Monday, 28 October 2024 22:31

Moacir Goulart de Figuredo MSC – Provincial to Bishop

Moacir Goulart de Figuredo MSC – Provincial to Bishop

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From Abzalon:The Spirit, through the Church, once again turns his gaze on our humble and vulnerable Congregation. The Pope has chosen and appointed Fr. Moacir Goulart de Figueredo, MSC (Curitiba—Brazil), with Episcopal dignity, as the Apostolic Vicar of San Miguel de Sucumbíos, Ecuador.
P. Moacir is currently the Provincial of the MSC Province of Curitiba, which includes the MSC Section of Ecuador. It is a large missionary Vicariate in the Amazon region of Ecuador.

Thanks to Moacir for accepting this challenge to be a new MSC servant-bishop. We know that Moacir will continue his dedication to the mission.


Further information: Father Moacir was born in the city of Salto do Lontra (PR) on September 30, 1965. He took his perpetual vows in the congregation of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart on February 2, 1990, and was ordained a priest on November 16, 1991. Of his 33 years of priesthood, 20 were spent in Ecuador, as parish priest, vicar, seminary rector, archdiocesan director of the Pontifical Mission Societies and executive secretary of the National Missionary Center of the Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference. In Brazil, Father Moacir was provincial superior, seminary rector and vicar.  

Since 2022, Father Moacir has lived in Curitiba, where he serves as provincial superior of the congregation of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (Province of Curitiba).  

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