines) and back from Sydney (Mark Hanns) to be at the meeting, Dom for his diligent secretarial work, the presence and full participation of Krish Mathavan (back from Singapore), and Khoi Nguyen, for his organising and leading of the meeting. We also thank the Province for your prayers and thoughts as we continue to reflect and improve on our ministry of initial formation.