Wednesday, 16 October 2024 12:13

Crossing, The/ Norway

crossing norway

  THE CROSSING/ Flukten over grensen


Norway, 2020, 96 minutes, Colour.

Anna Sofie Skarholt, Bo Lindquist-Ellingson, Samson Steine, Bianca Ghilardi-Hellsten.

Directed by Johanne Helgeland.


The Crossing is a World War II film, different from what we normally experience, well worth seeing.

This is a Norwegian story, focusing on the Nazi occupation of that country and the Quisling government. But, it is a story about children.

The film introduces its theme with footage from the time, especially in the German occupation, the role of the police, the rounding up of the Jews…

But, in a small town, a couple with their son and daughter are involved in helping the Jews. In fact, two children have been hidden in their house. Their daughter, Gerda, younger, is very forthright and determined. The boy, Otto, older, sneaks off to meetings and is enthusiastic about the campaigns against the Jews.

When the authorities take the parents, the children discover the hidden Jewish brother and sister, the enterprising young daughter organising some kind of escape so that they can reach the Swedish border and safety, forcing her brother to participate in the rescue. There are dangers, harsh German soldiers, local sympathetic police with hints for safety, a train ride, meeting up with family connections, a young man with a vehicle, a drive, being held up by the authorities, pursuit in the forests.

The Jewish children, the boy suspicious and hostile, the little girl happy to have company. The film does not underestimate the dangers for the children as well is for the adults and there are some scenes of danger in the forests.

The final postscript is welcome, reunion after the end of the war.

  1. World War II film with a difference? Norway? Neutral Sweden? Children? Occupying Germans? Local police?
  2. The recreation of the setting, costumes and decor, 1942, the winter, homes, German occupation, ordinary activities, farms, children hiding, the journey, the vehicle, the border, the forests? The musical score?
  3. The opening, setting the scene, World War II, Hitler, occupation of Norway, the Norwegian government and loyalty, the police, the children, the taking of the parents?
  4. The focus on the family, the parents, characters, activities, sheltering the children? Their being arrested? Otto, his age, going to the rally, the fascist anti-Semitic speakers, his being caught up, returning home? The contrast with Gerda, her age, strong personality, clashes with Otto? The bonds between them, the difficulties? Meals, at home, the arrest of the parents?
  5. The discovery of Daniel and Sarah, their ages, concealed, Otto and his reaction, Gerda and her reaction? The decision to save him, Otto hesitant, supporting his sister?
  6. The film as their journey, the various steps, to get to the border, the visit of their mother’s friend, promising help? The train journey? Hiding, the German guards, the local police, the sympathetic policeman and his advice? There hiding? Through the forest, hunger, food? Get into the farm, the young man, his vehicle, travelling with them? The border, their being held up, help, escape?
  7. In the forest, the difficulties, food and hunger, hiding, the pursuit, Otto and his disappearance? Gerda, taking charge, strength of character? Daniel, his wariness and suspicions, Sarah and her bonding with the other children?
  8. The dangers, the crossing, the young man and the vehicle, his escape? The children, safety, finding Otto again? The bonding – and the focal sequences, after the war, and the reuniting?