Thursday, 26 September 2024 09:32

The 2024 APIA Conference, India

The 2024 APIA Conference, India

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The biennial gathering of MSC from Asia, the Pacific and Australia.

apia kimi mass use

We are represented by Kimi for the Provincial, Claude for Justice, Khoi for Formation.

apai justice

The APIA Meeting began on Sunday, September 22nd, with an Opening Mass presided over by the Indian Provincial Superior. After the Mass, we gathered for a formal welcome, during which Father Joshua from the Indian Province delivered a welcoming speech to greet all participants.

apia altar

The Secretary General of APIA, along with the Indian Provincial, then provided an overview of how the meeting would proceed. The evening concluded with a shared dinner and a lively social night before everyone retired for the night.

apia meal

On Monday, September 23rd, the second day of the APIA Meeting began with Mass, presided over by Father Sam, the Provincial Superior of the Indonesian Province, with the Provincial Superior of the PNG Province delivering the homily. After Mass, we shared breakfast together before splitting into our respective groups.

apia chris Copy

The Provincials gathered in a meeting facilitated by Father Chris Chaplain from the General Leadership Team, while the formators met separately with Father Bram, also from the General Leadership Team. Those attending for Safeguarding convened with Father James Espuerta MSC from the Philippines, and the JPIC members had their session facilitated by Father Richie MSC, also from the Philippines.

apia group

On the third day of the APIA Meeting, held on Tuesday, September 24th, participants continued their work in their respective groups. The group facilitated by Fr. Chris Chaplin for the Provincials, focused on key themes such as Leadership and Collaboration between the provinces within the APIA territory.


apia provs

Meanwhile, other groups, including the Formation group, the Safeguarding group, and the JPIC group, continued their discussions on the themes relevant to their areas. In the evening, all participants were invited by the Indian Provincial Superior to their provincial house for a cultural night and dinner, providing a time of fellowship and celebration.

apia dining